The following sections outline and establish the use regulations, zoning restrictions, and special regulations for each zoning district.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, adopted 12/16/1997)
Use regulations.
The "AG" Agricultural District will be limited to the following uses:
Farms or ranches, orchards, truck gardens, nurseries for the growing of plants and similar agrarian activities involving the growing of plants, or raising and pasturing of livestock.
Single-family dwellings clearly incidental to the operation of the above-listed activities, including dwellings on the same farm or ranch used exclusively for the housing of employees living on the premises; provided that tracts in the "AG" district which have less than ten (10) contiguous acres in separate ownership shall be limited to one (1) principal dwelling provided that such principal dwelling shall have an allowable area of not less than allowed in a "R-1" district.
Accessory buildings and structures clearly incidental to the above operations, including but not limited to barns, stables, equipment sheds, poultry houses, granaries, pump houses, water tanks, silos, and noncommercial feeding pens.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of the utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers are permitted in all zoning districts.
Public and parochial schools, universities and colleges, not including correctional institutions, trade or commercial business schools.
Museums, libraries, parks, playgrounds, community centers, or recreational areas owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, or the State of Texas, or owned by such agencies and operated under their control and supervision.
Storage yards, junkyards, and motor vehicle junkyards upon recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council; subject to approval of the special use process as outlined in article 14.13 of this chapter.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Three (3) stories, but not to exceed forty (40) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Ten (10) acres.
Minimum gross living area:
Fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
Not applicable.
Minimum lot depth:
Not applicable.
Front yard setback:
Thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Compliance with the established setbacks.
Required parking:
Two (2) car garage for land uses described in section 14.06.002(a)(2) of this chapter; all other uses will conform to article 14.12 of this chapter. Lots 5 acres or larger are permitted to have driveways constructed of concrete, asphalt, decomposed granite, rock or gravel. All driveways must be maintained and kept in good order.
Required screening:
All uses other than those described in section 14.06.002(a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) will have a six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter when abutting all residential districts, or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Land uses described in section 14.06.002(a)(8) will have a stockade variety fence (non-transparent) around the perimeter of the property.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%) first floor.
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
Special regulations.
Restrictions for the special use permit should include the following:
First approval is not to exceed five (5) years.
First extension not to exceed three (3) years.
Each subsequent extension is not to exceed two (2) years, and will follow the same procedures as the original approval.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.501, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "FP" Flood Plain District will be limited to the following uses:
Those uses described in section 14.06.002(a)(1), (3), and (4) of this chapter.
Structures, installations and facilities installed, operated and maintained by public agencies for flood control purposes.
Public service structures, including railways and highway bridges, provided that the location thereof shall first be recommended by the planning and zoning commission and approved by the city council.
Mining of soil, sand, gravel and minerals after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Irrigation intakes and pumps.
Industrial compressor water intake and outlet works.
Wildlife sanctuaries, woodland preserves, arboretums.
Public or private reserve space.
Hunting or fishing preserves.
Boat rental, boat sales.
Bridle, bicycle and nature trails.
Country clubs and recreation centers, excluding principal buildings.
Golf courses, driving ranges, archery ranges.
Christmas tree sales.
Roads, driveways.
Temporary buildings and structures accessory to the above uses, to be used for limited periods of time in accordance with all applicable ordinances and regulations.
Parks, playgrounds or recreational areas owned and operated by the city.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Three (3) stories, but not to exceed forty (40) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
Minimum gross living area:
Not applicable.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred twenty (120) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred seventy-five (175) feet.
Front yard setback:
Not applicable.
Rear yard setback:
Not applicable.
Side yard setback:
Not applicable.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Not applicable.
Required parking:
All uses will conform to article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC.
Required screening:
All uses other than those described in section 14.06.003(a)(1), (2), and (3) of this chapter will have a six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter when abutting all residential districts, or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Not applicable.
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
Special regulations.
A thirty (30) foot setback is required from any right-of-way.
