[Ord. No. 2022-3263, 9-6-2022]
The purpose of the Reserve Policy is to ensure the City remains a financially stable organization by maintaining appropriate reserves. In concert with the City's other financial policies, the City's Reserve Policy serves as an important tool to guide the use of City resources in meeting the City's financial commitments and provides a framework for addressing unexpected future events in a fiscally prudent manner. More specifically, the Reserve Policy works to:
Position the City of Aurora to effectively plan for cash funded needs, as well as unplanned needs caused by significant economic downturns.
Manage the consequences of outside agency actions that may result in revenue reductions.
Address unexpected emergencies, such as natural disasters, catastrophic events caused by human activity, or excessive liabilities or legal judgments against the organization.
Prevent unplanned alterations in the services that are provided to the Aurora Community due unanticipated events beyond the City's control.
Ensure that the City of Aurora maintains sufficient resources to continue the regular replacement of vehicles, capital equipment and other necessary capital purchases to ensure continuity of operations and services to the Aurora community.
Provide financial stability of operational budgets/funds through changes in Council Members, Administration and staff and provide insight to the goals and intentions of the City Council towards the goal of ensuring financial resiliency through unforeseen circumstances.
[Ord. No. 2022-3263, 9-6-2022]
The following City of Aurora Funds shall be subject to the Reserve Policy:
General Fund.
Parks and Recreation and Stormwater Fund.
Transportation Fund.
Police and Fire Facility (Capital Improvement) Fund.
Wastewater Fund.
Recreation Center Fund.
Any new fund created by the City Council unless specifically exempt.
The balance of reserve funds shall be calculated annually for each fund and shall be maintained at fifty percent (50%) of operational expenditures unless otherwise stated hereunder.
One-time capital expenses will not be included in the calculation of the reserve funds to be maintained.
Annual debt service expenses of one (1) year, if any, shall be the required cash reserve for non-operational funds where annual debt payments are expensed.
Reserve funds from each operational fund may be accessed through the process set forth hereunder.
[Ord. No. 2022-3263, 9-6-2022]
The General Fund is the central operating fund that provides for essential general services provided by the City, such as public safety, community development and administration. The General Fund accounts for all general revenues of the City and for expenditures related to the provision of the City's general services. The General Fund is considered to have a high level of risk to operations due to its dependence on revenue streams that are susceptible to economic downturns and revenue reduction impacts from outside agency actions. In addition, the General Fund is the main funding source when responding to unexpected events or emergencies.
The General Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
[Ord. No. 2022-3263, 9-6-2022]
Park and Recreation and Stormwater Fund. The Park and Recreation and Stormwater Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
Transportation Fund. The Transportation Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
Police And Fire Facility (Capital Improvement) Fund. The Police and Fire Facility (Capital Improvement) Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
Wastewater Fund. The Wastewater Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
Recreation Center Fund. The Recreation Center Fund shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of annual operational expenditures.
Any new fund created by the City Council shall maintain a minimum reserve of fifty percent (50%) of operational expenditures unless otherwise established by the Aurora City Council.
[Ord. No. 2022-3263, 9-6-2022]
It will be the general policy of the City of Aurora to invest reserve funds whenever feasible in accordance with the City of Aurora Investment Policy in order to maximize growth opportunities for reserve funds.
Reserve fund minimum balances for all funds subject to this policy shall be reviewed and adjusted by resolution during the first quarter of each fiscal year with the approval of the City Council.
Reserve funds may be accessed from the Reserve Fund for each operational fund through the following process:
Approval of a resolution that includes the dollar amount that the reserve fund shall be reduced and a statement of the reason for the use of the reserve funds; and
The resolution shall include a plan to replenish the funds that were accessed within three (3) years or as stipulated within the resolution; and
The resolution shall require passage with an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the City Council.
Should reserve funds for any operational fund fall below the minimum amount as established by this policy, a plan shall be formulated to restore minimum reserve within three (3) years and approved by resolution by the City Council.