[R.O. 1991 § 170.010; Ord. No. 537 § 1, 12-10-1985]
There is hereby established within the City a Public Works Department.
[R.O. 1991 § 170.020; Ord. No. 537 § 1, 12-10-1985]
The Public Works Department shall be responsible for:
The construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of all streets and other public ways, pavements, curbs, alleys, etc., within the City.
The construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of surface water drainage ditches, pipes, culverts, creeks, inlets, and structures.
The construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of all parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, swimming pools and buildings and land used for parks or recreational purposes owned or under control of the City.
The planting and care of all lawns, trees, shrubbery, and other landscaping on property owned or controlled by the City.
The removal of dead, diseased or dangerous trees or growths upon public rights-of-way within the City. The Director of the Public Works Department shall be designated as the City Forester.
The construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of all buildings or facilities, including alterations, additions and appurtenances thereto, owned or controlled by the City.
The maintenance, repair and care of all vehicles and equipment owned or operated by the City and the operations of a central garage.
To coordinate all construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repairs with other departments, utilities or other persons affected by such work.
The performance of such other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the City Administrator or by order of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 1991 § 170.030; Ord. No. 537 § 1, 12-10-1985]
The City Administrator shall recommend to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, some suitable person to serve as Director of Public Works. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall approve or disapprove the person recommended. The Director of Public Works shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 1991 § 170.040; Ord. No. 537 § 1, 12-10-1985]
The Department shall be staffed by the Director of Public Works and such other employees as may be authorized from time to time.
[R.O. 1991 § 170.050; Ord. No. 537 § 2, 12-10-1985; Ord. No. 23-1251, 11-14-2023]
The present employees of the Street Department and Park Department are hereby designated as employees of the Public Works Department, subject to all rules, regulations and ordinances of the City. Each position presently held by an employee is hereby designated as an authorized position within the Public Works Department.
[R.O. 1991 § 170.060; Ord. No. 537 § 3, 12-10-1985]
All policies and procedures which are presently in effect shall remain in effect until such time as they are changed or superseded.