It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, reconstruct, or repair any driveway, curb, gutter, or drainage facility in the streets and alleys of the city without first obtaining a permit. To obtain such permit an application must be filed with the city describing the abutting property to which the proposed work on the public property is to be done either by lot, block, or tract and house number, location on the street or similar description which will readily identify and definitely locate the site of proposed work; a description of the proposed work to be performed; and any other pertinent information as shall be required by the city. The fee for such permit shall be as provided for in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code, and shall expire if the work authorized therein is not commenced within three (3) months of the date of the permit. Plans for such work shall be approved by the building official prior to issuance of any permit. All construction work must be done in accordance with the city specifications.
(1988 Code, ch. 3, sec. 14.00)