All uses in the "FP" district will comply with the FEMA Flood Damage Ordinance No. 399-96 [article 3.03, division 2].
The fact that land or property is not classified as being within the "FP" Flood Plain District shall not constitute assurance that said land or property is not subject to local flooding and the designation of a "FP" district.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.502, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "PD" Planned Development District is a specialized zoning concept which has two specific uses:
To set aside large parcels of land to be used for the development of mixed uses or special uses which will require approval of the planning and zoning commission and city council.
To produce an overlay district to be used in conjunction with an existing base zoning district regardless of size, for the purpose of land uses which may require special controls to avoid interference with existing or planned uses.
Such uses which have already been zoned or have the potential of being zoned as a "PD" Planned Development District include but are not limited to the following:
Industrial/business centers or parks.
Horse racing track and associated facilities.
Truck stop/terminal or motor freight terminal.
RV parks.
Water/sewer/waste treatment and utility facilities.
Outside storage yards.
Any land use regardless of existing zoning classification, but only in combination with another zoning district or districts which shall be known as the base zoning district.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
All uses in the "PD" Planned Development District will require a new development site plan under the provisions of section 14.10.007 of this chapter.
Are set accordingly or as determined through the new development site plan review process unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Three (3) stories, but not to exceed forty (40) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
Minimum gross living area:
Fifteen hundred (1500) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred twenty (120) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred seventy-five (175) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Ten (10) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet if adjacent to any residential district.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Forty percent (40%) or compliance with the more stringent base zoning district standards, or as determined through the site plan review process.
Required parking:
Compliance with article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Required screening:
Compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Fifty percent (50%) or compliance with the more stringent base zoning district standards, or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
Special regulations.
All uses in the "PD" Planned Development District will require a new development site plan under the provisions of section 14.10.007 of this chapter.
Property classified under the "PD" district which are overlaid over another zoning district must comply with the standards and special regulations of the more stringent base zoning district, or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Property classified under the "PD" district which are overlaid over another zoning district will revert back to base zoning district restrictions when the requested land use is discontinued, or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.503, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "R-1" Single-Family District will be limited to the following uses:
Single-family dwellings.
Foster child care homes (maximum of six children includes those of the resident parents).
Libraries, museums, parks and playgrounds, community centers and governmental facilities (excluding care facilities, or those controlled by the city or other governmental jurisdiction).
Golf courses (except commercially operated miniature golf courses and/or driving ranges).
Customary home occupations (as defined in section 14.04.001, Definitions, of this chapter).
Public elementary and secondary schools.
Accessory buildings or uses.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
Minimum gross living area:
Fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred twenty (120) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred seventy-five (175) feet.
Front yard setback:
Thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Forty percent (40%).
Required parking:
Two (2) car attached garage. Garage type openings shall not be less than 45 degrees to the frontal street.
Required screening:
Six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%) first floor.
Accessory building or use setback:
Shall be located no closer to the front property line than the primary use structure and have a minimum of ten (10) foot setback from all side and rear property lines.
Special regulations.
Dish satellite antennas shall be considered an accessory use in the "R-1" district, provided such antennas shall be located in the rear yard. Front or side yard locations are permitted provided an approved screening device is used.
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
Portable trailers may be used as offices or storage trailers located within a new sub-development subject to the following provisions:
No more than one (1) trailer per platted subdivision.
Trailer must be located at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any occupied residence.
A time limit of one (1) year.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.504, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 745-17, sec. 2(A), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 746-17, sec. 2(A), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(B), (G), adopted 11/10/2020; Ordinance adopting 2024 Code)
Use regulations.
The "R-1/s" Single-Family District with sewer will be limited to the following uses:
Any use permitted in section 14.06.005 (R-1 Residential District).
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
Minimum gross living area:
Eighteen hundred (1,800) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred twenty (120) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred seventy-five (175) feet.
Front yard setback:
Thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Forty percent (40%).
Required parking:
Two (2) car attached garage. Garage type openings shall not be less than 45 degrees to the frontal street.
