The position of city manager has been created by the voters of the city.
(Ordinance 2020.05.14A, sec. 2 (35.40), adopted 5/14/20)
The city manager will be hired, appointed and/or terminated and shall receive such compensation that may be fixed by a majority vote of the entire city council and [the city council]shall supervise the city manager by majority vote. The city manager shall be chosen and compensated solely on the basis of his or her experience, education, training, and ability and performance. At the time of his/her appointment, he/she need not be a resident of the city or State of Texas, but during his tenure of office is encouraged to reside within the city.
No member of the council shall, during the term of office to which elected or for one (1) year thereafter, be appointed as the city manager. The terms and conditions of the city manager’s employment may be governed by contract agreed upon and approved by majority vote of the city council.
(Ordinance 2020.05.14A, sec. 2 (35.41), adopted 5/14/20)
The city manager/interim city manager must execute a bond with such surety and in such amount as the council may require, except that such bond shall be in an amount of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). The premium of such bond shall be paid by the city.
The bond must be conditioned that the city manager/interim city manager will faithfully discharge the duties of the office.
(Ordinance 2020.05.14A, sec. 2 (35.42), adopted 5/14/20)
The duties and responsibilities of the city manager shall be in accordance with the duties of the city manager as set forth in section 25.029 of the Texas Local Government Code and set forth in this division. The city manager shall act as the chief executive and administrative officer for the city and shall be responsible to the council for the proper administration of all the affairs and business of the city. The city manager shall be required to:
Enforce all state laws and city ordinances;
Appoint, supervise, suspend and remove officers and employees of the city, except those appointed by the council or as otherwise specifically provided by state law;
Suspend any department head or municipal officer until such time as the city council can act on his recommendation upon suspension or dismissal in accordance with section 22.077 of the Texas Local Government Code;
After consultation with the department head involved, fill budgeted positions on the city’s staff and make recommendations to the mayor and city council for the elimination of budgeted positions;
After consultation with the department head involved, shall have the authority to remove all subordinate employees;
Attend all council meetings except when excused:
Prepare and submit the proposed annual budget, and be responsible for the administration of the adopted budget;
Keep the council advised of the financial condition and needs of the city and make appropriate recommendations;
Prepare and submit to the council at the end of each fiscal year a complete report of the finances and administrative activities of the city for such year:
Make such other reports as the council may require concerning the operations of the city;
Meet, discuss and confer with and advise the mayor and/or members of the council regarding city business:
Serve as the executive director of the Overton Economic Development Corporation;
Serve as the executive director of the Overton Municipal Development District;
Perform other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance, resolution or at the direction of the city council;
Serve as first alternate to the city secretary for attesting to and countersigning of the mayor’s or mayor pro tempore’s signature on all official city documents.
(Ordinance 2020.05.14A, sec. 2 (35.43), adopted 5/14/20)
In the event the city manager resigns, is terminated or if the office of city manager is vacant, the council shall designate an interim city manager. The council may designate a person to perform the duties of the city manager during his/her extended absence or disability.
(Ordinance 2020.05.14A, sec. 2 (35.44), adopted 5/14/20)