The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The city council or the city council’s designated representative.
The price of, or value received for, the right to use a sleeping room, bed, or dormitory space or other sleeping facility in a hotel, and includes the price of conveniences customarily provided in connection with sleeping accommodations, including mattress, sheets, bedspreads, pillows, pillow cases, bed frames, air conditioning, electricity, lighting, water, soap, towels, wash cloths, toilet tissue, shower or bath facilities, lavatory, chairs, trash receptacles, plus any other goods or services which are not ordinarily subject to sales tax. The consideration paid for a sleeping room or facility shall not include the price of food served, nor the price of personal services rendered to the occupant which are unrelated to cleaning and readying a room for occupancy, nor any sales tax, nor occupancy tax assessed by other governmental agencies, provided that these charges are stated separately on the folio or invoice of the occupant. Charges not stated separately shall be presumed to be part of the consideration paid for occupancy of a sleeping room or sleeping facility, and shall be taxed under this article.
Has the meaning assigned by section 156.001 of the Tax Code, as may be amended, which currently reads: Any building in which members of the public obtain sleeping accommodations for consideration. The term includes a hotel, motel, tourist home, tourist house, tourist court, lodginghouse, inn, roominghouse, or bed and breakfast. The term does not include:
A hospital, sanitarium, or nursing home;
A dormitory or other housing facility owned or leased and operated by an institution of higher education or a private or independent institution of higher education as those terms are defined by section 61.003, Education Code, used by the institution for the purpose of providing sleeping accommodations for persons engaged in an educational program or activity at the institution; or
An oilfield portable unit, as defined by section 152.001.
Lodging provider.
Any individual, company, corporation, or association owning, operating, managing, or controlling any hotel.
The use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms, sleeping space, bed or other facility in a hotel for any purpose.
Any guest who, for a consideration, uses or possesses, or has a right to the use or possession of, any room, sleeping space or facility in a hotel, under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license, contract or agreement, other than a permanent resident as hereinafter defined.
Permanent resident.
Any occupant who has or shall have the right to occupancy of any room in a hotel for at least 30 consecutive days, so long as there is no interruption of payment for the period.
Quarter or quarterly period.
The regular calendar quarters of the year corresponding to the period that tax reports are filed with the state comptroller and means the regular calendar quarters of the year, the first quarter being composed of the months of January, February and March; the second quarter being the months of April, May and June; the third quarter being the months of July, August and September; and the fourth quarter being the months of October, November and December. The municipal fiscal quarters are composed of the same months, but the first quarter is composed of the months of October, November and December.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
There is hereby levied a tax upon the price of occupancy of any room or space furnished by any hotel located within the city limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, where such cost of occupancy is at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) or more per day, such tax to be equal to seven percent of the price for occupancy.
No tax shall be imposed hereunder upon a permanent resident so long as there is no interruption of payment for the 30-day period, and so long as there is no interruption in the right of occupancy for the permanent resident.
A United States governmental entity described in Tax Code section 156.103(a) is exempt from the payment of tax authorized by this chapter.
A state governmental entity described in Tax Code section 156.103(b) shall pay the tax imposed by this chapter but is entitled to a refund of the tax paid.
A person who is described by Tax Code section 156.103(d) is exempt from the payment of the tax authorized by this chapter.
A person who is described by Tax Code section 156.103(c) shall pay the tax imposed by this chapter but the state governmental entity with whom the person is associated is entitled to a refund of the tax paid.
To receive a refund of tax paid under this chapter, the governmental entity entitled to the refund must file a refund claim on a form provided by the municipality and containing the information required by the municipality. The comptroller by rule shall prescribe the form that must be used and the information that must be provided.
A governmental entity may file a refund claim with the municipality under this chapter only for each calendar quarter for all reimbursements accrued during that quarter. The municipality may adopt an ordinance to enforce this section.
