Beginning on the 2nd Saturday in May, 2007, each qualified voter shall be entitled to vote for the office of Mayor and Council Member for Seats 1, 3 and 5 for a term of two years. On the 2nd Saturday in May 2008, Council Members for Seats 2, 4 and 6 shall be elected for a term of two years. Thereafter, the Mayor and Council Members shall be elected for a term of two years. Candidates for each seat, including the Mayor, shall be elected at large. If a candidate for Mayor or Council Member fails to receive a majority of the votes cast at the regular election, the Town Council shall order a run-off election to be held between the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes, to be held on a date as prescribed by the Texas Election Code.
The Town Council by ordinance or resolution, may call such special elections as are authorized by State law or this Charter, fix the time and place of holding the same, and provide all means for holding such special elections. Every special election shall be called and held as nearly as practicable, according to the provisions governing regular elections.
All Town elections shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code. The Town Council shall appoint the clerks, judges and other election officials and shall provide for their compensation and other expenses incurred in holding said election.
Any qualified person as prescribed by Section 3.02 of this Charter may make application to have his/her name placed on the official ballot for the position of Council Member or Mayor. The application shall be made in accordance with all applicable laws and shall state that the candidate agrees to serve if qualified and elected. Each candidate shall execute such oath and other official form or affidavit as required by the Texas Election Code. The Town Secretary shall review the application and notify the candidate whether or not the application satisfies the requirements of this Charter and the Texas Election Code. If an application is insufficient, the Town Secretary shall return it immediately to the candidate with a statement of such insufficiency. The candidate may file a new application within the regular time for filing applications. The Town Secretary shall keep on file all applications found sufficient at least until the expiration of the term of office for which such candidates filed.
The order of the names of the candidates on the ballot shall be determined by the Town Secretary in accordance with the procedures set out in the Texas Election Code. The name of each candidate seeking an elective office, except those who have withdrawn, died, or become ineligible prior to the time permitted for withdrawal, shall be printed on the official ballot in the name designated by the candidate in accordance with the Texas Election Code. Early voting shall be conducted pursuant to the Texas Election Code.
Returns of every municipal election shall be delivered forthwith by the election judges to the Town Secretary, with a copy of the returns being sent to the Mayor. The Town Council shall canvass the returns and declare the official results of the election as provided by the Texas Election Code.