An application to borrow materials from the library shall require the applicant to present whatever documents are deemed necessary by the librarian for adequate identification of the applicant for a borrower’s card. The initial borrower’s card is free of charge; however, the borrower shall pay a fee for replacement of a valid borrower card.
Each borrower (account holder) shall be required to pay to the city a fee for overdue materials for failure to return such materials on the due date.
Each borrower (account holder) shall be required to pay to the city a fee for the repair or replacement of damaged or lost library materials.
The failure to return library materials which have been borrowed from the public library shall result in loss of borrowing privileges until the materials and equipment are returned and all applicable fees have been paid.
(1987 Code, ch. 7, sec. 2; 2004 Code, art. 8.200; Ordinance adopting 2021 Code)