This article implements a policy of the city to impose impact fees upon new development in compliance with Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code of Texas, or its successor, in order to pay certain costs of constructing and expanding capital improvements to serve new development.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.701)
The following definitions apply in this article:
Advisory Committee.
The city planning and zoning commission or other committee appointed by the city council in accordance with this article.
Capital Improvements.
The roadway facilities and water and wastewater facilities (including expansions of existing roadway facilities and water and wastewater facilities to provide additional capacity) that are identified as capital improvements or facility expansions in the capital improvements plan.
Capital Improvements Plan.
The capital improvements plan adopted by the city council, as updated and amended pursuant to this article. The capital improvements plan identifies those capital improvements for which impact fees may be imposed by the city, service areas, the maximum fee rate allowed in accordance with the impact fee statute, and other pertinent information.
The City of DeSoto, Texas.
Development Agreement.
A contract relating to capital improvements and impact fees entered into by the city and a property owner in accordance with this article.
Facility Expansion.
The expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvements, in order that the existing facility may serve new development. The term does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing development.
Impact Fee Statute.
Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
Impact Fee Study.
The report prepared by Freese & Nichols, Inc. dated July 2021 titled Roadway, Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Report prepared for the city, a true and correct copy of which is on file in the office of the city secretary and is incorporated herein by reference.
Land Use Assumptions.
The projections of population and employment growth and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities adopted by the city, as set forth in Chapter of the Impact Fee Study, as amended from time to time, upon which the impact fee capital improvements plans are based.
Land Use Equivalency Table.
A table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. The land use equivalency table may be incorporated in a schedule of impact fee rates.
Maximum Fee Rate.
The dollar rate per service unit determined by the capital improvements plan as the maximum rate for calculating and assessing impact fees allowed in accordance with the impact fee statute. Maximum fee rates for roadway facilities are established in Schedule 1 found in found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. Maximum fee rates for water facilities are established in Schedule 3 found in found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. The maximum fee rates for wastewater facilities are established in Schedule 5 found in found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code.
New Development.
The subdivision of land within the territorial boundaries of the city that increases the number of service units for which an impact fee may be payable, the construction, reconstruction, relocation, structural alteration, remodeling, or other physical change in any structure located within the territorial boundaries of the city that increases the number of service units for which an impact fee may be payable, or any use, extensions of the use or change in use of land or structures located within the territorial boundaries of the city that increases the number of service units for which an impact fee may be payable.
Non-residential Property.
Any property that is not residential property. Property located in a multi-family zoning district is considered non-residential property for purposes of this article.
Payment and Collection Rate.
The dollar rate per service unit established by this article for paying and collecting impact fees. The payment and collection rate is less than or equal to the maximum fee rate. Payment and collection rates for roadway facilities are established in Schedule 2 found in found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. Payment and collection rates for water facilities are established in Schedule 4 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. The payment and collection rates for wastewater facilities are established in Schedule 6 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code.
Any final subdivision plat or final subdivision replat of any lot or tract within the territorial boundaries of the city approved by the city planning commission under the provisions of Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code and this code, excluding, however, any subdivision plat or replat solely for any of the purposes described in Subsections 212.016(a)(1)-(9) of the Texas Local Government Code (relating to corrections of errors and similar matters).
Residential Property.
Property located within a single family, duplex, town house, patio or a planned development zoning district (or identifiable portion of such a district) limited to single-family, duplex, town house or patio use; and property used for single-family, duplex, town house, or patio use on the effective date of this article, although not located within such zoning district .
Roadway Facility.
An improvement or appurtenance to a roadway which includes, but is not limited to, rights-of-way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic signals; turn lanes; drainage facilities associated with the roadway facility; street lighting or curbs; and water and wastewater improvements affected by the roadway facility.
The term “roadway facility” also includes any improvement or appurtenance to an intersection with a roadway officially enumerated in the federal or state highway system, and to any improvements or appurtenances to such federal or state highway, to the extent that the city has incurred capital costs for such facilities, including without limitation local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances and rights-of-way.
