The office of city secretary and treasurer is hereby established.
(Ordinance 320-92, sec. I(A), adopted 4/21/92; 1993 Code, sec. 8.201; Ordinance 486-02, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/02)
The incumbent is responsible for carrying out all the legal responsibilities as defined by Texas Local Government Code section 22.073 and section 22.075.
(Ordinance 320-92, sec. I(B), adopted 4/21/92; 1993 Code, sec. 8.202; Ordinance 486-02, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/02)
This office shall have all the powers and perform all the duties prescribed to it by the law. These duties shall include the following:
Attend each meeting of the governing body of the municipality and shall keep, in a record provided for that purpose, accurate minutes of the governing body’s proceedings;
Engross and enroll all laws, resolutions, and ordinances of the governing body;
Keep the corporate seal;
Take charge of, arrange and maintain the records of the governing body;
Countersign all commissions issued by the mayor, and keep a record of those commissions and licenses;
Prepare all notices required under any regulations or ordinance of the municipality;
Notify the state judicial council of the name of each person who is elected or appointed as mayor, municipal court judge, or clerk of a municipal court of the municipality;
Draw all the warrants on the treasury, countersign the warrants, and keep, in a record provided for that purpose, an accurate account of the warrants.
Execute a bond. The bond must:
Be in favor of the municipality;
Be in the form and the amount required by the governing body of the municipality;
Have security approved as sufficient by the governing body;
Be conditioned that the treasurer will faithfully discharge the duties of the office.
Keep regular accounts of the municipal receipts and disbursements, and keep each cause of receipt and disbursement separately and under the proper heading. The incumbent will also keep separate accounts with each person, including each officer, who has monetary transactions with the municipality. The accounts shall credit accounts allowed by proper authority and shall specify the particular transactions to which each entry applies. The incumbent shall keep records of the accounts and other information covered by this subsection.
Receive and securely keep all monies belonging to the municipality. The treasurer shall make all payments on the order of the mayor, attested by the city administrator of the municipality under the seal of the municipality. The treasurer may not pay an order unless the face of the order shows that the governing body directed the issuance of the order and shows the purchase price for which it is issued.
Render to the governing body a full statement of the receipts and payments at the governing body’s first regular meeting of every quarter, and at other times as required by the governing body.
Keep a register of bonds and bills issued by the municipality and all evidence of debt due and payable to the municipality, noting the relevant particulars and facts as they occur.
Carefully keep all contracts made by the governing body.
Perform all other duties required by law, ordinance, resolution, or order of the governing body.
(Ordinance 320-92, sec. I(C), adopted 4/21/92; 1993 Code, sec. 8.203; Ordinance 486-02, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/02)
The minimum qualifications will be determined by the city’s governing body in accordance with Texas Local Government Code section 22.074.
(Ordinance 320-92, sec. I(E), adopted 4/21/92; 1993 Code, sec. 8.204; Ordinance 486-02, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/02)
The city secretary shall be employed by a majority vote by the city council with no stated term of office, and shall only be removed from office in accordance with Texas Local Government Code section 22.077.
(Ordinance 320-92, sec. I(F), adopted 4/21/92; 1993 Code, sec. 8.205; Ordinance 486-02, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/02)