The city finds that this article is necessary to promote and protect the public health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the city.
As used in this article, the following definitions shall apply:
Cattle, horses, mules, sheep, goats, swine, buffalos, poultry (chickens, turkeys, guineas, pheasants, quail, ducks and geese), and other domestic animals generally kept or raised on a farm or ranch, except dogs and cats.
One regular city block.
An area encompassing 300 feet by 300 feet or 90,000 square feet.
An individual, corporation, firm, partnership, or other entity.
Thirty (30) days or less.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.02)
Any person violating any provision of this article or failing to observe any provision hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each and every day or fraction of a day during which this article or any part thereof shall be violated shall be deemed a separate offense and punished as such.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.06)
Any person desiring to keep livestock within the city limits must first obtain a license for the property where the livestock are to be kept. Prior to keeping any livestock within the city limits, a person shall make application to the city for a license pursuant to the following terms, conditions, and requirements:
The application shall be in writing and contain the following information:
The applicant’s name, address, and phone number.
A legal description and the general location of the property for which the license is desired.
A description of the livestock to be kept on the property.
Investigations; conditions; fee; revocation.
The written application must be delivered to the city hall. The city council shall designate the person or position responsible to review the application and investigate the property or any complaints relating to this article. The city shall consider the application, retaining the right to approve or reject the application. The following regulations shall apply to any application:
Distance from private residence or place of business.
No livestock shall be kept or maintained within 150 feet from a private residence or place of business, unless written consent is obtained from all owners or persons in possession of said private residence or place of business located within 150 feet from the pen or other enclosure in which livestock are kept. The written consent from all surrounding property owners or persons in possession of surrounding property must be delivered to the city hall.
Minimum space.
The minimum space requirement for livestock, excluding poultry, is 400 square feet per head of livestock. No quantity of livestock, excluding poultry, shall exceed 10 head per city block, or any portion thereof.
Every pen or other enclosure in which livestock are kept shall be kept clean and sanitary and shall not be a source of flies and odors which are offensive to the residents of the city. Proper animal husbandry practices shall be required, and no manure shall be disposed of in alleys or dumpsters.
Swine prohibited.
No swine, hogs, or pigs shall be kept in the city limits.
Keeping poultry.
Poultry shall be kept in an enclosed pen so they cannot run at large. The minimum space requirements for mature poultry are as follows:
Standard chickens is 4 square feet per bird, bantam chickens is 2 square feet per bird, turkeys is 5 square feet per bird, guineas is 3 square feet per bird, pheasants is 4 square feet per bird, quail is 1 square feet per bird, ducks is 4 square feet per bird, and geese is 6 square feet per bird.
No quantity of poultry shall exceed the following numbers per private residence per city block, or any portion thereof:
Standard chickens
Bantam chickens
These numbers are based on space requirements, noise levels, and manure production of mature poultry. Any combination of more than three different poultry types is prohibited.
License fee.
The license fee for each property where the livestock are to be kept is $20.00 per year. The license must be renewed annually on or before the expiration date.
Revocation of license.
The city retains the right to revoke any license or permit if the city finds that the property is being maintained or the livestock is being kept so as to constitute a nuisance or noncompliance with this article or state health regulations.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.03)
This article shall not apply to the following:
Any hospitals, clinics, or other premises operated by a licensed veterinarian for the care or treatment of animals;
Any temporary riding, showing, or maintaining of livestock in conjunction with authorized parades, rodeos, shows, or other school or civic sponsored programs or events;
Any livestock kept or maintained more than 300 feet from a private residence or place of business, so long as no complaints are received from any surrounding property owners or persons in possession of surrounding property.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.07)
Any person keeping or maintaining livestock within the city limits at the time of the passage of this article will have sixty (60) days to comply with these provisions.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.09)