The city council shall have the power and authority to appoint a judge of the municipal court for the city, as it may from time to time deem necessary.
Office established; salary; term; removal.
There is hereby created the office of municipal court judge to be appointed by the city council, and shall receive a salary to be decided by the city council. Said judge shall hold office for a period of three years to coincide with the term of the mayor of the city, and can be removed during term of office only by vote of the city council for failure to perform the duties of his office.
Powers and duties.
The municipal court judge, when appointed and qualified according to law, shall have all the powers and authority prescribed by the laws of the state and the city, and shall execute all processes of said court in conformity with the law.
Oath and bond.
Before the municipal court judge appointed by virtue of this section enters upon the duties of his office, he shall qualify by taking the oath of office, as provided by the constitution of the state, and by executing a good and sufficient bond for the sum of $1,000.00 conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and that he shall account for all moneys and fees coming into his hands by virtue of said office.
(Ordinance 10-81 adopted 8/11/81; Ordinance adopting Code)
In accordance with article 103.0031 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, there shall be imposed an additional fee of thirty percent on all debts and accounts receivable, i.e., fines, fees, restitution, other debts, and costs, that are more than sixty days past due and have been referred to an attorney for collection.
(Ordinance adopted 2/16/09)
There is hereby created and established a municipal court building security fund (the “fund”) pursuant to article 102.017 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Assessment of fee.
The municipal court of the city is hereby authorized and required to assess a municipal court building security fee in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code against all defendants convicted of a misdemeanor offense by the municipal court. Each misdemeanor conviction shall be subject to a separate assessment of the fee.
Persons considered convicted.
A person is considered to have been convicted in a case if:
Judgment, sentence, or both are imposed on the person;
The person is placed on deferred disposition; or
The court defers final disposition or imposition of the judgment and sentence.
Applicability of fee.
The fee shall be collected on convictions for offenses committed on or after this section is adopted.
Collection of fee.
The municipal court clerk is hereby authorized and required to collect the fee and to pay same to the city secretary. All fees so collected and paid over to the city secretary shall be segregated in the fund.
Designated use of fund.
The fund shall be used only for the purpose of financing the purchase of security devices and/or services for the building or buildings housing the municipal court of the city. “Security devices and/or services” shall include any and all items described in article 102.017(d-1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The fund shall be administered by or under the direction of the city council.
(Ordinance 18-08-13:4 adopted 8/13/18; Ordinance adopting Code)
There is hereby created and established a municipal court technology fund, herein known as the “fund,” pursuant to article 102.0172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The fund may be maintained in an interest-bearing account and may be maintained in the general revenue account.
Amount of fee; assessment and collection.
The fee shall be in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
The fee shall be assessed and collected from the defendant upon conviction for a misdemeanor offense in the municipal court as a cost of court. A defendant is considered convicted if:
Judgment, sentence, or both are imposed on the person;
The person is placed on deferred disposition; or
The court defers final disposition or imposition of the judgment and sentence.
The fee shall be collected on convictions for offenses committed on or after this section is adopted.
The clerk of the court shall collect the fee and pay the fee to the city secretary, who shall deposit the fee into the municipal court technology fund.
Designated use of fund; administration.
The fund shall be used only for the purpose of financing the purchase of or to maintain technological enhancements for the municipal court of the city. “Technological enhancements” shall include any and all items described in article 102.0172(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The fund shall be administered by or under the direction of the city council.
(Ordinance 2018-05-07 adopted 5/7/18; Ordinance 18-08-13:3 adopted 8/13/18; Ordinance adopting Code)
The officers of the municipal court of the city shall receive the same fee in criminal actions tried in said court as are now provided by the laws of the state for justice courts.
Said fees shall be taxed and collected as provided by the laws of the state governing justice courts, when not inconsistent with state law.
(Ordinance 11 adopted 8/5/29; Ordinance adopting Code)