The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat properly certified by a Texas registered public surveyor or a Texas state registered professional engineer, in accordance with this article. The preliminary plat with its accompanying data are to show the intentions of the subdivider for the development of the subdivision, and the feasibility of that development. This work, as well as the preparation of the data to accompany the plat, shall be done under the general direction of the city planning and zoning board.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(A); 1993 Code, sec. 9.401)
The subdivider shall file fifteen (15) blueline copies of the plat and accompanying data, together with the plat filing fee, with the board at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the planning and zoning board meeting at which formal application for board approval of the preliminary plat will be made.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(B); 1993 Code, sec. 9.402)
The subdivider shall present, in person or by mail, a written request for preliminary plat approval to the commission at a regularly scheduled meeting of the commission. Said request must arrive at the city office at least ninety-six (96) hours in advance of such meeting to be placed on the commission's agenda.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(C); 1993 Code, sec. 9.403)
At the time of filing of the preliminary plat, same shall be accompanied by a filing fee in an amount to be established and approved by the city council from time to time. Said fee shall be payable by check drawn to the order of the City of Willow Park. No action by the council shall be valid unless the filing fee has been paid. This fee shall not be refunded. Such preliminary plat filing fee shall be in the amount established by city council.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(D); 1993 Code, sec. 9.404; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code)
The plat shall be drawn with India ink on tracing film or a permanent type of material, consisting of one (1) or more sheets measuring no less than eighteen inches (18") wide and twenty-four inches (24") long or no larger than twenty-four inches (24") wide and thirty-six inches (36") long in size, preferably twenty-two inches (22") wide and thirty-six inches (36") long. It shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet (200') to the inch and where the area being subdivided will not fit in the aforesaid dimensions, two (2) or more sheets shall be used. A key map with a scale of one inch (1") to two thousand feet (2,000') shall show the entire area and be drawn on the first sheet or on a separate sheet. The required information on or accompanying the plat shall include the following:
Name of subdivision;
Names of the record owner, subdivider and engineer if responsible for the design and surveyor if responsible for the survey;
Boundary lines, building setback lines, and width, location and name of platted streets and alleys within and adjacent to the property. Said plat shall accurately describe the subdivision by metes and bounds and shall locate the same with respect to a corner of the survey or tract or an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part;
Width, depth and location of proposed lots, and the computed acreage of the subdivision;
Contours sufficient to show the topology. Contours and all grades in the subdivision shall be referred to as USGS benchmark. Contours at two-foot intervals are preferred;
Map showing existing physical features of the property, including location of easements, reservations, watercourses, culverts, bridges, roads, streets, and other structures;
Designation of the proposed uses to which the land within the subdivision will be dedicated;
Proposed location of all intended features such as streets, easements, parks and reservations; proposed location of storm drain lines, waterways and structures, and other such sites or structures;
Off-street parking provisions on those lots designated for business or commercial purposes;
Information showing how the streets, easements, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water supply systems in the subdivision submitted may connect with those in the nearest subdivisions, and how they may be extended to serve adjacent areas when subdivided or otherwise developed;
The protective covenants proposed for the subdivision. Such covenants shall be designed to regulate land use in the subdivision, ensure off-street parking for nonresidential purposes, prohibit nuisances, and otherwise provide for the protection of the proposed development. Covenants shall also include enforcement provisions; and
A north point, scale of plat and date of preparation.
Evidence of compliance with the tree preservation ordinance of the City of Willow Park.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(E); Ordinance 295-91 adopted 7/16/1991; 1993 Code, sec. 9.405; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
Within thirty (30) days after formal application for preliminary plat approval is filed with the planning and zoning board, and provided the preliminary plat filing fee has been paid, the planning and zoning board shall approve the plat, subject to the planning and zoning board proposed modifications to the plat, or shall disapprove the plat unless the board has not had sufficient time to examine the plat and accompanying data, at which time the board may, by majority vote, decide to extend the examination period an additional thirty (30) days. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute or imply approval of the final plat when presented, but is merely an authorization to proceed with the preparation of the final plat. Any and all variances have to be approved by the city council.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(F); 1993 Code, sec. 9.406)
Approval of the preliminary plat shall expire at the end of six (6) months unless the final plat has been submitted, and approved by the planning and zoning board. At the end of this period, and provided no developments have occurred which would affect the continued acceptability of the approved preliminary plat, the planning and zoning board may, upon application by the subdivider, extend the approval for an additional six (6) months.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4(G); 1993 Code, sec. 9.407)