To secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to lessen congestion on public streets; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation; to conserve the value of buildings; and to encourage the most appropriate use of land. Minimum off-street parking and loading shall be provided as set forth in the following provisions.
Required off-street parking shall be provided on the same site as the use it is to serve unless otherwise approved by the Director of Planning.
All vehicle parking shall be on a suitably paved parking surface, which shall consist of concrete, asphalt, or a similar material. All driveways and approaches to parking spaces shall be similarly paved.
For residential lots or tracts five acres and over, the following regulations apply.
All vehicles shall be on a suitably paved parking surface, which shall consist of concrete or asphalt.
Driveway approaches shall be on concrete surface.
For the first fifty (50') feet of the driveway, immediately following the driveway approach, a surface of concrete or asphalt at least 12 feet wide is required.
All of the areas after the first fifty feet (50') of the driveway until the beginning of the required off-street parking area shall be an approved, hardened, all weather surface at least 12 feet wide.
No required parking space, garage, carport, or other automobile storage space shall be used for the storage of any heavy load vehicle (see definitions for heavy load vehicle).
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11; Ordinance 1854 adopted 5/9/2023)
To prevent nuisance situations, all parking area lighting shall be designed and operated so as not to reflect or shine on adjacent properties.
All required off-street parking, maneuvering, loading and storage areas shall be paved with a hard surface such as asphalt, concrete, or other paving material as approved by the Director of Planning (i.e., no parking shall be permitted on grass, within landscaped areas, or on other unimproved surfaces).
Parking spaces shall be permanently and clearly identified by stripes, buttons, tiles, curbs, barriers, or other approved methods. Nonpermanent type marking, such as paint, shall be regularly maintained to ensure continuous clear identification of the space.
Specific parking space sizes, exclusive of aisles, driveways and maneuvering areas shall be in accordance with the following minimum sizes:
Standard: Nine feet (9') by eighteen feet (18')
Parallel: Eight feet (8') by twenty-two feet (22')
Parking shall not be permitted to encroach upon the public right-of-way in any case. For new construction only, all vehicle maneuvering shall take place on site.
No public right-of-way shall be used for backing or maneuvering into or from a parking space, or for circulation within the parking lot.
Refuse storage facilities placed in a parking lot shall not be located in a designated parking or loading space. Each refuse facility shall be located so as to facilitate pickup by refuse collection agencies.
Handicap parking space(s) shall be provided according to current building codes, State laws, and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
In all nonresidential, duplex and multifamily zoning categories, designated parking and loading areas shall not be used for the repair, storage, dismantling or servicing (except for normal maintenance of a private vehicle) of vehicles or equipment, or for the storage of materials or supplies, or for any other use in conflict with the designated parking and loading areas (i.e., advertising or open storage of raw materials).
To ensure that all requirements set forth in this Section are carried forward, it will be the responsibility of the owner of the parking area to adequately maintain the facility. All off-street parking areas shall be kept free of trash, debris, vehicle repair operation or display and advertising uses. At no time after initial approval of the parking area layout can changes be made in the location and number of provided spaces without approval of the Director of Planning.
Off-street stacking requirements for drive-through facilities:
A stacking space shall be an area on a site measuring eight feet (8') by twenty feet (20') with direct forward access to a service window or station of a drive-through facility which does not constitute space for any other circulation driveway, parking space, or maneuvering area. An escape lane, of at least eight (8) feet in width and with negotiable geometric design, must be provided to allow vehicles to get out of stacking lane in the event of a stalled vehicle, emergency, accidental entry, etc.
For financial institutions with drive-through facilities, each teller window or station, human or mechanical, shall be provided with a minimum of five (5) stacking spaces. One escape lane shall be provided.
For each service window of a drive-through restaurant, a minimum of six (6) spaces shall be provided for the first vehicle stop (usually the menu/order board), and two (2) spaces shall be provided for each additional vehicle stop (order/pick-up windows, etc.). One escape lane shall be provided from the beginning of the stacking lane to the first stop (e.g., menu/order board).