Required screening:
Six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%).
Accessory building or use setback:
Shall be located no closer to the front property line than the primary use structure and have a minimum of ten (10) foot setback from all side and rear property lines.
Special regulations.
Special regulations section 14.06.005(c)(1), (2), and (3) shall apply to this district.
Every property located within this district shall have access to the city wastewater system. If said property is improved for any type of use that requires a sanitation system, such property shall connect to and utilize the city wastewater system.
Septic systems of all types are strictly prohibited within this district.
(Ordinance 432-98 adopted 11/17/1998; Ordinance 743-17 adopted 3/14/2017; Ordinance 745-17, sec. 2(B), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 746-17, sec. 2(B), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "R-2" Single-Family/Duplex District will be limited to the following uses:
Any use permitted in section 14.06.005 (R-1 Residential District).
Duplex family dwellings.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
Maximum family dwelling units:
Two (2) dwelling units per acre.
Minimum gross living area:
Fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet per dwelling unit.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Forty percent (40%).
Required parking:
Two (2) car attached garage. Garage type openings shall not be less than 45 degrees to the frontal street.
Required screening:
Six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%) first floor.
Accessory building or use setback:
Shall be located no closer to the front property line than the primary use structure and have a minimum of ten (10) foot setback from all side and rear property lines.
Special regulations.
Special regulations section 14.06.005(c), (1), (2), and (3) shall apply to this district.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.505, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 745-17, sec. 2(C), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 746-17, sec. 2(C), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The R-3 Multifamily District will be limited to the following uses:
Any use permitted in R-2 Residential District.
Tri-plexes, four-plexes, condominiums, and apartments.
Accessory uses and buildings.
Special exemption uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Maximum apartments contained in multifamily dwelling unit: 8 [18] per acre.
Editor's note–The introductory paragraph of sec. 2(C) of Ord. 811-20 states that subsection (b)(1)(A) of section 14.06.008 shall be amended by changing the density of apartments from eight per acre to eighteen per acre. The actual text of the amendment did not reflect such change.
Occupancy may not exceed 2 people per bedroom.
Height regulations:
Main building maximum height: 2 stories, not to exceed 30 feet, except within the I-20 Overlay, which height restrictions shall apply to buildings within the I-20 Overlay.
Cooling towers are not permitted.
Area regulations:
Minimum project size:
5 acres.
Minimum lot area:
15,000 square feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Minimum lot width:
100 feet.
Minimum lot depth:
150 feet.
Minimum building separation:
1 story - 20 feet, 2 stories - 25 feet.
Minimum separation to accessory buildings:
10 feet.
Minimum front (and street) yard setback:
35 feet for a 1-story building, 40 feet for a 2-story building and 50 feet for a 3-story building. Eaves and roof extensions may project into the required front yard setback by no more than 4 feet. Building subsurface structure, platforms and/or slabs may not project [may project] into the front yard area by a height less than 2 feet above the average grade of the yard.
Minimum side and back yard setbacks:
25 feet.
Minimum gross living area:
1 bedroom (BR) - 725 square feet, 2 BR - 875 square feet, add 125 square feet for each additional over 2 BR. Only the indoor space shall be used to calculate the square footage. Balconies and exterior storage shall not be considered in the calculation.
Every apartment shall have at least one (1) habitable room which shall have not less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area.
Bedrooms may not be less than eight feet (8') in any floor dimension.
Exterior construction and design regulations.
Minimum standard masonry construction: 85% of exterior cladding of the structure. Masonry construction shall include all construction of a minimum of two different coordinated stone and/or brick materials, defined as follows:
Stone material.
Masonry construction using stone material may consist of granite, marble, limestone, slate, river rock or other hard and durable naturally occurring all-weather stone. Cut stone and dimensioned stone techniques are acceptable.
Brick material.
