There is hereby created a board hereinafter referred to as the electrical board for the city.
(2003 Code, sec. 5.76)
The electrical board shall consist of five (5) members, who shall serve without compensation. These persons shall be of good moral character who have a working knowledge of the National Electrical Code.
(2003 Code, sec. 5.77)
Members of the board created by this part shall be appointed by the city council for an indefinite term, following the date the electrical ordinance becomes effective. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the city council.
There will be a president of the electrical board. He will be a master electrician.
There will be four (4) master electricians on the electrical board.
(Ordinance 2016-0329-1 adopted 3/29/16)
When good cause exists, a member of the board created by this part may be removed by the city council.
(Ordinance 2016-0329-1 adopted 3/29/16)
The code enforcement officer shall serve as secretary to the board created by this part and shall keep a complete record of all proceedings of the board.
(2003 Code, sec. 5.80)
The board created by this part shall meet as soon after appointment as possible and select a chairman; it shall thereafter meet at such times as may be deemed necessary.
The board shall adopt rules and regulations for permitting and enforcement for the code, to be put before the city council for approval.
The board shall submit to the city council written recommendations and suggestions for the improvement, enforcement and administration of this division.
The board shall hear all grievances and complaints concerning this division and its enforcement. If further complaints need to be addressed, the next step would be to the city council.
(Ordinance 2016-0329-1 adopted 3/29/16)