The right to use or possess a room in a hotel is exempt from taxation under this chapter if the person required to collect the tax receives, in good faith from a guest, an exemption certificate stating qualification for an exemption provided in subsection (3). The exemption must be supported by the documentation required under rules adopted by the comptroller and the municipality.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
Every lodging provider in the city shall immediately register with the administrator on a form provided by said administrator. Lodging providers engaged in such business must so register not later than thirty (30) days after the date that this article becomes effective. Such registration shall set forth that name under which such person transacts business or intends to transact business, the location of his/her place(s) of business and such other information which would facilitate the administration of the tax as prescribed by the administrator. The registration shall be signed by the owner if a natural person; in case of ownership by an association or partnership, by a member or partner; in case of ownership by a corporation, by an officer, accompanied by legal documentation that authorizes that person to sign such registration on behalf of the legal entity. The administrator shall, after such registration, issue without charge a certificate of authority to each lodging provider to collect the tax from the occupant. A separate registration shall be required for each place of business of a lodging provider. Each certificate shall state the name and location of the business to which it is applicable.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
Every person owning, operating, managing or controlling any hotel located within the city limits, or extraterritorial jurisdiction, shall collect the tax imposed under this article and pay same to the administrator with the reports required hereinafter.
The lodging provider shall provide a receipt to each guest, which receipt shall reflect both the amount of consideration and the amounts of this and other tax applicable.
This tax shall be due from the guest, and shall be collected by the lodging provider at the same time that the consideration is collected.
The lodging provider shall be liable for any amount of tax that he/she fails to collect appropriately; and must remit to the city any amount of tax collected in excess of that which should have been collected.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
On or before the twentieth day of the month following each quarterly period, every lodging provider required hereby to collect the tax imposed by this article shall file a report with the administrator showing the consideration paid for all room occupancies in the preceding quarter, the amount of tax collected on the city’s behalf on such occupancies, and any other information as the administrator may reasonably require. Such persons shall pay over the tax due on such occupancies at the time of filing such report. There shall also be furnished to the administrator of the city at the time of payment of such tax, a copy of the quarterly tax report filed with the state comptroller in connection with the state hotel occupancy tax.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
The administrator shall adopt such procedures, rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary to effectively collect the tax levied herein, and shall, upon request of any lodging provider owning, operating, managing or controlling any hotel, furnish a copy of such procedures, rules and regulations for the guidance of such lodging provider to facilitate the collection of such tax as such collection is required herein. The administrator shall be permitted to have access to books and records during reasonable business hours as shall be necessary to enable the administrator to determine the correctness of the amount due under the provisions of this article, or to determine whether or not a report should have been filed and the amount, if necessary, of taxes due. The lodging provider is entitled to 30 days prior notice should the administrator seek to inspect books and records under this section.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
The proceeds of the hotel occupancy tax levied by this article shall be used solely at the discretion of the city council for the purpose of advertising and encouraging the growth of tourist and convention activity in the city, including the financial support of any convention or civic center that may be built in the city, and those purposes set forth in the Texas Tax Code, as amended; and shall be allocated by contract, authorized by city council, in accordance with any applicable provisions of the Texas Tax Code, as amended.
No later than sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar year, all recipients of any hotel occupancy tax receipts under this article, other than the amounts authorized by city council and used by the city departments, shall submit an audited report to the city council, showing in detail the disbursement and use of all such amounts paid to each and the services or goods and/or merchandise received for the same.
