For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
The area within the corporate limits of the city and, with respect to plumbing, includes any building outside the corporate limits which is connected to either the city water or sewer system.
The installation, repair, replacement and relocation of pipes, fixtures and other apparatus for distributing a gas supply for illuminating or fuel purposes in any premises, and shall include, but not be limited to, the installation of wall heaters, floor furnaces, unit heaters or any type of concealed gas connections.
Master plumber.
Any person licensed as a master plumber by the state board of plumbing examiners, or, if a partnership, corporation or other entity engaged in the plumbing or gasfitting business, a member or officer of such partnership, corporation or other entity so licensed as its supervisor of plumbing or gasfitting installations.
The installation, repair, replacement and alteration of pipes, fixtures, appliances and apparatus to conduct and receive water, soil pipes, drains, sewers and devices to remove waste and surplus water, and the necessary traps and ventilating pipes. Plumbing also includes the means of sewage disposal where no public sewer exists, but does not include the digging of ditches, excavating, handling or distributing of materials or tools or similar work.
Plumbing inspector.
The building inspector or other designated inspector of the city and his assistants.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-146)
This division shall be known as the plumbing code of the city, and shall apply to all plumbing and gasfitting work installed, constructed, erected, altered, added to or built upon within the city. This division shall not apply to work done by employees of the city or contractors for the city who are supervised by the city in the laying of city water mains and service lines and city sewer mains and service lines, and shall not apply to the installation of gas-distributing mains and services in the streets and alleys by employees of any gas-distributing company.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-147)
The administration and enforcement of the plumbing code is hereby assigned to and shall be the responsibility of the plumbing inspector.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-148)
Any person, either by himself or by agent, who violates any of the provisions of this division shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction of such violation, shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009, and each day during which such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In any case of a violation of any of the terms or provisions of this division by any corporation, the officers and agents actively in charge of the business of such corporation shall be subject to the penalty provided by this section. Any offense defined in this division which has been defined by the laws of the state as an offense and for which a penalty has been prescribed shall be furnished [punished] as provided in such state law, and nothing in this section shall be held as fixing any penalty contrary to a penalty provided by the laws of the state.
In any prosecution under this division it shall not be necessary for the complaint to negative any exception contained in this division concerning any prohibited act, but any such exception may be urged as a defense by any person charged by such complaint.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-149)