Any person who violates any provision of Section 13.101 shall be fined as provided in the Code of Ordinances, and each day such offense exists shall be deemed a separate offense. Additionally, the head of the water department may, in such officer's discretion, cause the water meter to be removed from any premises to which water service is made available in any manner in violation of this article. In such case, there shall be charged a reinstallation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) before such meter is reinstalled or water service is restored to such premises.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Article 24.000, Section 24.100)
Residential and Commercial.
Base Rate.
The base rate shall include 0–1,000 gallons of metered water usage for meter size categories as listed below:
Meter Size
Base Rate Minimum Charge
Multifamily and Mobile Homes - Base Rate.
In all cases of multifamily or mobile home dwellings where more than one (1) residential living unit is supplied water measured through a single meter and the water service charge is made in connection therewith, the minimum base rate charge herein provided for a 3/4" size meter shall be made for each unit supplied water through such meter. The method for determining the number of units shall be by count. Each unit counted shall include 1,000 gallons base rate usage.
Volume Charge.
The following volume charges shall be charged per 1,000 gallons of usage over the base rate in addition to the base rate.
Minimum volume charge over base rate: $3.70 per first 1,000 gallons of usage.
Volume charge per 1,000 gallons of usage above first 1,000 gallons of usage:
1,001–15,000 gallons
$3.70 per 1,000 gallons of usage*
15,001–30,000 gallons
$4.58 per 1,000 gallons of usage*
Above 30,000 gallons
$5.47 per 1,000 gallons of usage*
cost per thousand gallons of water or fraction thereof
Senior Citizen Discount.
Any residential customer with a water account with the city, age Sixty-five or over on January 1st is entitled to a three dollar discount per month on their primary residence beginning the month following application with the utility billing department of the city.
Volume Charge - Emergency Water Plan.
For any period of time during which emergency response stage 2, 3, or 4 of the emergency water plan has been implemented, the following volume charges shall apply in addition to the base rate:
For irrigation use only: All usage over 2,000 gallons: $4.64 per 1,000 gallons.
For combination irrigation and domestic use: All usage over 10,000 gallons: $4.76 per 1,000 gallons.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Article 24.000, Section 24.200; Ordinance 2173-19, sec. 6, adopted 9/17/19; Ordinance 2345-23 adopted 9/19/2023; Ordinance 2351-23 adopted 9/19/2023)
Residential Customer Deposit.
A deposit may be waived upon receipt of a credit reference letter from the customer’s last previous water, electric, or natural gas utility company.
Additional Non-Payment Deposit.
An additional non-payment deposit is payable (plus the initial deposit if a letter of credit was filed in place of an initial deposit), if a bill is not paid as specified on the utility bill before the date for service disconnect.
Developer/Realtor Deposit.
1-3 houses $100.00
Over 3 houses $100.00 plus $25.00 each additional house.
Commercial Customer Account Deposit.
$80.00 minimum
A deposit will be an amount equal to two month’s estimated billing but not less than $80.00, determined by averaging the most immediate 12 months utility bills for at least two comparable commercial accounts when available. If no comparable commercial accounts are available for comparison, the deposit amount will be at the sole discretion of the supervisor of the customer accounts. After twelve months billings history has been established, at the customer’s request any excess deposit initially paid will be either refunded or applied to the customer’s account.
Multi-Family Customer Accounts Deposit.
$50.00 per unit
A deposit will be an amount equal to $50.00 per unit. After twelve months billing history has been established, at the customer’s request any excess deposit initially paid as compared with 2/12 of the annual billing will be either refunded or applied to the current bill.
A deposit will be waived for commercial and multi-family customer accounts upon the receipt of a bond or bank letter of credit.
Construction Meters on Fire Hydrants.
Late Payment Penalty.
Turn-Off Reconnection Fees.
Meter turned off
Meter turned off and locked
Meter turned off and pulled
Meter pulled and customer connects to jumper
Jumper used 2nd time and tap is pulled
Items (1)-(5) performed at any time other than during normal working hours (additional charge of)
Customer Account Service Charges.
Service fee for same day connections on deposits taken after 12 noon
Returned check handling fee
Reread service (waived if initial reading was incorrect or leak found.) Credit granted if within limits of leak policy. Two free rereads per year.
$10.00 2 free rereads per year
Payment time extension (not to exceed 10 days if possible)
$5.00 No limit
Research of customer account history not currently on the computer.
Fewer than 50 pages-standard 8½ by 11
$0.10 per page
Computer legal 14 7/8 x 11
$0.50 per page
Printed record of account (Same as Item e)
$0.10 per page
One time charge for automatic monthly drafting of customer bank account
Newcomer’s list
$0.50 per page
Reference Letter (customer pay history)
Temporary 24-48 hour real estate water
$20.00 service
Contractor using jumper plus minimum water bill
Sprinkler meter turned on/off at customer request (Total fee $20.00 for turning off and back on)
Customer request for meter certification (conducted by city personnel) waived if meter found to be registering higher than limits established by the American Water Works Association
Customer request for meter to be tested by independent testing organization (fee to be charges incurred by the city plus city’s labor cost for removing the meter from service for testing.) Fee waived if meter found to be testing high than limits established by the American Water Works Association
Cost of Service
Charges to replace broken meters and meter parts (based on city cost of material plus labor cost including benefits)
Cost of Service
(Ordinance 1517-03 adopted 2/4/03)