Brick material used for masonry construction shall be hard fired (kiln fired) clay or slate material which meets the latest version of ASTM standard C216, Standard Specifications for Face Brick (Solid Masonry Unit Made of Clay or Shale) and be Severe Weather (SW) grade and type FBA or FBS or better. Unfired or underfired clay, sand or shale brick are not allowed.
Facade articulation (offsets) of not less than 4 feet in depth are required for every 40 feet in building surface length.
All patios shall not protrude more than 1 foot from surrounding building exterior.
Maximum multifamily dwelling width: 200 feet.
All exterior stairways must be recessed within the building line.
All multifamily dwellings shall provide signage that clearly identifies the building number(s) of the apartments located within. The marking should be visible from entrances and from vehicular drive lanes.
Parking regulations.
Minimum parking spaces per multifamily dwelling:
One and one-half spaces for each one-bedroom apartment;
Two and one-half spaces for each two-bedroom apartment; and
Three and one-half spaces for each three-bedroom apartment.
A minimum of 10% of apartments shall have a garage, which shall count towards the covered parking requirements set forth in subsection (A) above.
Total parking spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
Minimum garage parking space size: 10 feet x 20 feet, minimum nine (9) foot wide door with lighted door opener.
Perimeter of parking lots (and associated facility driveways) shall have concrete curbs or other means to control traffic flow.
Parking spaces shall be at least 6 feet from buildings and 2 feet from side or rear lot lines.
Parking spaces shall not be used for overnight storage of boats, campers, trailers, semi-trucks and motor home type vehicles. Parking spaces shall not be used for repair, storage, dismantling, or servicing (other than normal maintenance of a private vehicle) of vehicles or equipment, or for the storage of materials or supplies, or for any other use that conflicts with the intended use of parking.
Parking spaces adjacent to public streets shall be screened from view. Screening shall be in the form of live plants, berms, wrought iron fencing, or low masonry walls matching exterior finish of the main buildings or any combination of the above.
It is the responsibility of the multifamily dwelling owner to monitor and maintain all off-street parking areas keeping them free of litter, vehicle repair operations, and unauthorized advertising materials.
All parking areas shall have appropriate lighting positioned in such a way as to not illuminate adjacent residential areas.
Fencing, walls, and screening regulations.
Unless otherwise stated in this section, article 14.09 shall control.
Wooden fences are not permitted.
Chain-link fencing is not permitted.
Screening shall be constructed of masonry, brick, stone, reinforced concrete, wrought iron or some other suitable material that does not contain pass-through openings. All pass-through openings shall be equipped with a gate of similar height and similar screening characteristics of the wall or fence.
Landscaping regulations.
Unless otherwise specified all landscaping must comply with section 14.09.002.
Driveway and parking regulations.
Unless otherwise specified all drive and parking areas must comply with article 14.12.
Irrigation regulations.
Unless otherwise specified all irrigation must comply with section 12.204 [sic].
Editor's note–Subsection (b)(9), as adopted by Ord. 628-10, refers to section 12.204. Section 12.204 was reserved in the zoning regulations as adopted by Ord. 414-97.
Supplemental regulations.
Designated refuse storage facilities shall be provided within 250 feet of each multifamily dwelling. Refuse containers shall not be placed within 30 feet of a property line.
Each refuse facility shall be located to facilitate collection by service providers and to minimize parking lot wear and tear.
Refuse facilities shall be constructed on three sides of material which matches the main building to screen facility from direct view.
A screened swimming pool shall be provided for multifamily developments with 50 or more apartments. All pools shall comply with the Texas Health and Safety Code.
A playground shall be provided when the number of apartments not designated as senior living exceeds 30 units.
All multifamily dwellings must be connected to parking areas and accessory areas by concrete sidewalks. Sidewalks shall connect multifamily dwellings to parking areas and accessory buildings. All sidewalks shall be at least 4 feet in width. Sidewalks adjacent to parking lots width shall be widened to 6 feet to account for car overhang, if applicable.
Special regulations.
Special regulations section 14.06.005(c)(1) and (c)(3) shall apply in this district.
All utilities must be independently metered except water.
