There is created the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial, which shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of 9 members, each to be appointed by a majority vote of the city council.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 1; 1999 Code, sec. 34-31; Ordinance 05-2021 adopted 5/18/2021)
The Crosby County Pioneer Memorial (CCPM) is created for the purpose of providing facilities for educational, recreational, benevolent and civic uses for the citizens of the county and the Texas South Plains. As an entity of the city, the CCPM shall operate its facilities on a nonprofit basis, striving to contribute significantly to education, enrichment and esthetics enjoyment, with exhibitions and public programs which will facilitate the dissemination of knowledge.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 2; 1999 Code, sec. 34-32)
The board of directors of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial shall consist of 9 resident citizens, taxpayers, and qualified voters of the county, and shall be appointed by the city council to serve terms of three years each, three terms to be renewed or filled each year, excluding the ninth member. Allowing for city council consideration, the initial term of office shall begin on April 1st of the year of appointment, except in the filling of vacancies and unexpired terms. All vacancies occurring shall be filled by appointment by majority vote of the city council. All vacancies occurring by reason of expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment of a majority vote of the city council. The 9th member of the board shall be a member of the city council (either mayor or alderman), to be appointed by the city council. This appointee will serve on the board until his or her council term expires. A successor will be named from the membership of the city council to fill the vacancy of the former council board member.
Advisory members.
The trustee of the Percy and Zina Lamar Foundation shall be entitled to appoint two advisory members to the board of directors pursuant to an agreement between Texas Commerce Bank, Trustee, and the city. These two directors shall serve at the pleasure of the trustee, and neither shall be a voting member of the board.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 3; 1999 Code, sec. 34-33; Ordinance 05-2021 adopted 5/18/2021)
Tenure of each director of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial will be judged individually on his objectivity and his contribution to the memorial. The director’s value will be judged by attendance at the monthly meetings and/or by his general ability to provide unique resources for the management of the institution. It is of major importance that the candidate for the board have an active desire to serve the institution in some measurable capacity.
The board of directors shall organize and select their officers and shall hold meetings regularly and shall designate the time and place of such meetings. The board shall adopt its own rules of procedure and keep a record of its proceedings. Eight members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 4; 1999 Code, sec. 34-34)
Ex officio members of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial Board of Directors shall be the mayor and the city secretary. The ex officio members will not have voting privileges and shall act solely in an advisory capacity.
The board of directors may with the consent of the city council select members of the board for lifetime membership. Such lifetime members shall have full membership privileges but shall not constitute members for purposes of a quorum under the foundation’s bylaws.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 5; 1999 Code, sec. 34-35)
The board of directors of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facilities of the memorial. The board of directors shall further be responsible for the establishment of policies in order that the facilities of the memorial may be utilized for its intended purposes.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 6; 1999 Code, sec. 34-36)
The board of directors shall operate the facility of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial in such a manner as to qualify for the yearly gift to the operational budget pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Percy and Zina Lamar Foundation. The minimum budget for the operation of the memorial will be derived from the Lamar Foundation and from funds as may be available from the city, together with other income which the facility may have from its various uses. As an entity of the city, the general operating account of the memorial shall be subject to monthly and annual audits in a manner recommended by the city’s certified public accountant.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 7; 1999 Code, sec. 34-37)
The members of the board of directors of the Crosby County Pioneer Memorial shall serve without compensation, and no debts of any kind or character shall be made or incurred by the board of directors or anyone acting for such board of directors unless expenditures have been specifically authorized by the city council prior to the time such obligations are incurred.
(Ordinance adopted 5/24/1974, sec. 8; 1999 Code, sec. 34-38)