Plot fees.
For persons residing within the corporate limits or owning property within the city limits at the time of purchase: $250.00 per single space plot.
For persons residing outside the corporate limits and not owning any property within the city limits at the time of purchase: $450.00 per single space plot.
Mausoleum fees, Oak Hill Cemetery South.
For persons residing within the corporate limits or owning property within the city limits, at the time of purchase:
$2200.00 per crypt space outside the chapel for the top and bottom rows.
$2400.00 per crypt space outside the chapel for the middle row.
$2700.00 per crypt space inside the chapel for the top and bottom rows.
$3000.00 per crypt space inside the chapel for the middle row.
$500.00 per niche space on the top and bottom rows.
$550.00 per niche space on the second and fifth rows.
$600.00 per niche space on the third and fourth rows.
For persons residing outside the corporate limits and not owning any property within the city limits, at the time of purchase:
$2420.00 per crypt space outside the chapel for the top and bottom rows.
$2640.00 per crypt space outside the chapel for the middle row.
$2970.00 per crypt space inside the chapel for the top and bottom rows.
$3300.00 per crypt space inside the chapel for the middle row.
$550.00 per niche space on the top and bottom rows.
$605.00 per niche space on the second and fifth rows.
$660.00 per niche space on the third and fourth rows.
(2001 Code, app. A, sec. 9.100; Ordinance 432 adopted 3/11/08)