For retail operations (other than restaurants, banks, etc.) and kiosks that provide drive-up service (e.g., pharmacy, dry cleaners, etc.), a minimum of three (3) stacking spaces for each service window shall be provided.
For a full-service carwash, each vacuum or gas pump lane shall be provided with a minimum of four (4) stacking spaces. For the finish/drying area, adequate vehicle stacking and storage space must be provided to keep finished vehicles out of circulation aisles, access easements, fire lanes, streets, etc.
For each automated self-service (drive-through/rollover) carwash bay, a minimum of three (3) stacking spaces, in addition to the wash bay itself, shall be provided. One stacking space shall be provided at the exit end of each wash bay for window-drying and other detailing.
For each wand-type self-service (open) carwash bay, a minimum of two (2) stacking spaces, in addition to the wash bay itself, shall be provided.
One stacking space shall be provided at the exit end of each wash bay for window-drying and other detailing, unless a separate area/shade structure is provided (outside of circulation aisles) for these activities.
For automobile quick-lube type facilities, a minimum of three (3) stacking spaces shall be provided for each service bay in addition to the service bay(s) itself.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11)
All retail, commercial, industrial and service structures shall provide and maintain off-street facilities for loading and unloading of merchandise and goods within the building or on the lot. All drives and approaches shall provide adequate space and clearances to allow for the maneuvering of trucks on-site (i.e., no backing or maneuvering may occur on a street or public alley). Each site shall provide a designated on-site loading and maneuvering area for trucks. Such off-street loading space may be adjacent to (but not any portion of) a public alley or private service drive, or it may consist of a truck berth within the structure. Such off-street loading space or truck berth shall consist of a minimum area of ten feet by forty-five feet (10' x 45'), and such spaces or berths shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
Total Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure
Minimum Required Spaces or Berths
0 to 10,000 square feet
10,001 to 50,000 square feet
50,001 to 100,000 square feet
100,001 to 200,000 square feet
Each additional 100,000 square feet
1 additional
Loading docks for any establishment which customarily receives goods between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and is adjacent to a residential use or district shall be designed and constructed so as to enclose the loading operation on three sides, in order to reduce the effects of the noise of the operation on adjacent residences.
Kindergartens, elementary schools, day schools, and similar child training and care establishments shall provide one (1) paved off-street pedestrian loading and unloading space for an automobile on a through, “circular’ drive for each thirty (30) students cared for (excluding child care in a residence). An additional lane shall also be required to allow passby or through traffic to move while automobiles waiting or parked to pick up children occupy loading/unloading areas.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11)
In the approval of a detailed Site Plan, design consideration shall be given to providing entrance/exit drives which extend into the site to provide adequate queuing of vehicles on the site.
In all districts (except single-family and duplex zoning districts) building plans shall provide for entrance/exit drive(s) appropriately designed and located to minimize traffic congestion or conflict within the site and with adjoining public streets as approved by the Director of Planning.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11)
In computing the number of parking spaces required for each of the above uses, the following rules shall govern:
The parking space requirements for a new or unlisted use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature. If the proposed use is not similar to any of the uses listed herein, a determination shall be made by the Director of Planning, in accordance with the requirements for the most closely related use specified in this Section.
Whenever a building or use is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, to create a need for an increase of ten percent (10%) or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
Shared parking may be allowed in the case of mixed uses (different buildings) under the following conditions. Shared parking must be on the same parking lot. Reduction due to shared parking shall be determined and approved by the Director of Planning. To assure retention of the shared parking spaces, each property owner shall properly draw and execute a document expressing the same and shall file this agreement with the City of Kilgore.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11)
All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or uses served, except as follows:
In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, approval by the Planning Board and City Council is required according to the following criteria:
Off-site parking may be permitted on an immediately contiguous lot or tract, or on a lot or tract within one hundred fifty feet (150') of such building or structure providing:
That a permanent, irrevocable easement of the parking facilities in favor of the premises to be benefited shall be dedicated and recorded as a condition of such use, or
That a long-term Remote Parking Lease Agreement be provided upon approval by the City as a condition of such use.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11)
The following off-street parking requirements are considered minimum requirements and may not adequately reflect the specific needs of a proposed business. The Downtown Core Zoning District and the Downtown Entertainment District are exempt from these parking requirements.
