Reasonable and prudent speed required.
No person shall ride or drive any animal or operate a vehicle on any street, alley or highway in the city limits at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing. In every event, speed shall be so controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance on or entering a highway in compliance with legal requirements, and it shall be the duty of all persons to use due care.
General speed limit on streets and alleys.
If any person shall operate or drive any motor vehicle or other vehicle within the corporate limits of the city on any street or highway at a greater speed than thirty (30) miles per hour, or in any alley or park at a greater speed than fifteen (15) miles per hour, it shall be prima facie evidence of violation of this section, unless signs are erected designating another speed limit. It shall not be necessary that speed limit signs be posted except as to speed limits of more or less than 30 miles per hour on a public street and as to speed limits of more or less than 15 miles per hour on an alley or park road.
(1986 Code, ch. 9, sec. 3(A); 1993 Code, sec. 10.301; Ordinance 476-01, sec. 2, adopted 12/18/01; Ordinance 767-18 adopted 7/10/18)
No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle on a designated “local residential street” at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing. A speed in excess of 30 miles an hour, on a designated “local residential street” as identified in the traffic schedules adopted by the city, is considered prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable and prudent under the circumstances and that the speed is unlawful. It shall not be necessary that speed limit signs be posted except as to speed limits of more or less than 30 miles per hour on a designated “local residential street.”
(Ordinance 476-01, sec. 2, adopted 12/18/01; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code; Ordinance 767-18 adopted 7/10/18)
Whenever the city shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and/or traffic investigation that the thirty (30) mile per hour speed limit herein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place, or upon any part of any street or highway, the mayor shall, upon authorization by the city council by appropriate ordinance, establish such speed limit as shall be effective at all times when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of said highway or street.
(1986 Code, ch. 9, sec. 3(B); 1993 Code, sec. 10.302)
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, or in compliance with law, or at the direction of a law enforcement officer.
(1986 Code, ch. 9, sec. 3(D); 1993 Code, sec. 10.304)
The prima facie speed limit of 20 miles per hour for vehicles is hereby determined and declared to be a prima facie reasonable, prudent and safe speed limit which is hereby fixed for vehicles traveling within the established and designated school zone for McCall Elementary School during posted hours.
(Ordinance 610-10, sec. 2, adopted 2/15/10; Ordinance 766-18 adopted 7/10/18)