The government zoning district (G) is established to provide an area for public use by the federal, state, county and municipal governments, as well as other specialized governmental entities, with jurisdiction within the town.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)
Within the G zoning district, only the following uses shall be permitted:
Government offices, buildings, structures and sites for government functions.
Specialized districts serving a governmental function.
Fire stations.
Public utility stations and structures, including sewage treatment facilities.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)
Any accessory use related to the support of the permitted uses stated above in section 14.02.717.
Off-street parking and loading areas and signage in lots or structures related to the functioning of governmental activities.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)
There shall be no conditional use or special use permits granted within zone G.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)
Buildings and structures may be erected to any legal height not restricted by other laws or ordinances.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)
Any private use, structure or building not related to the functioning of the permitted uses stated in section 14.02.717 above shall be prohibited.
Public schools and related uses are regulated under section 14.02.010, churches, schools, and fraternal lodges in this code, and therefore said uses shall not be allowed in zone G.
(Ordinance 2008-10-14B adopted 10/14/08)