Thirty (30) days prior to the end of the contract period, each recipient shall forward to the administrator evidence of justification, with a proposed budget, for the granting of a new contract by the city council for the future contract period. The receipt of any funds by any recipient shall not imply any right of automatic renewal of such contract for the ensuing years; such option under the laws of the state shall rest exclusively with the city council.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
If any lodging provider required by the provisions of this article to collect the tax, make reports as required herein, and pay to the administrator the tax imposed herein shall fail to collect such tax, shall fail to file such reports, or shall fail to pay such tax in a timely manner, or if any such lodging provider shall file a false report, such lodging provider shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be punished by fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each incident of failure to file and/or pay tax is considered to be a separate offense.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
Delinquent taxes shall draw interest at the rate provided in section 111.060(b) of the Texas Tax Code, beginning from the first day after the date due until the tax is paid, as reflected in, section 351.0042(b) of the Texas Tax Code.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
The administrator shall refer any hotel occupancy tax account that has a delinquent balance older than thirty (30) days to the city attorney for the purpose of filing a suit to enjoin the hotel owner, operator, manager, and other persons in control from operating any hotel in the city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction until the tax is paid and/or the report filed. This remedy shall be in addition to the remedy of a collection suit and in addition to the municipal court criminal complaint that may be filed for each violation of this article.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
In addition to any amount owed under chapter 351 of the Texas Tax Code or this section a person against suit is brought under chapter 351 or this section is liable to the municipality for:
The municipality’s reasonable attorney’s fees;
The costs of an audit conducted under Texas Tax Code section 351.004 as determined by the city using a reasonable rate, if:
The tax has been delinquent for at least two complete municipal fiscal quarters at the time the audit is conducted; and
The city has not received a disbursement from the comptroller as provided by Texas Tax Code section 156.2513 related to the person’s concurrent state tax delinquency described by Texas Tax Code section 351.008;
A penalty equal to 15 percent of the total amount of the tax owed, including accrued unpaid interest as of the first day of the first complete calendar quarter following a delinquency, if the tax has been delinquent for at least one complete municipal fiscal quarter; and
Interest at the highest rate authorized under Texas Tax Code section 351.0042.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
If a person required to file a tax report under Texas Tax Code chapter 351 does not file the report as required by the city, the city may, at its discretion determine the amount of tax due under this chapter by:
Conducting an audit of each hotel in relation to which the lodging provider did not file the report as required by the municipality; or
Using the tax report filed for the appropriate reporting period under Texas Tax Code section 156.151 in relation to that hotel.
If the lodging provider did not file a tax report under Texas Tax Code section 156.151 for that reporting period in relation to that hotel, the city may, at its option, and approval by city council, estimate the amount of tax due by using the tax reports in relation to that hotel filed during the previous calendar year under Texas Tax Code chapter 351 or section 156.151. Such estimate is prima facie evidence of the amount of tax due for that period in relation to that hotel. The authority to conduct an audit under this section is in addition to any other audit authority provided by statute or this article. The city may directly perform an audit authorized by this section or contract with another person to perform the audit on an hourly rate or fixed-fee basis. A city shall provide at least 30 days written notice to a lodging provider who is required to collect the tax imposed by this section with respect to a hotel before conducting an audit of the hotel under this section.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
The administrator shall not refer a delinquent account to the city attorney for the purpose of enjoining the hotel operators from doing business within the city limits or in its extraterritorial jurisdiction, if the owner, manager, operator, or other persons in control provides an acceptable surety bond in an amount equal to the city hotel occupancy tax collected by the subject hotel in the six (6) best net revenue months of the twelve (12) full calendar months immediately prior to the acquisition of the bond, said bond to ensure payment for a one-year period, that coincides with the beginning and ending of the regular calendar quarters of the year, and be updated and approved by the administrator annually if said hotel operators desire to continue such protection from business-closing during a period of delinquency.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
The city shall permit lodging provider who is required to collect and pay over to the municipality the tax authorized by this chapter to withhold one-half of one percent of the amount collected for the city and required to be reported as reimbursement to the lodging provider for the costs in collecting the tax.
The reimbursement provided by this section shall be forfeited because of a failure to pay the tax or to file a report as required by the city.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)
If a lodging provider who is liable for the payment of a tax under this article is the owner of a hotel and sells the hotel, the successor to the seller or the seller’s assignee shall withhold an amount of the purchase price sufficient to pay the amount due until the seller provides a receipt by a person designated by the city to provide the receipt showing that the amount has been paid or a certificate showing that no tax is due.
The purchaser of a hotel who fails to withhold an amount of the purchase price as required by this section is liable for the amount required to be withheld to the extent of the value of the purchase price.
The purchaser of a hotel may request in writing that the administrator shall provide a receipt under subsection (a) issue a certificate stating that no tax is due or issue a statement of the amount required to be paid before a certificate may be issued. The administrator shall issue the certificate or statement not later than the 60th day after the date that the administrator receives the request.
If the purchaser provides a copy of the request, filed stamped by the city secretary, required in subsection (c) and the administrator under subsection (a) fails to issue the certificate or statement within the period provided by subsection (c), the purchaser is released from the obligation to withhold the purchase price or pay the amount due.
(Ordinance 650 adopted 8/18/14)