The term “roadway facility” does not include those improvements or appurtenances to any roadway which is a site-related facility.
Service Area.
In the case of impact fees for water and wastewater facilities, the entire area within the territorial boundaries of the city. In the case of impact fees for roadway facilities, any of the several roadway facility service areas described on the service area map.
Service Area Map.
The service area map included in the capital improvements plan, which shows the territorial boundaries of the city (the water and wastewater facilities service area) and the boundaries of each of the roadway facilities service areas.
Service Unit.
In the case of impact fees for water and wastewater facilities, the service unit shall be a "five-eighths inch (5/8") water meter equivalent," as more particularly described in the capital improvements plan. In the case of impact fees for roadway facilities, the service unit shall be a "vehicle-mile in the p.m. peak hour," as more particularly described in the capital improvements plan.
Service Unit Equivalent (SUE).
Ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses which serves as an equivalent measure of consumption, use or general attributable to the new development. For roadway facilities, the SUE is established in Schedule 7 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code and for water and wastewater facilities the SUE is established in Schedule 8 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code.
Any buildings or other improvements to land, including sidewalks, paving, lighting, irrigation systems, drainage and storm water detention facilities, and utility and communication lines and equipment.
Wastewater and Water Facilities.
Water supply, treatment, holding, and distribution or collection facilities identified in the capital improvements plan, as well as any related land, easements, treatment plants, pumps, or other necessary appurtenances.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.702; Ordinance 2243-21 adopted 9/21/21)
The advisory committee shall consist of the city planning and zoning commission. The composition of the advisory committee shall comply with applicable requirements of the impact fee statutes, including any requirements for representation of the real estate, development, or building industries by persons who are not employees or officials of a political subdivision or governmental entity.
The advisory committee shall serve only in an advisory capacity, and shall:
Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan and this article.
File semi-annual reports about the implementation of the capital improvements plan and this article, including any inequities perceived by the advisory committee. The semi-annual report may consist of, or be reflected in, the minutes of a meeting of the advisory committee.
Report annually to the city council concerning the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or this article. The annual report may be delivered orally at a meeting of the city council or in writing.
Provide advice and assistance in connection with any amendment of the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or this article.
File written comments on any amendment of the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or this article.
Take such other actions as may be required by the impact fee statute or other applicable law.
All professional reports concerning the development, implementation, or amendment or the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or this article shall be made available to the advisory committee.
In carrying out its duties, the advisory committee shall be governed by Chapter 8, Article 8.100 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended, and any regulations established by resolution of the city council.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.703)
The planning department shall be responsible for the administration of this article, and shall:
Provide assistance and administrative support to the advisory committee.
On behalf of the city, receive all reports and recommendations of the advisory committee.
Keep the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, and the service area map on file, and afford the public reasonable access to those documents.
Provide for the calculation, collection, investment, disbursement, and refund of impact fees in accordance with this article.
Provide for the maintenance of appropriate accounting and other records.
Direct and coordinate activities of other city departments involved in the implementation of this article.
Take such other actions as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this article.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.704)
For roadway facilities, the amount of the impact fee payable (exclusive of any credits) shall be calculated by multiplying the number of service units attributable to the new development by the payment and collection rate established in schedule 2 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. The number of service units attributable to the new development shall be determined by multiplying the applicable service unit equivalency factor established in schedule 7 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code for each land use of the new development by the size or amount of the new development (in dwelling units, floor area, or other units of measurement as appropriate for the service unit equivalency factor).
The impact fee per service unit which is to be paid by each new development within a service area shall be that established by ordinance by the city council, as such may be amended from time to time, and shall be an amount less than or equal to the maximum impact fee per service unit established in section (a) of this section.
If no service unit equivalency factor in schedule 7 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code applies, the determination of the appropriate category will be made by the director of planning based on the most similar listed use. The applicant may submit studies for land use equivalencies not listed based on traffic engineering methodologies pursuant to city guidelines.