A reduced pressure zone backflow preventer shall be installed at the junction between the city water supply and the multifamily dwelling at the owner's expense.
All multifamily dwellings and apartments contained therein must have a fire suppression sprinkler system installed per the currently adopted International Building Code and International Fire Code, both of which may be amended from time to time.
No on-premises banner signs or other outdoor advertising is permitted on the dwellings or fencing associated therewith.
Editor's note–Sections 2(C) and 2(E) of Ord. 811-20 both contained an amendment to section 14.06.008(c). The subsection regarding certificate of occupancy was deleted by section 2(C), but was included in the amendment by section 2(E) as subsection (c)(5). Subsection (c) above is as set out in section 2(C) of the ordinance.
Violations and penalties, are pursuant to article 14.22.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.506, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 628-10 adopted 12/13/2010; Ordinance 673-13 adopted 8/13/2013; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(C), (E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "R-4" Manufactured Housing District shall be limited to the following uses:
Manufactured housing parks in accordance with federal and Texas state laws and regulations.
Manufactured housing subdivisions where the individual platted lots within the approved subdivision are intended to have separate ownership of each lot.
Accessory buildings and uses.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
Maximum family dwelling units:
One (1) dwelling unit per acre.
Minimum gross living area:
Thirteen hundred (1,300) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred twenty (120) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred seventy-five (175) feet.
Front yard setback:
Thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Forty percent (40%).
Required parking:
Two (2) car covered parking per dwelling unit. When the parking structure is partially enclosed, garage type openings shall not face the frontal street, as defined in section 14.04.001 of this chapter.
Required screening:
Six (6) foot masonry or wooden screening in compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Thirty percent (30%).
Accessory building or use setback:
Shall be located no closer to the front property line than the primary use structure and have a minimum of ten (10) foot setback from all side and rear property lines.
Special regulations.
All manufactured housing will be HUD-approved as defined by the State of Texas.
All manufactured housing will be required to be secured with tornado tie-downs spaced not more than eight (8) feet apart.
All manufactured housing will be anchored to a permanent concrete foundation, which shall include the access areas and entrances to the dwelling.
All manufactured housing anchored above grade will require masonry skirting.
No parking shall be permitted in the front yard except in a driveway.
Special regulation of section 14.06.005(c)(1) shall apply to this district.
Manufactured housing sales lots shall not be permitted within this district.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.507, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 745-17, sec. 2(D), adopted 4/11/2017; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "R-5" Single-Family Medium Density District will be limited to the following uses:
Application to large parcels of land to be used for the development of single-family residential uses which require approval of the planning and zoning commissions and city council.
All homes shall be site-built homes only.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards: Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height.
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area.
Nine thousand (9,000) square feet.
Maximum family dwelling units.
Six (6) dwelling units per acre.
Minimum gross living area.
The following ranges must be followed per each defined subdivision: 50% 1700 - 2000 square feet; 50% greater than 2000 square feet.
Front yard setback.
Twenty-five (25) feet, from the edge of the sidewalk closest to the residence.
Rear yard setback.
Ten (10) feet.
Side yard setback.
Ten (10) feet.
Maximum lot coverage by structure.
Forty-five percent (45%).
Required parking.
Two (2) car attached garage per dwelling unit. Front entrance garages are permitted. Detached garages with alley access are permitted on lots larger than 1/4 acre.
Required screening.
Rear and rear-side yards shall be enclosed with masonry or wooden screening. Screening shall be a minimum of six (6) foot and a maximum of eight (8) foot in height. Wooden screening shall be built with steel reinforced concrete footer which shall be four (4) inches in depth and a minimum six (6) inches wide. Footer shall have drainage holes as necessary. Screening poles shall be metal and set in concrete. All screening shall be uniform throughout individual subdivisions. Developments done in phases shall ensure that screening is complementary in style and colors.
Minimum masonry coverage.
One hundred percent (100%) below highest top plate. Fireplaces and chimneys must be 100% masonry.
