The chief of any fire department providing firefighting services for a property within this Village shall promptly notify the Code Enforcement Officer of any fire or explosion involving any structural damage, fuel-burning appliance, chimney, or gas vent.
Unsafe buildings, structures, and equipment and conditions of imminent danger in this Village shall be identified and addressed in accordance with the procedures established by Chapter 140, Unsafe buildings, as now in effect or as hereafter amended from time to time.
Operation permits required.
Operating permits shall be required for conducting any process or activity or for operating any type of building, structure, or facility listed below:
Manufacturing, storing, or handling hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those listed in the applicable Maximum Allowable Quantity tables found in Chapter 50 of the FCNYS;
Buildings, structures, facilities, processes, and/or activities that are within the scope and/or permit requirements of the chapter or section title of the FCNYS as follows:
Chapter 22, "Combustible Dust-Producing Operations." Facilities where the operation produces combustible dust;
Chapter 24, "Flammable Finishes." Operations utilizing flammable or combustible liquids, or the application of combustible powders regulated by Chapter 24 of the FCNYS;
Chapter 25, "Fruit and Crop Ripening." Operating a fruit- or crop-ripening facility or conducting a fruit-ripening process using ethylene gas;
Chapter 26, "Fumigation and Insecticidal Fogging." Conducting fumigation or insecticidal fogging operations in buildings, structures, and spaces, except for fumigation or insecticidal fogging performed by the occupant of a detached one-family dwelling;
Chapter 31, "Tents, Temporary Special Event Structures, and Other Membrane Structures." Operating an air-supported temporary membrane structure, a temporary special event structure, or a tent where approval is required pursuant to Chapter 31 of the FCNYS;
Chapter 32, "High-Piled Combustible Storage." High-piled combustible storage facilities with more than 500 square feet (including aisles) of high-piled storage;
Chapter 34, "Tire Rebuilding and Tire Storage." Operating a facility that stores in excess of 2,500 cubic feet of scrap tires or tire byproducts or operating a tire rebuilding plant;
Chapter 35, "Welding and Other Hot Work." Performing public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted, use of hot work, welding, or cutting equipment, inside or on a structure, except an operating permit is not required where work is conducted under the authorization of a building permit or where performed by the occupant of a detached one- or two-family dwelling;
Chapter 40, "Sugarhouse Alternative Activity Provisions." Conducting an alternative activity at a sugarhouse;
Chapter 56, "Explosives and Fireworks." Possessing, manufacturing, storing, handling, selling, or using, explosives, fireworks, or other pyrotechnic special effects materials except the outdoor use of sparkling devices as defined by Penal Law § 270;
Section 307, "Open Burning, Recreational Fires and Portable Outdoor Fireplaces." Conducting open burning, not including recreational fires and portable outdoor fireplaces;
Section 308, "Open Flames." Removing paint with a torch, or using open flames, fire, and burning in connection with assembly areas or educational occupancies; and
Section 319, "Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles." Operating a mobile food preparation vehicle in accordance with the permitting requirements which are established by local law, as now in effect or as hereafter amended from time to time.
Energy storage systems, where the system exceeds the values shown in Table 1206.1 of the FCNYS or exceeds the permitted aggregate ratings in Section R327.5 of the RCNYS.
Buildings containing one or more assembly areas;
Outdoor events where the planned attendance exceeds 1,000 persons;
Facilities that store, handle or use hazardous production materials;
Parking garages as defined in § 156-16A of this chapter;
Buildings whose use or occupancy classification may pose a substantial potential hazard to public safety, as determined by resolution adopted by Board of Trustees of this Village; and
Other processes or activities or for operating any type of building, structure, or facility as determined by resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of this Village.
Any person who proposes to undertake any activity or to operate any type of building listed in this Subsection A shall be required to obtain an operating permit prior to commencing such activity or operation.
Applications for operating permits. An application for an operating permit shall be in writing on a form provided by or otherwise acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer. Such application shall include such information as the Code Enforcement Officer deems sufficient to permit a determination by the Code Enforcement Officer that quantities, materials, and activities conform to the requirements of the Uniform Code. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that tests or reports are necessary to verify conformance, such tests or reports shall be performed or provided by such person or persons as may be designated by or otherwise acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer, at the expense of the applicant.
