Any animal found in violation of any provision of this chapter or any animal that is treated in a cruel or inhumane manner may be impounded by the city and placed in an animal shelter or veterinary hospital. Any such animal shall be held for at least three (3) days before any measure of disposition of such animal shall be taken. Any impounded animal, vicious or wild, unless there is reason to believe that it has an owner, may be immediately disposed of as may be deemed appropriate.
A reasonable effort will be made by the animal control officer to contact the owner of any impounded animal which is wearing a license tag; however, the ultimate responsibility for location of an impounded animal is that of the owner.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.901; Ordinance 2010.11.2, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/10)
The owner of any dog impounded may redeem such dog at any time prior to said sale or destruction by the payment of an impounding fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. At any time after the expiration of the period of time for redemption of impounded dogs as herein provided, the animal control officer or any of his or her deputies or a city police officer, without further notice or without advertising in any manner, shall sell at private sale or public auction, for cash, any dog not redeemed or reclaimed. All dogs impounded and not redeemed, reclaimed or sold after the period of time for redemption has expired shall be destroyed by the animal control officer or any of his or her deputies or a city police officer.
The owner of any livestock, swine, or other animal impounded may redeem such animal at any time prior to the sale or destruction by the payment of an impounding fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code plus any feeding or other expenses incurred during the impoundment.
However, the disposition of any animals impounded on the grounds of cruel or inhumane treatment shall be determined by the court of jurisdiction.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.902; Ordinance 2010.11.2, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/10)
After the impounding of any licensed dog, if not redeemed within six (6) days from the date of impounding, said dog shall be disposed of by sale or destruction. If there is no license tag for the current year attached to any dog impounded and if such dog has not been redeemed by its owner within three (3) days from the time of impounding, such dog shall be destroyed or sold.
Livestock and swine.
Any livestock or swine found running at large within the city may be sold if not redeemed within five (5) days.
Other animals.
Any other animal, except vicious and wild animals, not reclaimed by the owner may be humanely euthanized after being impounded for three (3) days.
Wild animals.
Wild animals may be taken to some point which is a substantial distance from the city and released into the wild or may be humanely euthanized at the discretion of the animal control officer.
Adoption or transfer to humane association.
Any impounded animal may be given up for adoption or given to a nonprofit humane organization after the impoundment period. Any person desiring to adopt an impounded animal shall pay the daily impoundment fee and licensing and rabies vaccination fees, if required, prior to the release of the animal.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.903; Ordinance 2010.11.2, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/10)
At any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, the owner of any dog impounded and sold shall have the right to redeem the same by paying to the purchaser thereof double the amount paid by said purchaser for such dog and his or her reasonable expenses incurred in keeping same.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.905)
The animal control officer shall render each month a report of all costs and expenses for the caring and feeding of all animals to the city council for approval and payment.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.904; Ordinance 2010.11.2, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/10)
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer, or any of his or her deputies, or any city police officer, to pay all moneys collected by him or her under the terms of this article to the city secretary.
(2001 Code, sec. 2.906; Ordinance 2010.11.2, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/10)