A commercial building permit applicant shall analyze the parking needs of the specific users being proposed and provide the amount of parking required for such uses. When any building or structure is erected, or an existing building is enlarged by fifty (50) percent or more in floor area, off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements (Note: Any building enlargement is required to add at least the amount of additional parking required by the enlargement.)
Single-Family, Two-Family
2 per dwelling unit
2.5 per dwelling unit
1-1/2 for one bedroom plus 1/2 for each add. bdr.
Fraternity House, Sorority House, Dormitory, Rooming House, Boardinghouse
1 per each two beds
Restaurant as a single use or comprising more than twenty percent of a mixed retail center
1:100 sq. ft. of seating area
Hotel, Motel
1 per room plus 1:200 sq. ft. of Comm. Floor Area
Medical/Dental Clinic/Office, Personal Service Mixed-use Retail Center less than 20,000 sq. ft.
1:200 sq. ft.
Mixed-Use Retail greater than 20,000 sq. ft.
1:225 sq. ft.
Studio, Bank, Retail
1:250 sq. ft.
Business/Professional Office
1:275 sq. ft.
Furniture, Appliance or Hardware Store Wholesale sales Establishment, Machinery/Equipment Sales & Service, Clothing/Shoe Repair, Service Shop, Comm. Center, Library, Museum, Art Gallery
1:300 sq. ft.
Manufacturing, Industrial, Research, Testing, Warehouse, Storage Buildings and Yards, Lumberyard, Printing Shop, Plumbing Shop
1:275 square feet for office space plus employee parking. Maneuvering, loading, employee parking and storage areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or gravel
Church, Theater, Auditorium (except school), Sports Arena, Stadium, Gymnasium, Funeral Home
1:4 seats
Hospital, Sanitarium, Convalescent Home
1:4 beds
Dance/Assembly/Exhibition Hall, Restaurant, Nightclub, Lodge or Country Club
1:100 sq. ft.
Motor Vehicle Salesrooms and Used Car Lots
greater of 1:800 sq. ft. of sales floor or lot area
Vehicle Repair Garage
1:400 sq. ft.
Mini-Warehouse Self Storage
parking required only for office
Golf Courses
Bowling Alleys
Elementary Schools
greater of 1:4 seats in auditorium or 2:classroom
Secondary Schools, colleges
greater of 1:4 seats in auditorium or 10:classroom
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11; Ordinance 1571 adopted 3/26/13)
Street systems and car parking
General requirements.
All manufactured home parks shall be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting public streets or roads to each manufactured home lot. Such access shall be provided by streets, driveways and other means.
Park entrance.
Entrances to manufactured home parks shall be designed to minimize congestion and hazards and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets. No parking shall be permitted on the park entrance street for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from its point of beginning, unless the park entrance is at least thirty-six (36) feet wide.
Internal streets.
Shall meet the following minimum requirements:
All streets, from back of curb to back of curb, twenty-five (25) feet;
Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to one thousand (1,000) feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least sixty (60) feet.
All streets shall be constructed with asphalt or concrete and with curb and gutter[.]
All construction plans shall be designed by a registered professional engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the City.
Car parking.
All manufactured home lots shall be required to provide a minimum of two off-street parking spaces constructed of asphalt or concrete.
Illumination of street systems.
All parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries placed at such mounting heights as will provide illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
(Ordinance 1494 adopted 2/22/11; Ordinance 1783 adopted 11/10/20)