For water and wastewater facilities, the amount of the impact fee payable (exclusive of any credits) shall be calculated by multiplying the number of service units attributable to the new development by the payment and collection rate established in schedules 4 and 6 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code. The number of service units attributable to the new development shall be the equivalent number of service units for the water meter size (or in the case of a replacement water meter, the incremental increase in water meter size) serving the new development determined in accordance with Schedule 8 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code.
The payment and collection rate used in calculating impact fees payable may change as the result of future amendments to this article. If the payment and collection rate established in this article changes, the applicable payment and collection rate for purposes of calculating impact fees payable shall be the lesser of (1) the payment and collection rate in effect under this article at the time the impact fee is payable and (2) the rate assessed as follows:
If a plat is approved by the city planning and zoning commission after the effective date of this article, the assessed rate for the property on that plan shall be the maximum fee rate as shown in schedules 1, 3 and 5 found in the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code in effect on the date that the plat is approved unless a subsequent plat or zoning change occurs that increases the number of service units that may be attributable to that property. In that case, the assessed rate for the additional service units only shall be the maximum fee rate in effect on the date of approval of the subsequent plat or zoning change, and for all other service units, the assessed rate shall be the maximum fee rate in effect on the date that the initial plat was approved.
In all other circumstances, the assessed rate shall be the maximum fee rate in effect on the date that the impact fee is payable.
(Ordinance 2243-21 adopted 9/21/21)
Credits against impact fees payable shall be allowed as follows:
Credit against impact fees for roadway facilities shall be allowed for land and/or improvements that the city requires an owner to dedicate and/or construct at the owner's expense (or that an owner dedicates and/or constructs pursuant to a development agreement) for:
Roadway facilities in the capital improvements plan.
Rights-of-way and other road improvements for roads of the city not included in the capital improvements plan but designated in the city's major thoroughfare plan, as amended, as "Type E" or wider that are actually dedicated and constructed to the width shown on the city's major thoroughfare plan.
Rights-of-way for numerically designated state highways.
Credit against impact fees for water and wastewater facilities shall be allowed for the portion of water and wastewater facilities in the capital improvements plan that the city requires an owner to construct at the owner's expense (or that an owner constructs pursuant to a development agreement) and that are not reimbursable to the owner from water or wastewater pro-rata charges collected under other ordinances of the city or the provisions of this article.
In the case of water and sewer capital recovery fees paid prior to the adoption of this article, the amount of the credit allowed shall equal the amount of the fees previously paid. In all other cases, the amount of the credit allowed shall equal the product obtained by multiplying the following:
The value or cost of the land and improvements used in the capital improvements plan for the calculation of the maximum fee rate assessed under this article (regardless of the actual value of land and improvements dedicated and constructed); by
A fraction with a numerator equal to the payment and collection rate used in calculating the impact fee payable and with a denominator equal to the maximum fee rate assessed under this article.
If impact fees have been collected on residential property at the time of platting, and if the property is subsequently rezoned as non-residential property before construction of single-family, duplex, patio or town home dwellings, credit shall be allowed to the extent of any impact fees previously paid.
Except for water and sewer capital recovery fees paid prior to the effective date of this article, no credit shall be allowed for land, improvements, fees, or other charges or assessments dedicated, constructed, or paid prior to the effective date of this article.
Credits shall be allowed only to the extent that land and completed improvements have been accepted by the city at the time the impact fee is payable unless:
Impact fees are paid for residential property at the time a plat is released for recording, in which case credit shall be allowed at the time of payment of the impact fees, and completion and acceptance of the land and improvements by the city shall be a condition to the issuance of any building permit for construction of dwellings on such residential property; or
The city otherwise agrees in a development agreement.
Unless the city otherwise agrees in a development agreement, allowed credits shall be applied to reduce impact fees only when an impact fee is actually paid, and no one shall be entitled to any refund or reimbursement of any credit allowed but not so applied. Any unapplied credit may, however, be applied against impact fees attributable to any additional new development on the same land in the future.