Inspections. The Code Enforcement Officer or a deputy/inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect the subject premises prior to the issuance of an operating permit. Such inspections shall be performed either in-person or remotely. Remote inspections in lieu of in-person inspections may be performed when, at the discretion of the Code Enforcement Officer or a deputy/inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer, the remote inspection can be performed to the same level and quality as an in-person inspection and the remote inspection shows to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer or deputy/inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer that the premises conform with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Code and the code enforcement program. Should a remote inspection not afford the Village sufficient information to make a determination, an in-person inspection shall be performed. After inspection, the premises shall be noted as satisfactory and the operating permit shall be issued, or the operating permit holder shall be notified as to the manner in which the premises fail to comply with either or both of the Uniform Code and the code enforcement program, including a citation to the specific provision or provisions that have not been met.
Multiple activities. In any circumstance in which more than one activity listed in Subsection A of this section is to be conducted at a location, the Code Enforcement Officer may require a separate operating permit for each such activity, or the Code Enforcement Officer may, in their discretion, issue a single operating permit to apply to all such activities.
Duration of operating permits.
Operating permits shall be issued for a specified period of time consistent with local conditions, but in no event to exceed as follows:
One hundred eighty days for tents, special event structures, and other membrane structures;
Sixty days for alternative activities at a sugarhouse;
Three years for the activities, structures, and operations determined per Subsection A(1)(i) of this section; and
One year for all other activities, structures, and operations identified in Subsection A of this section.
The effective period of each operating permit shall be specified in the operating permit. An operating permit may be reissued or renewed upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer, payment of the applicable fee, and approval of such application by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Revocation or suspension of operating permits. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that any activity or building for which an operating permit was issued does not comply with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code, such operating permit shall be revoked or suspended.
Fee. The fee specified in or determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 156-28, Fees, of this chapter must be paid at the time an application for an operating permit, for an amended operating permit, or for reissue or renewal of an operating permit is approved.
Inspections required. Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings and structures shall be performed by the Code Enforcement Officer or a deputy/inspector designated by the Code Enforcement Officer at the following intervals:
At least once every 12 months for buildings which contain an assembly area;
At least once every 12 months for public and private schools and colleges, including any buildings of such schools or colleges containing classrooms, dormitories, fraternities, sororities, laboratories, physical education, dining, or recreational facilities; and
At least once every 36 months for multiple dwellings and all nonresidential occupancies.
Remote inspections. At the discretion of the Code Enforcement Officer or deputy/inspector authorized to perform fire safety and property maintenance inspections, a remote inspection may be performed in lieu of in-person inspections when, in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer or such authorized deputy/inspector, the remote inspection can be performed to the same level and quality as an in-person inspection and the remote inspection shows to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer or such authorized deputy/inspector that the premises conform with the applicable provisions of 19 NYCRR Part 1225 and the publications incorporated therein by reference and the applicable provisions of 19 NYCRR Part 1226 and the publications incorporated therein by reference. Should a remote inspection not afford the Code Enforcement Officer or such authorized deputy/inspector sufficient information to make a determination, an in-person inspection shall be performed.
Inspections permitted. In addition to the inspections required by Subsection A of this section, a fire safety and property maintenance inspection of any building, structure, use, or occupancy, or of any dwelling unit, may also be performed by the Code Enforcement Officer or a deputy/inspector authorized to perform fire safety and property maintenance inspections at any time upon: 1) the request of the owner of the property to be inspected or an authorized agent of such owner; 2) receipt by the Code Enforcement Officer of a written statement alleging that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code exist; or 3) receipt by the Code Enforcement Officer of any other information, reasonably believed by the Code Enforcement Officer to be reliable, giving rise to reasonable cause to believe that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code exist; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as permitting an inspection under any circumstances under which a court order or warrant permitting such inspection is required, unless such court order or warrant shall have been obtained.
