Office established; appointment; term.
The position of city administrator, an officer of the city, is hereby created. The person shall be appointed to such office by a majority vote of the city council to an indefinite term. A person in such position can only be removed pursuant to the provisions of section 22.077 of the Local Government Code of the state, or its successor legislation.
The city administrator shall also perform those duties as directed by the city council or by law or ordinance.
Prohibited interests.
The city administrator shall not be employed by or affiliated with any business or organization doing business with the city. This section shall not be interpreted to prevent the city administrator from holding offices in civic or public organizations, with the knowledge of the city council.
(Ordinance 2012-9-17 adopted 9/17/12; Ordinance 2021-07 adopted 3/1/2021)
The office of the secretary of the city is hereby established.
The city secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the city council and otherwise in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Local Government Code.
The provisions of division 2 of this article, pertaining to municipal employees, shall also apply to the office of city secretary.
(Ordinance adopted 12/6/99)
The office of the city attorney is hereby established.
The city attorney shall serve at the pleasure of the city council and otherwise in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Local Government Code.
The provisions of division 2 of this article, pertaining to municipal employees, shall also apply to the office of city attorney.
(Ordinance adopted 12/6/99)
Editor’s note–Former section 2.04.031 pertaining to personnel policy adopted, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2021-09 adopted 6/21/2021. Prior to the deletion, this section derived from the following: Ordinance adopted 12/1/03 and Ordinance 2021-08 adopted 5/24/2021.
All persons desiring to obtain employment with the city shall submit a written application for employment on such forms as may be prescribed for such purposes from time to time by the city council, or by the mayor in the absence thereof.
All such applications for employment shall be completed by the applicant and delivered to the city secretary, who shall then maintain all such applications for further review by any member of the city council, at any time.
(1993 Code, sec. 14.01)
The city council shall retain full responsibility for the determination of job positions and the accompanying responsibilities, duties, privileges of such positions, along with all other incidents of employment.
(1993 Code, sec. 14.02)
The city council shall retain the responsibility for the hiring of any person as an employee of the city. No person shall be hired by the city council without a full consideration and discussion of the proposed hiring at a regularly scheduled city council meeting, for which an appropriate agenda item has been posted, in accordance with law. The city council may consider and discuss, at such meeting, any information obtained by a member, or any other person, from any source. The city council may interview relating to the employee or the job duties and responsibilities appropriate to the proposed hiring.
(1993 Code, sec. 14.03)
Once hired by the city council, no employee shall be terminated except by the council. The council may take such action only at a regularly scheduled meeting for which an agenda item has been posted, in accordance with the law. The discussion of an employee’s termination shall occur only in a meeting closed to the public, unless the city council, by the vote of the majority of its members, shall provide otherwise.
Before terminating an employee, the council shall extend, to that employee, all rights and privileges afforded to him by state and federal law, together with a reasonable opportunity to present any information the employee wishes to have the council consider, in connection with its deliberations. The council will receive this information only during the course of a meeting of the nature described in section 14.05 [sic] hereof.
This section shall not be constructed so as to require that an employee be terminated only for good cause, nor shall any provision hereof be constructed so as to inhibit or constrain the ordinary discretion which the council would otherwise be permitted to exercise in its deliberation.
(1993 Code, sec. 14.04)