Unless the city otherwise agrees in a development agreement, credits under this article shall be an incident of ownership of the land on which new development occurs, and may not be assigned or transferred separately from the land. Any transfer, however, shall be limited to the same service area. Unless the city otherwise agrees in a development agreement, if any land area for which a credit has been allowed is owned by more than one owner, the city shall allocate the credit pro rata based on land area to the owner then obligated to pay impact fees. The city shall never have any duty to investigate the ownership of land, but may rely fully on information submitted by the party requesting a credit under this article.
No credit shall be allowed under this article unless an application is first submitted to city requesting the credit. The application shall be accompanied by any materials that the city requires to verify the applicants entitlement to the credit or the amount of the credit.
An applicant for new development must apply for a credit against impact fees due for the development either at the time of application for final plat approval or (1) for roadway facilities fees, at the time of the building permit application, or if no building permit is required, at the time a certificate of occupancy is issued, and (2) for water and wastewater facilities, at the time of application for building permit application, or if no building permit is required, then at the time of connection, unless the city agrees to a different time. The applicant shall file an application for credits with the city on a form provided for such purpose. The contents of the application shall be established by administrative guidelines. The city must provide the applicant, in writing, with a decision of the credit request, including the reasons for the decision. The decision shall specify the maximum value of the credit which may be applied against an impact fee.
The available credit associated with the plat shall be applied against an impact fee in the following manner:
For residential property in a new development which received final plat approval, such credit shall be prorated equally among such property and shall remain applicable to such property, to be applied at the time of filing an acceptance of an application for a building permit or connection, as appropriate against impact fees due.
For non-residential development which have received final plat approval, the credit shall be applied to the impact fee due at the time of issuance of the first building permit or connection to which the credit is applicable, and thereafter to all subsequently issued building permits or connections, until the credit has been exhausted.
At its sole discretion, the city may authorize alternative credit upon request by the owner in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the city. Credits can only be used to reduce impact fees assessed under this article; and
The city shall not refund any unused available credit or be liable for the same unless otherwise provided by Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code of Texas, or its successor.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.706)
Impact fees shall be due and payable as follows:
Prior Platted Residential Property. For new development on residential property located on a plat recorded before the effective date of this article, impact fees shall be due and payable:
For roadway facilities, on the issuance of any building permit for the new development, or if a building permit is not required for the new development, on issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
For water and wastewater facilities on the issuance of a building permit for the new development, or if a building permit is not required for new development, then on connection of any initial new water meter or on connection of any new replacement or additional new water meter incident to any increase in water consumption capacity.
Exceptions: No impact fee shall be payable for new development on a properly platted lot of residential property appearing on a plat approved prior to the effective date of this article and impact fees would otherwise be payable for such development on or before the first anniversary of the effective date of this article.
For new development on residential property located on a plat recorded on or after the effective date of this article, impact fees shall be due and payable:
For roadway facilities, on the issuance of any building permit for the new development, or if a building permit is not required for the new development, on the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
For water and wastewater facilities, on the issuance of a building permit for the new development, or if a building permit is not required for the new development, then on the connection of any initial new water meter or on connection of any new replacement or additional new water meter incident to any increase in water consumption capacity.
For water and wastewater facilities not covered by subsection (a)(2)(C) preceding, on connection of any initial new water meter or on connection of any replacement or additional new water meter incident to any increase in water consumption capacity.
For new development on non-residential property regardless of when the plat was recorded, impact fees shall be due and payable:
For roadway facilities, on the issuance of any building permit for the new development, or if a building permit is not required for the new development, on issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
For water and wastewater facilities, on the issuance of a building permit for new development, or if a building permit is not required for the new development, then on connection of any initial new water meter or on connection of any new replacement or additional new water meter incident to any increase in water consumption capacity.
Exception: No impact fees shall be payable for new development located on a properly platted non-residential property appearing on a plat approved prior to the effective date of this article, and impact fees would be payable, for such new development on or before the first anniversary of the effective date of this article.
