The citizens of the City of Joshua, Johnson County, Texas, do hereby declare that the City of Joshua is incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Texas under the name of “City of Joshua,” hereinafter referred to as the “City,” and with the duties, rights, and powers provided in this Charter and State Law.
The City government shall be a “Council-City Manager Government” - Pursuant to the provisions of and subject only to the limitations imposed by this Charter and by the State Constitution and statutes, the City Council shall be vested with all the powers of the City. The City Council shall enact legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies and appoint the City Manager. The City Manager shall execute the laws and administer the government of the City.
The boundaries of the City shall be the ones that exist when this Charter is adopted and shall remain in effect until changed. The City Secretary shall at all times, keep a correct and complete description and official map on file, with recent annexations or disannexations.
The City Council may, by ordinance, fix the boundaries of the City in any manner the City Council deems advisable. The City Council may, by ordinance, disannex territory within the City, exchange territory with other cities and towns, and annex territory. People who reside in annexed territory shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizens of the City, and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City.
The City Council may provide for the annexation of new territory to be incorporated within the boundaries of the City of Joshua in any manner provided by State Law as it then exists.