Editor's note–At the direction of the city, as part of the 2024 recodification, the term "city administrator" was changed to "city manager" throughout the code.
The office of city manager is hereby re-established.
The city council shall appoint a city manager for an indefinite term, who shall be the chief administrative officer of the city. The city manager shall be chosen by the city council by a majority vote of its entire membership and on the basis of executive and administrative training, experience, ability and character without regard to political consideration.
The city manager shall receive compensation as may be fixed by the city council.
(Ordinance 664-13 adopted 3/27/2013)
This position is responsible for carrying out all the legal responsibilities, as defined by the state, of a city manager, and section 9.02.033 of this division.
The city manager, or his or her designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the applicable provisions of the ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 664-13 adopted 3/27/2013)
As city manager the incumbent shall:
Serve as an ex-officio member of the city council, with the right to take part in discussions, but without the right to vote.
Conduct all city staff meetings and manage the day-to-day operations of the city.
Appoint and remove all department directors and subordinate employees with the exception of the city secretary, city attorney, municipal judge and any employee with an employment contract approved by the city council. The city council shall draft and approve all contracts with the city, including all employment contracts.
Be responsible for the overall administration of the city, including all departments, offices and agencies of the city, including but not limited to the public works director, city inspector, fire chief, fire marshal, chief of police and court clerk.
Generate and maintain job descriptions for all city employees and establish and maintain a methodology for evaluating the performance of all city employees.
Attend all board and commission meetings; however, the city manager may designate a representative to attend in his or her place.
Assist the mayor and city council in the preparation of the annual draft budget and draft capital improvement budget.
Authorize department heads to transfer resources in the amount budgeted within their respective departments.
Assist the mayor in recommending to the city council adoption of such policies, measures, ordinances and resolutions as may be deemed necessary or expedient for the health, safety or welfare of the community, or for the improvement of the operation of the city, including the finances, police, health, security and comfort.
Assist the mayor in ensuring that the laws of the state and ordinances of this city and other acts of the city council are implemented.
Keep the city council advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the city.
Make such other reports as the city council may require concerning the operations of city departments, offices and agencies which are subject to the city manager's direction and supervision.
Assume responsibility for developing and maintaining effective relationships with the citizens of the city and governmental and community agencies at the local, state and federal levels and with other cities in the general proximity of the city.
Investigate all complaints in relation to the administration of the city.
Administer the purchase of all materials, supplies and equipment for which funds are provided in the budget; and purchase materials and supplies necessary for operation of city services in accordance with city ordinances, resolutions or policy and procedures. No purchase shall be made, contract let, or obligation incurred which exceeds the current budget appropriation without a supplemental appropriation by the city council.
Perform other duties as are specified or may be required or directed by the city council.
Recommend to the city council a standard schedule of pay, including minimum, intermediate and maximum ranges, and a uniform personnel policy for all city employees.
Serve as the chief executive officer of the city in all areas, excepting those powers and responsibilities specifically assigned to the office of the mayor by the Local Government Code and the laws of the state.
Keep the city council informed of the operations of city government via but not limited to:
Emails regarding emergencies, such as damage to city property, water/sewer breaks, road closures, road work and significant breaking events;
A monthly report regarding the status of each city department, addressing such items as water usage, cumulative history of sewer/water breaks, significant expenditures, permit applications, plat applications, entities interested in pursuing development in the city, traffic stops, citations, court rulings, code violations, comp time status and any other matters of interest.
Execute policy and procedures approved by the city council, including, but not limited to, strategic plans, the comprehensive plan, prioritized capital improvement plans, employee personnel manual, investment policy, budget formats, agenda procedures, and financial policies.
The city manager shall be responsible to the city council to make city employees' documents or reports available to officials.
(Ordinance 664-13 adopted 3/27/2013; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
The city manager may be removed or suspended from office at the will of the city council by a 2/3 vote of its entire membership. The action of the city council in removing the city manager shall be final, it being the intention to vest authority and fix all responsibility for such removal on the city council.
(Ordinance 664-13 adopted 3/27/2013)
By letter filed with the city secretary, the city manager shall designate a qualified administrative employee of the city to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the city manager during the city manager's temporary absence or disability. The council may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another such employee of the city until the city manager returns.
(Ordinance 664-13 adopted 3/27/2013)