Temporary sales are hereby defined as occasional sales of household goods or used merchandise conducted in an area zoned for residential uses by the legal owner or legal occupant of the residence at which the sale is conducted and which is not an ongoing or regular business activity.
(Ordinance 2013-1021-04 adopted 10/21/13)
A temporary sale shall not be conducted on any residential lot or tract in the town more than two times per year, and each temporary sale may not exceed three consecutive days.
No person may conduct a temporary sale without first having applied for and been issued a permit from the town to conduct the sale.
(Ordinance 2011-0815-01 adopted 8/15/11)
Any temporary sale held in violation of this article shall be prohibited and violations shall be punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code per violation per day.
(2002 Code, sec. 4.303)