It shall be unlawful for any person:
To make or permit to be made any connections with the main or service pipes of the waterworks system of the city or to turn on or use the water of such system without first obtaining permission from the water department.
To set or cause to be set any water meter, whether private or belonging to the waterworks system, except with the permission and under the supervision and control of the water department.
To resort to any fraudulent device or arrangement for the purpose of procuring water for oneself or others from private connections on any premises contrary to the provisions of this article or other city regulations or ordinances.
To interfere with, destroy, deface, impair, injure or wantonly force open any gate or door, or in any way whatsoever destroy, injure or deface any part of any engine house, reservoir, standpipe, elevated tank, building, fountain, hydrant, pipe, cock, valve or other apparatus or appurtenance, fence, tree, shrub or fixture or property appertaining to the city waterworks system.
To open or close any fire hydrant or stop cock connected with the waterworks system of the city or lift or remove the covers of any gate valves or shutoffs thereof without the permission of the water department, except in cases of fire and then under the direction of officers of the fire or police department only.
To remove any water meter that has been placed by the city or in any manner to change, interfere with or tamper with any water meter.
To go upon or ascend the stairway or steps on any elevated water storage tank or standpipe of the waterworks system, except by permission of the water department.
To obtain, consume, or use any water in any manner whatsoever from the waterworks system of the city without it having passed through a city water meter unless arrangements therefor have been made with the water department.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.100, Section 11.101)
Any person who violates any provision of Section 13.101 above shall be fined as provided in this Code of Ordinances, and each day such offense exists shall be deemed a separate offense. Additionally, the head of the water department may in such officer's discretion, cause the water meter to be removed from any premises to which water service is made available in any manner in violation of this article. In such case, there shall be charged a reinstallation fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code before such meter is reinstalled or water service is restored to such premises.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.100, Section 11.102)
Permit Required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drill any water well into and remove water from the Trinity Sands in the city without first having applied for and received a permit therefor under the terms and provisions of subsection (b) below.
Application for Permit; Public Hearing; Findings of Fact.
Application for such permit shall be made in writing to the city council, and the city council shall hold a public hearing on said application within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof and shall obtain a recommendation from a competent water engineer familiar with said sands and the necessity for the requisites of water conservation in Dallas County, Texas, the cost of said investigation and report to be paid by the person making said application. The council may grant such permit if after said hearing and investigation the council finds:
That a necessity exists for the drilling of said water well.
That if applicant is not permitted to drill said water well an unreasonable hardship will be brought upon the applicant;
That the drilling of said water well by the applicant will not at the time or in the immediate future in any way affect, diminish, or interfere with the city water supply; and
That any required approval under the state water code has been obtained. Applicant shall affirmatively show this.
Any person drilling any well or taking water in violation of the provisions of subsection (b) or (c) above, shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.106 of this code and each day said violation exists shall constitute a new and separate offense.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.100, Section 11.103)