Landscape requirements.
Front and front side yards shall be sodded. The front yard shall have minimum of two (2) trees with minimum three (3) inch trunk diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground and a minimum of six (6) shrubs. Said shrubs shall be a minimum of five (5) gallons at the time of planting. At time of planting, trees shall not be placed nearer than six (6) feet on center.
Architectural relief required.
The outside shape of a dwelling unit shall contain a minimum of five (5) outside corners with a minimum wall length of two (2) feet.
Repetition of building form.
Repetition of facade.
No front building elevation or plan for a primary structure shall be repeated within any three contiguous lots along a street or streets.
"Block face" means lots taking access from a street that are contiguous to each other and that are not separated by a street.
The three hundred (300) foot distance along a street shall be measured from the centerline of the street on which the proposed structure faces at a point perpendicular to the center point of the lot to contain the structure, thence along the centerline of such street or along an intersecting street for a distance of three hundred (300) feet.
Criteria for determining difference in elevation.
A front building elevation or elevation plan shall be considered repeated if it is not visually different from another front building elevation or elevation plan. A front building elevation or elevation plan shall be considered visually different if any three (3) of the following five (5) criteria are met:
"Block face" means lots taking access from a street that are contiguous to each other and that are not separated by a street.
There is a difference in roof pitch of two (2) inches per twelve (12) inches or greater;
Articulations in the front facade, i.e., the planes that advance or recede from the line of the main facade by three (3) or more feet, vary in height or width by a minimum of fifteen (15) percent;
The articulation of windows shall vary a minimum of two (2) of the following methods:
The aggregate area of windows on the front facade varies by at least fifteen (15) percent;
The distance between two (2) or more windows varies by at least ten (10) percent; or
The shape of two (2) or more windows varies in width or height or radius by at least fifteen (15) percent.
The size and shape, or mix, of masonry units (i.e. individual bricks or blocks of stone) are noticeably different. "Noticeably different" as specified herein shall mean at least a fifteen (15) percent variance in size, shape or mix.
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
Variations not considered.
Variations in the following characteristics shall not be considered in determining whether a building elevation for a primary structure is dissimilar:
Color, or
Roofing materials.
Determination by building official.
The building official shall have discretion to approve minor variations in the requirements of this section, so long as those variations are consistent with the overall intent of this section.
The following process shall be used to approve a front building elevation plan:
The applicant shall submit a dimensioned rendering of the front building elevation to the building official.
The building official shall determine the elevation plan's compliance with this section and issue an elevation plan approval letter or disapproval letter to the applicant.
The applicant shall prepare and submit construction plans to the building official, who shall process the plans in accordance with city ordinances and policies.
The elevation plan approval letter, if issued, shall remain in effect until the completion of the construction plan approval process and the issuance of the building permit for the proposed structure.
Complete construction plans shall be submitted to the building official within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the approval letter. If construction plans are not submitted within such period, the elevation plan approval expires.
Construction plans shall be consistent with the approved elevation plan. If construction plans are inconsistent, consistent plans shall be submitted or a new elevation plan must be approved for the construction plans under the criteria of this section.
Minimum roof pitch required.
A minimum 7:12 roof pitch is required for each primary structure.
Minimum overhang required.
Each primary structure must be constructed with a roof overhang of not less than twelve (12) inches as measured from the finished exterior building facade to the soffit.
Roofing system required.
Installed roofing shingles must consist of dimensional shingles with a minimum manufacturer's rating of twenty (20) years. Roofing systems or materials exceeding the standards established herein may be used pursuant to approval by the building official or his designee.
Special regulations.
Portable trailers may be used as offices or storage trailers located within a new sub-development subject to the following provisions:
No more than one (1) trailer per platted subdivision;
Trailer must be located at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any occupied residence;
A time limit of one (1) year.
All streets shall be constructed of concrete, with curb and gutter and adjacent sidewalks.
Connectivity to adjacent subdivisions or commercial areas must be provided.
