It shall be unlawful for any person owning livestock, such as
horses, mules, jacks, jennets, cattle, sheep, goats and hogs, to permit
such livestock to run at large within the corporate limits of the
(1988 Code, ch. 2, sec. 2.00)
It shall be unlawful for any person owning chickens, turkeys,
ducks, geese, guineas, or other fowl to permit such fowl to run at
large within the city limits.
(1988 Code, ch. 2, sec. 3.00)
Effective November 21, 2005, it shall be unlawful to keep hogs
within the city limits, with the exception that such hogs may be kept
on the Jourdanton ISD grounds as are necessary for agricultural and
educational purposes, and with the further exception that those children
participating in 4-H and FFA programs may be permitted to raise five
(5) hogs each within the city limits.
(Ordinance 430 adopted 11/21/05)
(a) Area and enclosure requirements.
No person shall maintain
livestock or fowl within the city limits unless the following area
requirements are met:
(1) Horses and cows.
There shall be a minimum space of twelve
hundred and fifty (1,250) square feet for each horse kept within the
city limits. Every animal must be provided with a stable, shed, pen
or other enclosure to protect the animal against the elements and
which shall be located on the premises where the horse or horses are
kept. No stable, shed, pen or other enclosure shall be closer than
one hundred feet (100') to any inhabited dwelling; provided that this
distance requirement shall not apply to the dwelling occupied by the
owner himself. The lot or premises shall also be enclosed with a wooden
slat fence.
(2) Goats.
Any goat kept in the city limits must be provided
a minimum space of three hundred and seventy-five (375) square feet
for each goat kept. Every goat must be provided a stable, shed, pen
or other enclosure which shall be no closer than one hundred feet
(100') to any dwelling; provided that this distance requirement shall
not apply to the dwelling occupied by the owner himself. The lot or
premises shall also be enclosed with a wooden slat fence.
(3) Chickens.
There shall be a minimum of five (5) square
feet for each chicken kept in the city limits. A chicken house shall
be provided on the premises, which shall be no closer than fifty feet
(50') to any dwelling. The chicken house must be of such construction
as will allow for ease in cleaning and airing and kept in such a manner
as not to become offensive to adjacent neighbors or the public. No
more than one hundred (100) fowl may be maintained by any family unit.
(4) Rabbits.
All rabbit hutches must be kept in a sanitary
manner at all times, and so constructed as to allow ease in cleaning.
(b) Storage of manure.
Each premises where livestock or
fowl is kept shall be required to have built an impervious (concrete)
bin which will act as a storage place for all manure from such livestock
or fowl. It shall be covered with an approved cover that will not
allow the ingress or egress of flies and that will prevent any water
(rainwater). It will be necessary to have the bin large enough to
compensate for the weekly collections of manure. At least one (1)
cubic foot of space shall be allowed for each animal per day. A bin
shall be erected at all chicken or other fowl lots, a minimum of thirty
(30) cubic feet. The thickness of the walls of the bin shall be anchored
by bolts which will allow the repair as needed as [to be] performed.
(c) Sanitation.
It shall be the duty of every person raising,
keeping, or harboring any livestock or fowl to keep the premises and/or
stable, shed, pen, or other enclosure in a sanitary condition, so
that it will not become foul or offensive to persons of ordinary sensibilities
residing in the vicinity or breed or attract flies, mosquitoes or
other noxious insects, or in any manner endanger the public health
or safety.
(d) Exception.
These provisions shall not be construed to
prohibit any person engaging in operating a business from keeping
livestock for a temporary period of time, not to exceed seventy-two
(72) hours, awaiting resale or their use in connection with the operation
of their business.
(1988 Code, ch. 2, sec. 5.01)
(a) Horses.
All horses maintained within the city limits
must be vaccinated for equine encephalomyelitis and so registered
with the health department. Any new additions of horses to the lot
must have their vaccination report on file at the health department,
or be vaccinated within twelve (12) hours after arrival.
(b) Cows.
The following tests are mandatory for all cows
kept within the city limits:
(4) Cowpox.
Any new additions to the herd or the lot must have these tests
on file at the health department not later than forty-eight (48) hours
after the tests have been completed.
(c) Chickens.
Caution shall be taken in extreme cleanliness
of all fowl yards to keep down bugs and lice which infect the skin.
All houses, roosts, and nests must be treated weekly with an approved
germicide in the form of spray or powder. Care shall be taken to see
that all cracks and crevices are thoroughly treated.
(1988 Code, ch. 2, sec. 5.02)