Written application shall be made for water, sewer, gas, solid waste collection or any other utility service that may be furnished by the city to the city, upon forms furnished therefor. Such application shall state the name and address of the applicant, the type of utility service desired, the purposes for which the application is made and such other information as the city may request.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-17; 2008 Code, sec. 74-171)
Water connections.
The charges for water tap connections made to the city’s water mains are as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Sewer connections.
The charge for sewer connections made to the city’s sewer system is as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Gas connections.
The charges for gas connections made to the city’s gas system are as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Additional charge for cutting pavement.
If it is necessary to cut any street, sidewalk or pavement to install such taps, an additional charge in an amount equal to the cost of repairs shall be made.
Work included.
The charge set forth in this section shall cover the cost of making the tap to the main, the necessary connections and the installation of the meter and meter box.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-25; Ordinance 914 adopted 5/17/99; Ordinance 994 adopted 10/18/04; Ordinance 1008 adopted 9/19/05; Ordinance 1136 adopted 9/8/15; Ordinance 1137 adopted 9/21/15; 2008 Code, sec. 74-172; Ordinance adopting 2020 Code)
A fee in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code will be charged for weekend or holiday connection or disconnection of utilities.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-25.1(a); 2008 Code, sec. 74-173; Ordinance adopting 2020 Code)
A fee of in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code will be charged to transfer a utility account from one address to another in the city.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-24.1(a); 2008 Code, sec. 74-174; Ordinance adopting 2020 Code)
Water metering.
All multifamily dwellings, to include duplexes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other construction having more than one family unit included therein, will be master metered for the multifamily dwelling as to water utility services, charges or assessments.
Gas metering.
All multifamily dwellings, to include duplexes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other construction having more than one family unit included therein, may be, at the option of the owner, either master metered for the multifamily dwelling or individually metered for each apartment or living unit at the option of the owner as to gas utility services, charges or assessments.
Other utility services and charges.
All other utility services and charges will be charged for on a basis of each individual apartment or living unit within the multifamily dwelling.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-21.2; 2008 Code, sec. 74-175)
No person shall extend or allow any other person to tie onto, branch off of or extend a utility line from an existing utility meter, existing utility line, or existing service line to any other location for the purpose of providing utilities from their meter or lines.
Termination of service.
Any person violating the provisions of this section and allowing, permitting or in any manner assisting anyone in tying onto an existing city utility meter, existing utility line or existing service line without a written permit or written permission of the city commission shall be in violation of this section and shall have his utility services terminated upon and after ten days’ notice. Any person notified of termination of utility services due to a violation of this section shall be entitled to a hearing before the city commission upon written application for a hearing filed with the city secretary not later than ten days from the date of notice of the termination of the utility service.
(1967 Code, sec. 29-21.1; 2008 Code, sec. 74-176)
The utility rates imposed by the city on the residence homestead of qualifying disabled individuals and individuals sixty-five (65) years of age or older shall not be increased to an amount which exceeds the total amount of utility rates imposed on that individual’s residence homestead in the tax year following the year in which they reach the age of sixty-five (65) years of age or that they meet the qualifying standards for a disabled individual. If the individual qualified for the exemption remains eligible for the exemption for the following years, and if the utility rates imposed on the residence homestead in the following years are less than the amount of utility rates imposed in the qualifying year, the utility rates imposed may not be subsequently increased on the residence homestead above the amount imposed in the qualifying year. If an individual who qualifies for a utility rate freeze under this section dies, the surviving spouse of the individual is entitled to the limitation on the residence homestead of the individual if: (1) the surviving spouse is disabled or is 55 years of age or older when the individual dies; and (2) the residence homestead of the individual is the residence homestead of the surviving spouse on the date that the individual dies; and remains the residence homestead of the surviving spouse.
(Ordinance 1160, sec. IV, adopted 11/19/18)
A fee in the amount set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code will be charged failure to appear at appointment to connect city services.
(Ordinance 1193 adopted 4/20/21)