Amenity provisions:
Pocket parks or subdivision specific green space;
Benches in common areas;
Enhanced landscaping;
Enhanced lighting, where appropriate;
Trees planted along streets or roadways;
Homeowner association shall maintain all common area or common to all amenities;
All utilities shall be buried underground.
(Ordinance 513-004 adopted 4/20/2004; Ordinance 703-15 adopted 1/13/2015; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(D), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
Libraries, museums, parks and playgrounds, community centers and governmental facilities.
Golf courses.
Customary home occupations.
Public elementary and secondary schools.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet.
Minimum living area:
One thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet.
Minimum lot width:
Thirty-five (35) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred (100) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty (20) foot minimum or twenty-five (25) foot minimum if a sidewalk is adjacent to property line.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty (20) foot minimum. If more than one story or adjacent to Single Family District forty (40) foot minimum.
Side yard setback:
Interior lot fifteen (15) feet. Street lot twenty (20) feet or 25 feet minimum if a sidewalk is adjacent to property line.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Fifty-five (55) percent of lot area.
Required parking:
Two (2) car attached garage.
Required screening:
Six (6) foot wood or masonry fence side and rear yard.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Eighty-five percent (85%) of the total exterior walls above grade level excluding doors and windows. Masonry for the "TH" District is defined as brick or stone.
Accessory building:
Eighty (80) square foot maximum located in rear yard. Maximum height may not exceed the height of the fence.
Site plan requirement.
An application for a change in zoning to the "TH" Townhouse District shall be accompanied with a site plan that clearly illustrates the development concept of the land being rezoned. Any property zoned "TH" that has not had a site plan approved at the time of zoning shall have a site plan approved by the city council upon recommendation of the planning and zoning commission, prior to issuing any building permit for construction.
(Ordinance 747-17, sec. 3, adopted 3/14/2017; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "O" Office District will be limited to the following uses, residential uses are not permitted in this district:
Banks, financial institutions.
Blueprinting or photostating (not greater than 2,500 square feet).
Caterer or wedding service (no on-site food preparation).
Real estate offices.
Professional offices (architectural, drafting, engineering, accounting, legal, insurance, medical and dental clinics).
Artist's studios.
Museums, libraries, fine art centers, and similar cultural facilities.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Not applicable.
Minimum gross living area:
Not applicable.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred (100) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Ten (10) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet if adjacent to any residential district.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Sixty percent (60%).
Required parking:
Compliance with article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Required screening:
Compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%) first floor.
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.508, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "LR" Local Retail District will be for retail sales only and limited to the following uses, residential uses are not permitted in this district:
Any uses permitted in section 14.06.012 (Office District).
Antique shops.
Barber and beauty shops.
Book and stationery stores, newsstands.
Cleaning, pressing and laundry collection offices.
Custom dressmaking or millinery shops.
Day care nursery or schools.
Express offices.
Service stations (no repair work).
Health and medical products for personal use.
Grocery stores, vegetable and meat markets.
Photograph, portrait, camera shops and photofinishing.
Caterer or wedding service.
Cigar or tobacco stores.
Confectionery stores.
Restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, delicatessen shops.
Drugstores, health stores.
Dry goods, variety, and notions stores.
Florist, jewelry, and gift shops.
Shoeshine parlors.
Radio and television sales and servicing.
Tailor, clothing or wearing apparel shops.
Mortuary, funeral homes and undertaker.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses. No accessory use shall be construed as allowing articles or material to be in the open or on the outside of the building.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Two (2) stories, but not to exceed thirty (30) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Not applicable.
Minimum gross living area:
Not applicable.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred (100) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Ten (10) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet if adjacent to any residential district.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Sixty percent (60%).
Required parking:
Compliance with article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Required screening:
Compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Seventy-five percent (75%) first floor.
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
Special regulations.
All retail shops will not exceed 7,200 square feet.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.509, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020)
Use regulations.
The "C" Commercial District will be limited to the following uses, residential uses are not permitted in this district:
Any use permitted in section 14.06.013 (Local Retail District).