OFPC inspections. Nothing in this section or in any other provision of this chapter shall supersede, limit, or impair the powers, duties and responsibilities of the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control ("OFPC") and the New York State Fire Administrator or other authorized entity under Executive Law § 156-e and Education Law § 807-b. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, the Code Enforcement Officer may accept an inspection performed by the Office of Fire Prevention and Control or other authorized entity pursuant to §§ 807-a and 807-b of the Education Law and/or § 156-e of the Executive Law, in lieu of a fire safety and property maintenance inspection performed by the Code Enforcement Officer or by a deputy/inspector, provided that:
The Code Enforcement Officer is satisfied that the individual performing such inspection satisfies the requirements set forth in 19 NYCRR § 1203.2(e);
The Code Enforcement Officer is satisfied that such inspection covers all elements required to be covered by a fire safety and property maintenance inspection;
Such inspections are performed no less frequently than once a year;
A true and complete copy of the report of each such inspection is provided to the Code Enforcement Officer; and
Upon receipt of each such report, the Code Enforcement Officer takes the appropriate action prescribed by § 156-27, Violations, of this chapter.
Fee. The fee specified in or determined in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 156-28, Fees, of this chapter must be paid prior to or at the time each inspection performed pursuant to this section. This subsection shall not apply to inspections performed by OFFC. Fees unpaid after 90 days shall become a lien on the property and shall be added to become part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lot or land, shall bear interest at the same rate as taxes and shall be collected and enforced in the same manner as taxes.
[Amended 4-15-2024 by L.L. No. 7-2024]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An on-site inspection and evaluation of a parking garage for evidence of deterioration of any structural element or building component of such parking garage, evidence of the existence of any unsafe condition in such parking garage, and evidence indicating that such parking garage is an unsafe structure.
The weakening, disintegration, corrosion, rust, or decay of any structural element or building component, or any other loss of effectiveness of a structural element or building component.
Any building or structure, or part thereof, in which all or any part of any structural level or levels is used for parking or storage of motor vehicles, excluding:
Buildings in which the only level used for parking or storage of motor vehicles is on grade;
An attached or accessory structure providing parking exclusively for a detached one- or two-family dwelling; and
A townhouse unit with attached parking exclusively for such unit.
An individual who is licensed or otherwise authorized under Article 145 of the Education Law to practice the profession of engineering in the State of New York and who has at least three years of experience performing structural evaluations.
The professional engineer who performs a condition assessment, or under whose supervision a condition assessment is performed, and who seals and signs the condition assessment report. The use of the term "responsible professional engineer" shall not be construed as limiting the professional responsibility or liability of any professional engineer, or of any other licensed professional, who participates in the preparation of a condition assessment without being the responsible professional engineer for such condition assessment.
Includes the conditions identified as "unsafe" in Section 304.1.1, Section 305.1.1, and Section 306.1.1 of the PMCNYS.
A structure that is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, or structurally unsafe, or is of such faulty construction or unstable foundation, that partial or complete collapse is possible.
Condition assessments - general requirements. The owner operator of each parking garage shall cause such parking garage to undergo an initial condition assessment as described in Subsection C of this section, periodic condition assessments as described in Subsection D of this section, and such additional condition assessments as may be required under Subsection E of this section. Each condition assessment shall be conducted by or under the direct supervision of a professional engineer. A written report of each condition assessment shall be prepared, and provided to the Village, in accordance with the requirements of Subsection F of this section. Before performing a condition assessment (other than the initial condition assessment) of a parking garage, the responsible professional engineer for such condition assessment shall review all available previous condition assessment reports for such parking garage.
Initial condition assessment. Each parking garage shall undergo an initial condition assessment as follows:
Parking garages constructed on or after August 29, 2018, shall undergo an initial condition assessment following construction and prior to a certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance being issued for the structure.
Parking garages constructed prior to August 29, 2018, shall undergo an initial condition assessment as follows:
If originally constructed prior to January 1, 1984, then prior to October 1, 2019;
If originally constructed between January 1, 1984, and December 31, 2002, then prior to October 1, 2020; and
If originally constructed between January 1, 2003, and August 28, 2018, then prior to October 1, 2021.
Any parking garage constructed prior to the effective date of the local law enacting this provision that has not undergone an initial condition assessment prior to that effective date shall undergo an initial condition assessment prior to June 30, 2023.
Periodic condition assessments. Following the initial condition assessment of a parking garage, such parking garage shall undergo periodic condition assessments at intervals not to exceed three years.
