All ordinances, resolutions, rules, contracts, and regulations of the Town heretofore ordained, passed, adopted, or enacted, that are in force at the time this Charter becomes effective, and which are not in conflict with such Charter, shall remain in full force until altered, amended, or repealed by the Council after such Charter takes effect.
The Town Council shall evidence its official actions by written ordinances, resolutions, or oral motions. The style of all ordinances shall be: “Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Fairview, Texas” and the style of all resolutions shall be “Be it resolved by the Town Council of the Town of Fairview, Texas.” Each proposed ordinance shall not be amended or repealed except by adoption of another ordinance. All ordinances and resolutions passed by the Town Council shall become effective immediately from and after passage except where publication of a caption is required or where the ordinance, State law, or other provisions of this Charter provide otherwise, in which case the effective date shall be as prescribed in the ordinance.
The descriptive caption or title of each ordinance containing a penalty shall be published at least once in the official newspaper of the Town, unless otherwise provided by State law or this Charter.
The Town Council shall have the power to cause the ordinances of the Town to be printed, in code form, and shall have the same arranged and digested as often as the Council may deem advisable, provided that failure to print the ordinances as herein provided shall not affect the validity of the same.