Before the final plat has been approved and before any utilities are installed a registered engineer shall complete the preliminary engineering survey to determine the requirements for the utility, curb, gutter and paving installations to be installed in the proposed subdivision, or that part of the subdivision to which final plat approval is desired.
The engineering survey shall include an estimate of the proposed cost, except when the subdivider desires to complete work prior to final plat approval. These costs will be based upon estimated quantities, as determined by the engineer from their preliminary survey and study using the lowest unit price received for each phase of construction as established by formal or informal proposals from at least two (2) outside contractors at the time the work is to be done.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.901)
Permanent concrete monuments, not less than six inches (6") in diameter, and not less than eighteen inches (18") long, having a copper, iron, or brass bolt set in the concrete with the survey point being clearly marked by punch mark or cross, shall be set at the outside perimeter corners of angle points of subdivision.
If the terrain is such that the corner of angle monuments on the same azimuth are not visible from each other, an intermediate monument, or monuments, shall be set so that two (2) or more monuments on the same azimuth are visible from each other.
Monuments shall be set at angle points and at the beginning and end of all curves on boundary streets, alleys and interior streets.
The monuments shall be set approximately six inches (6'') below the finished grade of the ground after any necessary area or other grading work is completed.
A three-quarter inch (3/4") iron bar not less than eighteen inches (18'') long shall be set at all block, property, and alley corners, they shall be driven flush with the ground, and a one-inch (1") by two-inch (2") guard stake driven by the iron bar.
All monuments and bars must be indicated on the final plat along with the azimuth and distance between the monuments or bars.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.902)
In lieu of the completion or installation of any or all of the improvement requirements, and before issuance of a building permit, the city may accept a cash deposit or surety bond to secure to the city the actual cost plus ten percent (10%) of such improvements as estimated by the engineer. All bonds must be made payable to the city by a company legally authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and approved by the city attorney or [of] said city.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.903)
The subdivider shall furnish the city with an affidavit or complete release from the contractor, stating that all cost incurred against the required improvements have been paid by same, and also that said cost of improvements shall never constitute a liability against the city or individual property owners.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.904)
In addition to the water and sewer main extension, a tap charge will be required for water and sewer in the amount set by the city council, these amounts to be paid by the developer at the time the application is made for the tap. In addition to these amounts the meter deposit shall be required.
The developer shall furnish the necessary engineering in accordance with the city’s requirements. The developer shall also furnish inspection of construction to satisfaction of the city.
No building permits shall be issued, and the city shall withhold all city improvements of whatsoever nature including sewerage and water from any subdivision or resubdivision covered by this article until:
Such time as the developer and/or owner has fully completed and paid for the improvements required to be made by the terms of this article, including the installation of streets with proper paving, curb and gutter, drainage structures, storm sewers, alleys, fire hydrants, water and sanitary sewer mains, all according to the specifications of the city; or until such times as
An escrow deposit or bond sufficient to pay for the cost plus ten percent (10%) of such improvements as determined by a city representative computed on a private commercial rate basis has been made with the city secretary of the city, accompanied by an agreement signed by the developer and/or owner authorizing the city to make such improvements at prevailing private commercial rates or have the same made by a private contractor and pay for the same out of the escrow deposit.
The city will:
Make all water and sewer service taps at their regular charge for such service.
The water and sewer lines as completed will become the property of the city and the developer or builder shall have no right or title in same; the city will maintain said lines at its own expense. Extensions of said lines may be made at any time the city may desire.
The city shall never be liable for payment of interest on any deposits, payments or refunds provided for herein.
The builder or developer shall never have the right to demand payment hereunder out of any fund raised by the city through taxation.
The city will reimburse any part of the money being held in escrow in excess of the actual cost of constructing paving, curb and gutter, drainage structures, storm sewers, fire hydrants, water and sanitary sewer mains, or return said cash bond.
The city will, upon approval by the city council, pay the developer of a subdivision within the city the difference in cost in extending a water main in excess of six inches (6") in diameter and a sewer main in excess of six inches (6") in diameter, provided the city council finds that a water main in excess of six inches (6") in diameter, or a sewer main in excess of six inches (6") in diameter, is necessary to take care of future development and is beneficial and necessary to maintain adequate flow of water and sewer. The city council’s approval of all water and sewer lines shall be required and no line smaller than that required for adequate fire protection shall be approved.
Final accounting of each project will be the basis of final settlement with the developer for actual costs of water mains in excess of six inches (6") and sewer mains in excess of six inches (6") in diameter, and will, in all cases be one hundred percent (100%) of the actual cost of the project, based on the unit prices set out in the chapter [sic]. In the event that it is impossible to award a contract for such work upon unit price basis, it will then become the obligation of the developer to provide complete engineering, including plans and specifications, on which contractors may bid, to determine a lump sum price for such work. The ratio of payment between the developer and the city would in such case remain the same with one hundred percent (100%) of such costs to be borne by the developer for the installation of minimum requirement lines.
The city may furnish temporary water service to houses under construction. Temporary water service may be provided upon application at any desired location. The developer shall be required, upon application for such service, to make a meter deposit before such service is provided and, upon requesting a disconnect of the temporary service, he shall be refunded the deposit less the amount of water used.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.905)