Receipt by the city of the impact fees payable under this article is a condition to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy, or to water utility connection and service, as the case may be.
No application for new development shall be approved within the city without assessment of an impact fee pursuant to this article, and no building permit shall be issued unless the applicant has paid the impact fee imposed by and calculated herein.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.707)
An owner of property in connection with which impact fees have been paid as a condition to issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be entitled to a refund by submitting a written application to the city if the building permit or certificate of occupancy authorizing the new development has lapsed or expired without completion of the new development for which the impact fee was paid. No refund shall be available under this paragraph if a building permit or certificate of occupancy is refused, withdrawn, or revoked because of any noncompliance with the Code of Ordinances.
Upon completion of all water and wastewater facilities in the service area for water and wastewater facilities or upon completion of all roadway facilities in any service area for roadway facilities, the projected costs of the completed capital improvements reflected in capital improvements plan shall be compared with actual costs (taking into account finance costs and those types of costs included in the projected costs which are eligible for consideration under Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code of Texas, or its successor). A calculation shall then be made to determine the amount of impact fees in the applicable service area that would have been payable if the actual costs had been included in the capital improvements plan for purposes of determining the maximum rate and if the payment and collection rate under this article had at all times been equal to such maximum rate. If the total amount of impact fees actually paid in the applicable service area exceeds the total amount so calculated, and if the difference between the two amounts is more than ten percent (10%) of the amount paid, the entire difference shall be refunded. The refund shall be allocated among properties in proportion to the amount of impact fees paid in the applicable service area. Any credits under other provisions of this article shall be treated as impact fees for purposes of this section.
At the end of each fiscal year, the total amount of impact fees collected during that year shall be determined in each service area. At the end of the ninth fiscal year following such initial fiscal year, the total amount of impact fees expended in each service area during the ten (10) year period consisting of the initial year and the nine (9) subsequent years shall be determined. If the amount of impact fees expended during the ten (10) year period is less than the amount of impact fees collected during the initial year (after deducting any refunds under the other provisions of this article), the difference shall be refunded. The refund shall be allocated among properties for which fees have been paid in the initial year in proportion to the amount of impact fees so paid (after deducting any refunds under the other provisions of this article). Any credits under other provisions of this article shall be treated as impact fees for purposes of this section. The calculations in this section shall be performed separately for roadway facilities impact fees and for water and wastewater facilities impact fees by service area.
Refunds shall bear interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate in Article 5069-1.03, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended.
All refunds shall be made to the record owner of the property at the time the refund is paid unless impact fees with respect to the property were paid by a political subdivision or other governmental entity and the refund to be paid can in fact be traced and identified as a refund of all or part of the specific impact fees paid by that governmental entity or other political subdivision. The availability of refunds under subsection (b) or (c) preceding shall be published in the same manner provided in the impact fee statute for hearings on the capital improvements plan. The city shall not be required to give any other notice to any person of any entitlement to a refund. As a condition to payment of any refund, the city may require submission of an application form containing proof of record ownership and other information determined to be relevant or appropriate to verifying the applicant's entitlement to the refund.
Nothing in this article shall create an obligation on the general funds of the city, and unless the city council otherwise specifically so authorizes, the obligation of the city to pay any refund under this article is limited to the amount of impact fees collected and interest earned less expenditures for capital improvements and other refunds previously paid.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.708)
All impact fees collected shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts. Clearly identified separate accounts shall be established for each category of capital improvements (water and wastewater facilities and roadway facilities) and for each service area.
Impact fees and any interest earned may be spent only for capital improvements within the service area for which the impact fees have been collected, as reflected in the capital improvements plan. Impact fees and any interest earned may be spent only for those purposes permitted by Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code of Texas, as amended. Interest earned on the account into which the impact fees are deposited shall be considered funds of the account and shall be used solely for the purposes authorized.
The city's finance department shall maintain and keep financial records for impact fees, which shall show the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended from such service area.
