The use or operation of an auxiliary or compression engine braking system, commonly referred to as “jacobs brakes” or “jake brakes,” shall be prohibited within city limits.
This provision shall not be construed to prohibit the use of such braking mechanisms by emergency vehicles while in the performance of their official duties.
Penalties for violations.
Any person violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each use of jake brakes shall be deemed a separate offense. Proof and evidence of a culpable mental state are not required for proof of an offense stated herein.
(Ordinance 260 adopted 10/16/08)
The city council has determined and now determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, which said city council has heretofore caused to be made, that the prima facie speeds of vehicles set forth by the state, are reasonable and safe under conditions found to exist upon certain parts of S.H. 79 and S.H. 25, lying within the city limits, taking into consideration on such portions of said highways, as well as the usual traffic thereon, and the city council therefore determines and declares the reasonable and safe prima facie speed limits upon such portions of said highways to be as provided for in the schedules to be maintained on file in the office of the city secretary.
Such speeds shall be effective at all hours, except where otherwise provided herein, when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such parts of said highways; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed as attempting to modify or alter the basic rule set forth in the Penal Code of Texas nor to authorize for any class of vehicle in excess of the maximum values set forth for said class of vehicle in the Penal Code of Texas.
Where no special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with the Penal Code of Texas, the speed of any vehicle not in excess of the limits herein established shall be lawful, but any speed in excess of the limits hereinabove specified and established shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful.
It shall be unlawful and constitute a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions of this section, and any person who violates any such provisions shall upon conviction receive the punishment provided in the penal laws of the state for any person who drives a vehicle upon a public highway at an unlawful speed.
(1993 Code, art. 10.200; Ordinance 294 adopted 3/21/13)
It is an offense for a person operating a motor vehicle upon a city street or alley to intentionally cause the vehicle to accelerate in such a manner as to cause one (1) or more tires to lose contact with the surface of the street or alley. A person who violates this regulation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction may be assessed a fine not to exceed $500.00.
(Ordinance 269 adopted 5/20/10)
These terms shall have the following meanings:
Driver’s license.
An authorization issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety for operation of a motor vehicle. The term includes a temporary license or instruction permit and an occupational license.
Golf cart.
Golf cart shall have the meaning assigned by Texas Transportation Code, section 551.401, as amended, which currently defines it as a motor vehicle designed by the manufacturer primarily for use on a golf course.
To drive or have physical control over a vehicle on a street or in a public area designated for motor vehicle use.
Any person driving and having physical control over a vehicle on a street or in a public area designated for motor vehicle use.
Public highway.
Any public roadway in the City of Archer City, Texas, by whatever name (e.g., road, alley, avenue, highway, route, or boulevard) that is open to vehicular traffic.
A golf cart may be operated on all or part of a public highway that is located within the corporate boundaries of the city if the public highway has a posted speed limit of not more than 25 miles per hour.
The circumstances under which golf carts may be operated under this section are in addition to those circumstances in which the operation of golf carts is permitted by Texas Transportation Code, sections 551.403 (to and from a golf course) and 551.405 (crossing certain roadways).
A golf cart operated under this section must be equipped with the following equipment as mandated by the Texas Transportation Code, section 551.4041:
Operational headlamps;
Operational tail lamps;
Side reflectors;
Operational parking brake;
Rearview mirror(s);
“Slow-moving-vehicle emblem” as defined by Texas Transportation Code, section 547.703; and
A license plate as required by Texas Transportation Code, section 551.402(b).
All operators of golf carts shall:
Be licensed to operate a motor vehicle as provided by Texas Transportation Code, section 521.021, as amended, and carry a valid driver’s license as provided by Texas Transportation Code, section 521.025. All state law driver’s license permissions and restrictions shall apply to the operation of a golf cart;
Abide by all state and local traffic regulations applicable to vehicular traffic;
Not exceed the seating capacity of the vehicle as designed by the manufacturer;
Maintain financial responsibility as defined in Texas Transportation Code, sections 601.051–.052, unless the golf cart is being operated only as authorized by section 551.403, which allows for the operation of a golf cart to and from a golf course; and
Not intentionally or knowingly allow an unlicensed operator to operate the vehicle.
Operation of a golf cart is permitted twenty-four (24) hours a day so long as it is operated in compliance with state law and this section.
It shall be an offense for any person to operate a golf cart on any public highway within the city in violation of the conditions set forth in this section and upon conviction of any such offense, a person shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $200.00.
(Ordinance 360 adopted 10/21/21)