An itinerant merchant or an itinerant vendor, as the terms are used in this article, shall be held to be any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or association engaged in any activity mentioned in section 4.02.031 hereof.
(2002 Code, sec. 5.24)
It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to go from house to house or from place to place in the city, soliciting, selling or taking orders for or offering to sell or take orders for any goods, wares, merchandise, services, photographs, newspapers, magazines, or subscriptions to newspapers or magazines, without having first applied for and obtained a license to do so from the city secretary. It shall also hereafter be unlawful to sell or solicit in the city as aforesaid without carrying such license while engaged in such soliciting or selling.
(2002 Code, sec. 5.21)
Any person desiring to go from house to house or from place to place in the city to sell or solicit orders for goods, wares, merchandise, services, photographs, newspapers, magazines, or subscriptions to newspapers or magazines shall make written application to the city secretary for a license so to do, which application shall show the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the person, firm, or corporation, if any, that he or she represents, and the kind of goods offered for sale, and whether such applicant upon any such sale or order shall demand, accept or receive payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery, and the period of time such applicant wishes to sell or solicit in the city.
(2002 Code, sec. 5.22)
The license fee for an itinerant merchant or itinerant vendor shall be as follows:
Per day: $25.00.
Per month: $50.00.
Per year: $100.00.
This fee will be made payable to the city and shall be used for the purpose of defraying expenses incidental to the issuing of said licenses.
No fee shall be required of those persons engaging in interstate commerce.
(2002 Code, sec. 5.25; Ordinance 368 adopted 9/11/07; Ordinance adopting Code)