Pursuant to section 182.025 of the Tax Code, a charge of two percent (2%) is levied on the gross receipts derived from the sale of gas, electric energy or water by a public utility within the corporate limits of the town for the use by a public utility of any city street, alley, or other public way, including but not limited to, rights-of-way and easements.
(Ordinance 98-0608-01 adopted 5/97)
The charge levied in section 13.03.001 of this article shall be due and payable within forty-five (45) days after the close of any calendar quarter at the town hall.
(Ordinance 98-0608-01 adopted 5/97)
The town reserves the right to audit the books and records of any public utility operating within the corporate limits of the town in order to determine that the public utility has fully paid the charge levied herein.
(Ordinance 98-0608-01 adopted 5/97)
This article does not alter or impair any contract, agreement or franchise made between the town and a public utility company relating to a payment made to the town. Any amounts paid by a public utility pursuant to any existing contract, agreement or franchise with the town shall be credited against the charge levied herein.
(Ordinance 98-0608-01 adopted 5/97)