The plumbing inspector and every assistant shall have such qualifications as prescribed by the city manager.
Interest in plumbing business.
The plumbing inspector or any of his assistants shall not own, be connected with or have any pecuniary interest whatsoever in any business regulated by this division, and shall not hold any office or official position in any organization whose members are required to be licensed or registered under this division; provided, however, this shall not be construed to prevent the plumbing inspector from holding membership in such organization.
Powers and duties.
It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector, either in person or by an authorized representative, to receive all applications for permits to install gas fittings or plumbing, and to issue permits therefor as provided by this division. The plumbing inspector shall inspect all plumbing or gas fittings now in use or being constructed, or which may hereafter be installed, altered, extended or repaired in the city, and shall issue his approval of all work which is found by him to be in compliance with this division. By written order, he shall direct the owner or person in charge of any building or structure where imperfect plumbing or gas fittings may be located, or the agent of such owner or person, to stop and prevent the use or construction of the same until such plumbing or gas fittings shall have been properly installed or repaired. The plumbing inspector is hereby authorized to enter any house or premises in the city, at any time, upon presenting the proper identification, to inspect any plumbing or gas fittings therein, for the purposes of this division.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-176)
No plumbing or gasfitting work shall be performed in any building in the city, nor fixtures added thereto, until a permit has been issued for each installation by the plumbing inspector. All applications for permits for plumbing or gasfitting work shall give the correct location of the building, the name of the owner of such building, and a full and complete statement of the work and fixtures to be installed.
When required by the plumbing inspector, such application shall be accompanied by a complete plan of the work to be performed. All work described or shown on the plan shall conform to the terms of this division.
Permits for all plumbing and gasfitting work shall be issued only in the name of a person who is authorized or permitted by the state Plumbing License Law to do such work, or a master plumber, as defined in section 3.02.331. No person shall willfully make any false statement to the plumbing inspector or his authorized representatives in order to obtain a permit.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-177)
The provisions of this division shall apply to a person performing plumbing or gasfitting work with his own hands on premises owned or occupied by him as his home, and such person must first obtain from the plumbing inspector a permit to do such work and shall pay the inspection fee provided by this division; provided, however, such work shall be subject to inspection and approval by the plumbing inspector and shall strictly conform to the requirements of this division.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-178)
A special permit, in writing, may be issued by the plumbing inspector where additional fixtures are to be installed which cannot practicably be constructed in accordance with all of the provisions of this division, if in the judgment of the plumbing inspector conditions require it, but such conditions or alterations shall be of a character that will make the plumbing in the building as a whole conform to the spirit of the requirements of this division. Application for such permit shall be made in writing accompanied by a sketch showing the work to be done, which sketch must be kept on file in the building inspector’s office. In remodeling, and other work pertaining to but not specifically covered by this division, the plumbing inspector may prescribe such specifications as may be necessary and shall be consulted before any work is started.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-179)
The permit and inspection fees which are on file at city hall and as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix B to this code shall be paid by the permittee to the city before the issuance of a permit and before any work is started.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-180)
No permit issued pursuant to this division shall be assigned or transferred to another person and no person shall permit another person to obtain a permit in his name, or permit any plumbing or gasfitting work to be performed under his permit by any person other than a person authorized to do the same.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-181)
No person engaged in the plumbing, appliance installation or gasfitting business shall be issued a permit under this division until such person has made, executed and delivered to the city clerk a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) payable to the city, with a corporate surety authorized to do business in the state, and conditioned for the faithful performance of all work entered upon or contracted for, and in strict accordance and compliance with the terms, requirements and provisions of this division, and conditioned further that such person shall, without additional cost to the person for whom the work is done, remedy any defects therein due to faulty workmanship or material, and that such person shall reconstruct or repair such work to the satisfaction of the plumbing inspector within seventy-two (72) hours after notice of such inspection and findings by him.
