A city secretary shall be appointed by the city council and shall have those duties provided by state law and any others specifically provided for by ordinance, policy or resolution of the city council. The city secretary may only be removed pursuant to the provisions of section 22.077 of the Local Government Code of the state, or its successor legislation. The city secretary may delegate to any city employee the authority to perform the duties of city secretary in the absence of the city secretary. The city secretary shall perform the duties of treasurer of the city and shall be responsible for the following:
Posting notices of city council and city board and commission meetings as required by state law.
Notification of members of the city council and city attorney at least two (2) hours before emergency meetings.
Notification of city officers of appointment to such offices and requesting written acknowledgment.
All other duties prescribed by state law and city ordinances, city council direction, and policy.
(Ordinance 363 adopted 3/11/14)
The city secretary is hereby designated as the public information coordinator for the city for the purposes of compliance with the Texas Government Code.
(Ordinance 363 adopted 3/11/14)
As required by state law, the treasurer of the municipality shall execute a bond. The duties of treasurer are performed by the city secretary and as such, the city secretary shall execute a bond. The bond must be conditioned that the city secretary/treasurer will faithfully perform such official duties as the mayor and the governing body of the municipality may require. Such bond shall be in favor of the city, shall be in the form and amount set by the city council upon oath of office, and may be adjusted as required.
(Ordinance 363 adopted 3/11/14)