The records of the accounts into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours.
The city's finance department shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that impact fees disbursed from the account are utilized solely for the authorized purposes. Disbursement of funds shall be authorized by the city at such times as are reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this article, provided, however, that any fee paid shall be expended within a reasonable period of time, but not to exceed ten (10) years from the date the fee is deposited into the account.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.709)
The city may enter into development agreements with private property owners relating to impact fees. The city has no obligation to enter into any development agreement, and each development agreement must be approved by the city council. Development agreements are intended to be used only in unusual or special cases, and the city shall develop administrative policies relating to the circumstances and terms on which the city will consider entering into development agreements.
A development agreement must be approved by the city and entered into prior to the date impact fees are due and payable, (i.e. prior to the approval of the plat, or issuance of a building permit or issuance of a certificate of occupancy if a building permit is not required, or prior to connection to water meter, as the case may be) as provided in Section 13.707 herein.
Development agreements may provide for:
Construction and dedication of capital improvements by the city or by property owners, and for the allowance and application of any resulting credits against impact fees.
Whole or partial reimbursement to private parties for the construction and dedication of capital improvements from impact fees or other sources.
The construction of roadway facilities or water and wastewater facilities not identified in the capital improvements plan, and for the terms and conditions of any reimbursement for any excess service capacity so constructed.
Methods of valuation, allocation of credits among property owners, and other matters relating to the amount or administration of credits.
Other agreements relating to impact fees not prohibited by this article, the impact fee statute, or other applicable law.
Development agreements may not be used to postpone payment or change the amount (exclusive of any credits) of any impact fee payable under this article.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.710)
Any decision or interpretation relating to this article by any administrative official of the city may be appealed to the city council by the affected property owner. The city council shall render a decision on the appeal following a public hearing.
Following a public hearing, the city council may authorize the whole or partial waiver of the impact fees payable by a property owner if the city council finds that the property owner's new development will provide benefits to the city that are substantially comparable or equivalent to the impact fees waived and that the waiver will not materially and adversely affect the ability of the city to provide the capital improvements identified in the capital improvements plan.
Following a public hearing, the city council may authorize the postponement or deferred payment of the impact fees payable by a property owner if the city council finds that the postponement or deferral will be in the best interests of the city and that the postponement or deferral will not materially and adversely affect the ultimate collection of the impact fees owed.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.711)
The land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan shall be reviewed and evaluated by the advisory committee at least every three (3) years beginning on the effective date of this article. The advisory committee shall recommend to the city council whether updating is necessary or appropriate.
If the city council determines that the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan should be updated to reflect changed conditions, it shall cause the updated land use assumptions and the updated capital improvements plan to be prepared before the end of the applicable three (3) year period, following which applicable procedures in the impact fee statute for amending the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, and this article shall be followed.
If the city council determines that the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan do not need to be updated, it shall comply with applicable notice and other procedures incident to that decision in Chapter 395, Local Government Code of Texas, or its successor.
Notwithstanding any amendment of the land use assumptions and the capital improvements plan, the provisions of this article and the impact fees payable hereunder can be amended only by an ordinance specifically amending this article. This article may be amended without complying with the provisions of Sections 395.052-.0575 of the Local Government Code of Texas, or its successor, as long as the land use assumptions, the capital improvements plan, or the maximum fee rate, are not changed or altered by the amendment.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.712)
This article does not limit the powers of the city under its charter and the constitution and laws of the State of Texas to regulate development, to provide for the development and funding of public infrastructure, and to otherwise carry out the purposes of this article.
This article does not limit the ability of the city to finance capital improvements through the issuance of bonds, through the formation of public improvement districts or other assessment districts, or through any other lawful means in addition to, or in lieu of, the use of impact fees.
Except as stated to the contrary in this article, impact fees shall be in addition to and not in place of:
Any other fees or any taxes, charges, or assessments lawfully imposed under other applicable law.
Other zoning, subdivision, and development regulations of the city.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 11, Article 11.700, Section 11.713)