Upon five (5) days’ written notice to the principal of the bond and to the city clerk, the surety on such bond shall have the privilege of canceling the bond. Cancellation of such bond shall not cancel or reduce the surety’s liability on any transaction begun before 12:00 noon on the effective date of a cancellation. Such bond shall contain a provision stating the substance of this requirement of notice of cancellation.
The city may for itself or for the use and benefit of any person injured or damaged by reason of failure to repair any defective plumbing or gasfitting, or defective installation, or construction in connection therewith, or for failure or refusal to pay any of the fees required by this division, maintain suit on such bond, or suit may be maintained thereon by any person so injured. All bonds shall be for a period ending the next ensuing thirty-first day of December, and should the coverage of any bond be reduced by recovery, or for any other reason, the surety on such bond shall immediately notify the city clerk, and thereafter the principal will not be issued any permit provided by this division until the coverage of the bond is fully restored.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-182)
No plumbing or gasfitting work for which a permit is required by this division shall be connected with the city water or sewer system, or to any gas-distributing system, nor shall the same be used, until such work has been inspected and approved as provided in this division. Requests for inspection must be filed at the office of the plumbing inspector at least four (4) hours before any inspection is desired. No inspection will be made on Saturday afternoons, Sundays or legal holidays except in special cases of emergency.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-183)
No water, gas, soil, drain or vent pipe shall be covered from view or concealed until after all work has been tested, inspected and approved by the plumbing inspector. If any part of the work is covered before being inspected and approved, it shall be uncovered at the expense of the permittee. When roughing-in is complete, the entire water and drainage system, including the house sewer, shall be prepared for inspection, if conditions permit. Soil and waste stacks shall be plugged and filled with water to the highest point, and all joints shall be made watertight. Any defective material shall be replaced with sound material, and water tests shall be repeated until the work is found to be tight and to conform to the requirements of this division. The use of cement, sealing wax, rosin, paint, tallow or other material or substance which may prevent, or in any way tend to prevent, the detection of any cracks, sand holes or other imperfections in any material used in plumbing is prohibited.
When roughing-in is complete and before being covered up, an air pressure test of fifteen (15) pounds per square inch shall be maintained on the gas system for fifteen (15) minutes. Caulking or the use of gasfitters’ cement for repairing leaks is strictly prohibited, and all faulty work in piping and all imperfect fittings must be replaced.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-184)
A final inspection shall be made on sanitary plumbing and gas fittings when the work is fully complete and the building is ready for occupancy.
A final test on the gas piping shall be made after the water heaters, wall heaters, floor furnaces and gas cocks have been installed and shall be made with five (5) pounds of air pressure. Whenever changes or extensions are made to any gas piping from a point where no gas stop has been provided in the original gas system, the plumber or person in charge of the same must prepare the entire system for inspection and test the same with a five-pound air pressure test for fifteen (15) minutes.
The permittee shall notify the plumbing inspector when the work is ready for final inspection and arrange for the building to be unlocked so the inspector may enter the same. The equipment and labor necessary for making the required tests and inspections shall be furnished by the permittee.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-185)
When a request for inspection is made, and upon such inspection the plumbing or gasfitting work does not meet all the requirements of this division, the master plumber or owner doing his own work shall be notified of the defects existing, which defects shall be promptly corrected, and a request for a reinspection shall be made for which a reinspection fee shall be paid.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-186)
No person shall cause or permit any plumbing or gasfitting work to be connected with the city water or sewer system or to any gas-distributing system, and no person shall use or permit the use of any such plumbing or gasfitting work, or cause or permit any water, sewage or gas to flow through the same, before it has been inspected and approved as provided by this division.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-187)
This division does not relieve from or lessen the responsibility or liability of any person owning, operating, controlling or installing any plumbing, gas piping or gas-fired appliances for damages to any person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the city be regarded as assuming any liability by reason of the inspection authorized by this division or a certificate of approval issued as provided in this division.
(1987 Code, sec. 5-188)