Additional condition assessments:
If the latest condition assessment report for a parking garage includes a recommendation by the responsible professional engineer that an additional condition assessment of such parking garage, or any portion of such parking garage, be performed before the date by which the next periodic condition assessment would be required under Subsection D of this section, the owner or operator of such parking garage shall cause such parking garage (or, if applicable, the portion of such parking garage identified by the responsible professional engineer) to undergo an additional condition assessment no later than the date recommended in such condition assessment report.
If the Village becomes aware of any new or increased deterioration which, in the judgment of the Village, indicates that an additional condition assessment of the entire parking garage, or of the portion of the parking garage affected by such new or increased deterioration, should be performed before the date by which the next periodic condition assessment would be required under Subsection D of this section, the owner or operator of such parking garage shall cause such parking garage (or, if applicable, the portion of the parking garage affected by such new or increased deterioration) to undergo an additional condition assessment no later than the date determined by the Village to be appropriate.
Condition assessment reports. The responsible professional engineer shall prepare, or directly supervise the preparation of, a written report of each condition assessment, and shall submit such condition assessment report to the Village within 60 days. Such condition assessment report shall be sealed and signed by the responsible professional engineer, and shall include:
An evaluation and description of the extent of deterioration and conditions that cause deterioration that could result in an unsafe condition or unsafe structure;
An evaluation and description of the extent of deterioration and conditions that cause deterioration that, in the opinion of the responsible professional engineer, should be remedied immediately to prevent an unsafe condition or unsafe structure;
An evaluation and description of the unsafe conditions;
An evaluation and description of the problems associated with the deterioration, conditions that cause deterioration, and unsafe conditions;
An evaluation and description of the corrective options available, including the recommended time frame for remedying the deterioration, conditions that cause deterioration, and unsafe conditions;
An evaluation and description of the risks associated with not addressing the deterioration, conditions that cause deterioration, and unsafe conditions;
The responsible professional engineer's recommendation regarding preventative maintenance;
Except in the case of the report of the initial condition assessment, the responsible professional engineer's attestation that he or she reviewed all previously prepared condition assessment reports available for such parking garage, and considered the information in the previously prepared reports while performing the current condition assessment and while preparing the current report; and
The responsible professional engineer's recommendation regarding the time within which the next condition assessment of the parking garage or portion thereof should be performed. In making the recommendation regarding the time within which the next condition assessment of the parking garage or portion thereof should be performed, the responsible professional engineer shall consider the parking garage's age, maintenance history, structural condition, construction materials, frequency and intensity of use, location, exposure to the elements, and any other factors deemed relevant by the responsible professional engineer in their professional judgment.
Review condition assessment reports. The Village shall take such enforcement action or actions in response to the information in such condition assessment report as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the public from the hazards that may result from the conditions described in such report. In particular, but not by way of limitation, the Village shall, by order to remedy or such other means of enforcement as Village may deem appropriate, require the owner or operator of the parking garage to repair or otherwise remedy all deterioration, all conditions that cause deterioration, and all unsafe conditions identified in such condition assessment report pursuant to Subsection F(2) and (3). All repairs and remedies shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Uniform Code. This section shall not limit or impair the right of the Village to take any other enforcement action, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of a parking garage's operating permit, as may be necessary or appropriate in response to the information in a condition assessment report.
The Village shall retain all condition assessment reports for the life of the parking garage. Upon request by a professional engineer who has been engaged to perform a condition assessment of a parking garage, and who provides the Village with a written statement attesting to the fact that he or she has been so engaged, the Village shall make the previously prepared condition assessment reports for such parking garage (or copies of such reports) available to such professional engineer. The Village shall be permitted to require the owner or operator of the subject parking garage to pay all costs and expenses associated with making such previously prepared condition assessment reports (or copies thereof) available to the professional engineer.
This section shall not limit or impair the right or the obligation of the Village:
To perform such construction inspections as are required by § 156-6, Construction inspections, of this chapter;
To perform such periodic fire safety and property maintenance inspections as are required by § 156-15, Fire safety and property maintenance inspections, of this chapter; and/or
To take such enforcement action or actions as may be necessary or appropriate to respond to any condition that comes to the attention of the Village by means of its own inspections or observations, by means of a complaint, or by any other means other than a condition assessment or a report of a condition assessment.