The violation of any provision of this division shall be punished by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day on which such violation occurs constitutes a separate offense.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-80), adopted 9/17/2002; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or operate, or cause to be used or operated, any mechanical or electrical device, machine, apparatus or instrument to intensify or to reproduce the human voice, or any other sound, on any public street within the corporate limits of the city in such a manner and at such a volume as to be reasonably calculated to disturb the peace or to be unreasonably offensive to the public or to the occupants of the premises within the vicinity.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-75), adopted 9/17/2002)
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or operate, or cause to be used or operated, any mechanical or electrical device, machine, apparatus or instrument to intensify or to amplify any sound, in any building or upon any premises in the city, whereby the sound therefrom is cast directly upon the public streets or neighboring premises or where such device is maintained and operated for advertising purposes or which is placed or operated in such a manner and at such a volume as to be reasonably calculated to disturb the peace or to be unreasonably offensive to the public or to the occupants of other premises in such vicinity.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-76), adopted 9/17/2002)
For the purpose of this division, if the amplification device produces a sound in excess of 85 dB, then it shall be deemed to be reasonably calculated to disturb the peace and be unreasonably offensive to the public. The sound measurement shall be taken at the property limits of the premises where the amplification device is located or, if the device is located upon a vehicle, immediately adjacent to the vehicle.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-77), adopted 9/17/2002)
Nothing in this division shall apply to officers and employees of the city, the county, the school district, the state, the United States of America or any official governmental entity when such amplification of sound is being used by such officer or employee while engaged in his official duty.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-78), adopted 9/17/2002)
The city council may issue a permit to exceed the 85 dB limit for special events. A permit granted pursuant to this provision shall not allow operation of the sound amplification device for more than 72 hours. The city council may place such restrictions upon the time and manner of operation of the sound amplification device as they deem appropriate under the circumstances.
(Ordinance 09-02-02, sec. 1 (58-79), adopted 9/17/2002)