There is hereby created the office of health authority of the city, who shall be appointed by the city council. The health authority, after appointment, shall take and subscribe to the official oath, and shall file a copy of such oath and a copy of his appointment with the state board of health.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.01)
The health authority shall be a competent physician, legally qualified to practice medicine in the state, and shall have a reputable professional standing and be a resident of the county.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.02)
The health authority shall be fully responsible to the city council in any matters affecting the public health and the prevention and containment of contagious diseases. He shall make reports to the state board of health as required by state law and discharge and perform his duties under the direction, rules, regulations, and requirements of the state board of health.
The health authority is hereby constituted a peace officer, and shall have power to arrest persons violating any of the provisions of this Code of Ordinances which pertain to regulations for public health purposes or the sanitary regulations of the state.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.03)
The health authority and any inspectors acting under his supervision are hereby empowered to enter into, examine, investigate, inspect and view all grounds, public buildings, slaughterhouses, packing houses, dairies, bakeries, manufactories, hotels, food service establishments, food processing establishments and all other premises where they may deem it proper and necessary in the prosecution of their duties to enter for the discovering and suppression of diseases and the enforcement of the regulations and ordinances of the city and the sanitary regulations of the state.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.04)
The health authority shall have charge of and superintend the administration of all matters pertaining to quarantine within the city with full authority to declare and enforce quarantine as provided in this article and the sanitary regulations of the state.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.05)
The health authority is empowered to administer oaths, summon witnesses and [require] attendance in all matters proper for him to investigate, such as investigation of public water supplies, sanitary conditions within the city, the existence of contagious and infectious diseases and all matters coming under the scope of the authority invested in him by this article and the sanitary regulations of the state.
(1988 Code, ch. 8, sec. 9.06)