In order to prevent hardship on the subdivider through possible required plat revisions, a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision at a scale not smaller than two hundred feet (200') to the inch shall be first submitted to the city manager for review. Two (2) copies of such plat, each copy bearing the designation “preliminary plat,” must be filed in the office of the city manager at least thirty (30) days prior to the city council meeting at which the plat is to be considered, or at least (30) days prior to the consideration of the plat by the city manager where administrative approval is sought pursuant to section 10.02.124, and will contain the following information:
The subdivision name (which must not duplicate in any manner an existing subdivision name), the names and addresses of the owners, and of the designer of the plat who shall be a registered surveyor.
Date, approximate north point, and scale.
The location of existing and platted property lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, railroads, sewers, bridges, culverts, drainpipes, water mains, any public utility easements and any other easement both on the adjoining land and immediate adjacent subdivisions and property lines, and to the corporate limits of the city.
The names, locations, widths, and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, reservations, blocks, lot lines, and building lines. The names of streets shall conform whenever possible to existing street names and lots shall be numbered in a systematic arrangement.
Topography of the entire plat showing one-foot (1') contour intervals. If a natural watercourse traverses the property the centerline of the watercourse shall be shown as well as the estimated high water flood line.
If the proposed subdivision does not lie within the force and effect of an [any] existing regulations, the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a plan indicating the proposed use of the lots.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.501, Ordinance 2017.7.1, sec. 1, adopted 7/11/17)
Prior to the city council’s consideration of a preliminary plat, or to consideration of a preliminary plat by the city manager where administrative approval is sought pursuant to section 10.02.124, the city manager shall transmit a copy of the proposed plat to the electric company, water department, school administration and any other interested municipal or county departments for review and recommendation in relation to specific service problems. The city manager shall recommend approval or disapproval and state conditions of recommendations to the city council, where such preliminary plat is to be considered by the city council, within sixty (60) days of the time the preliminary plat is submitted. However, recommended approval of the preliminary plat shall not be deemed final acceptance but rather an expression of approval of the layout as submitted on the preliminary plat and shall serve as a recommendation to the city council for their final approval, subject to the stated conditions. Where the applicant seeks administrative approval of the plat pursuant to section 10.02.124, the city manager shall approve or disapprove the preliminary plat within sixty (60) days of the time the preliminary plat is submitted. Where an administrative plat is required, no subsequent hearings or plats are required.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.502)
Two (2) copies of the final plat shall be submitted to the city council within six (6) months of date of approval of the preliminary plat or such approval shall become null and void unless extension of time is applied for and granted by the city council. A set of proposed construction plans for all improvements shall be prepared and submitted to the city council for review at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting of the city council at which the plat is to be considered. The final plat shall be drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equal two hundred (200) feet on sheets 18" x 24" and where necessary may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.503, Ordinance 2017.7.1, sec. 2, adopted 7/11/17)
Plats containing four (4) or fewer lots and requiring no extensions of municipal facilities may be administratively approved by the city manager without the consideration of the planning and zoning commission if the plat meets all applicable requirements of this division.
The city manager may, for any reason, elect to present the plat to the planning and zoning commission for its consideration and action, rather than administratively approving the plat.
The city manager shall not disapprove a plat submitted under this section and shall instead refer any plat which the city manager refuses to approve to the planning and zoning commission for its consideration. Any such plat shall be acted on by the planning and zoning commission.
The city manager shall provide to the planning and zoning commission periodic reports regarding administratively approved plats.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.504)
The fees provided for in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code apply to the various types of plats and are due at the time the plat is submitted for approval. No plat submission will be considered complete, nor will it be reviewed until all applicable fees are paid in full.
All fees attributable to non-staff consultants such as a city attorney, city engineer, contract inspector or other similar contract personnel shall be payable by the applicant. Failure to pay such fees shall suspend or nullify the review or approval of an application until such fees are paid in full.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.505)