Outdoor burning shall be done only in compliance with the regulations of the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
No person shall deposit hot ashes or cinders, or smoldering coals, or greasy or oily substances liable to spontaneous ignition, into any combustible receptacle, or place the same within ten (10) feet of any combustible materials, except in metal or other noncombustible covered receptacles. Such receptacles, unless resting on a noncombustible floor or on the ground outside the buildings, shall be placed on noncombustible stands and in every case shall be kept at least two (2) feet away from any combustible wall or partition, or exterior window opening.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
Any person using a torch or other flame producing device for sweating pipe joints in any building or structure shall have available in the immediate vicinity where the sweating is done one approved fire extinguisher or water hose connected to a water supply. Combustible material in the close proximity of flame shall be protected against ignition by shielding, wetting, or other approved means. In all cases, a fire watcher shall remain in the vicinity of the sweating operation for 1 hour after the torch or flame-producing device has been used.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
Every person owning, or in charge or control of, any vacant building shall remove therefrom all accumulations of flammable or combustible waste or rubbish and shall securely lock, barricade, or otherwise secure all doors, windows, and other openings thereof. The premises shall be maintained clear of any waste or hazardous material.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
No person shall kindle a fire upon the land of another without permission of the owner thereof or his agent; further, no person shall kindle a fire upon city property, public street, right-of-way, alley, or other public lands.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
Roofs, courts, yards, vacant lots and open spaces shall be kept free and clear of deposits or accumulations of waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter or combustible waste or rubbish of any kind. All weeds, grass, vines or other growth, when same endangers property, or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
It shall be unlawful to accumulate or store combustible waste matter beneath trailers or at any other place within a trailer camp or mobile home park.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
Violation of this article is a class “C” misdemeanor punishable of a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.106 of this code.
(Ordinance 395, adopted 1/22/90)
Collection of Fees.
The city council authorizes the city manager to adopt charges to be billed against parties involved in motor vehicle accidents, hazardous waste or chemical spills, or other nonfire suppression activities to which the city responds with fire department equipment and/or personnel. Those charges shall be billed as a debt to the party causing the event of a spill or dumping and/or the party transporting said hazardous, dangerous and/or injurious product. Fire suppression activities resulting from third party negligence may be billed against that third party. Fire suppression resulting from arson may be billed against the arsonist.
This city manager, or his designee, shall bill and collect all fees and costs for fire prevention and protection services or other public safety and emergency services for the motor vehicle accidents. The city manager, or his designee, shall submit an invoice for all costs, fees, charges and expenses related to providing such services, to include but not limited to all actual expenses including costs of specialists, experts or other incidental costs incurred by the city as a result of the incident, to the customer, client, owner, designated agent, representative and/or insurance company who received, covered and/or otherwise benefited from these services.
Within thirty (30) days of the date of providing fire prevention and protection services or other public safety and emergency services for the motor vehicle accidents, the city manager, or his designee, shall submit an invoice for all costs, fees, charges and expenses related to providing such services, to include but not limited to all actual expenses including costs of equipment operations, cost of material utilized, costs of specialists, experts or other contract labor not in the full time employment of the city; overtime costs, and other incidental costs incurred by the city as a result of the incident, to the customer, client, owner, designated agent, representative and/or insurance company who received, covered and/or otherwise benefited from these services.
Any bills, fees or penalties, including but not limited to clean up costs, fees or expenses that are imposed by the city or the city fire department by any local, state or federal agency, related to the rendering of fire protection or prevention services or of other public safety and emergency services may be included in the billing or billed separately within thirty (30) days of receipt.
The city may enforce the provisions of this section by any action allowed by law for the collection of any amounts due hereafter, including reasonable and necessary attorney fees, costs, and expenses in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ordinance 399, adopted 5/20/91, Section 1)