Auditoriums, theaters, moving picture shows, having a seating capacity for not more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) people.
Turkish baths and similar massage and health treatment facilities.
Bicycles sales and repair shops.
Aquariums, bird stores, pet shops, and taxidermist's shops.
Car washing facilities.
Cleaning, dying and pressing works; laundry and washateria.
Commercial parking areas.
Business colleges and private schools operated as a commercial enterprise.
Department stores.
Small animal hospitals having no outside kennels.
Electrical, gas, heating, plumbing appliances and supply sales, repair and installation services when limited to small shops, the principal business of which is a neighborhood service.
Hardware, paint and wallpaper, interior decorating stores.
Household and office furniture, furnishings and appliances.
Hotel and motels.
Golf courses including miniature, driving tees, driving ranges, and "Pitch n' Putt" courses.
Lodges and civic clubs.
Nursery yards or buildings, provided that all incidental equipment and supplies including fertilizer and empty containers are kept within a building.
Musical instrument sales and supplies.
[Deleted by Ord. 833-21.]
Accessory buildings and incidental uses. No accessory use shall be construed as allowing articles or material to be in the open or on the outside of the building.
Diagnostic or treatment health care facility or assisted living facility.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Auto body repair within a fully enclosed shop area (special use permit required).
Commercial amusement - indoor (special use permit required).
Commercial amusement - outdoor (special use permit required).
Editor's note–Ord. 829-21 amended sec. 14.06.014 by adding provisions designated as subsection (a)(25). Subsection (a) already contained a subsection (a)(25). The added provisions have been included as subsection (a)(26). Ord. 834-21 added provisions designated as subsections (a)(26) and (27). These provisions have been included as subsections (a)(27) and (28).
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Not to exceed forty (40) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Not applicable.
Minimum gross living area:
Not applicable.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred (100) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Ten (10) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet if adjacent to any residential district.
Required parking:
Compliance with article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Required screening:
Compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Sixty (60) percent.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Fifty percent (50%).
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
Special regulations.
Temporary and/or seasonal outside storage and sale of retail merchandise that is customary and incidental to the related business is permitted.
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.510, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 650-12 adopted 6/12/2012; Ordinance 665-13 adopted 5/14/2013; Ordinance 712-15 adopted 4/14/2015; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020; Ordinance 833-21 adopted 7/13/2021; Ordinance 834-21, sec. 2(2), adopted 7/13/2021; Ordinance 853-22, sec. 2(1), adopted 2/8/2022)
Use regulations.
The "LI" Light Industrial District will be limited to the following uses, residential uses are not permitted in this district:
All uses permitted in section 14.06.014 (Commercial District).
Single-family dwelling when a part of a business approved for this district.
Amusement or baseball parks.
Automobile, truck and heavy equipment laundry and steam cleaning.
Automated vending machines for recycling cans, bottles, etc.
Blemishing, horseshoeing or wagon shop.
Body and fender work for automobiles and trailers.
Storage yards, sales only.
Dog and cat hospitals and outside kennels, when not less than one hundred (100) feet from residential districts (sections 14.06.005 through 14.06.010).
Firewood sales when displayed and conducted entirely outdoors.
Cabinet and furniture manufacturing and repair.
Machine shops, provided power does not exceed thirty (30) horsepower in the operation of any one machine.
Manufacture of products from aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, steel, tin or other metals and from bone, leather, paper, rubber, shell, wire, or wood.
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, artificial flowers, ornaments, boats (small) twenty-eight (28) feet less in length, brooms or brushes, buttons and novelties, canvas products, clothing for wholesale trade, gas or electric fixtures, signs (including electric) provided power is not in excess of thirty (30) horsepower in the operation of any one machine.
Monument or marble working (finishing or carving only).
Pattern shops.
Printing, lithographing, bookbinding, newspapers and publishing.
Sheetmetal shops using sheetmetal of sixteen (16) gauge, or thinner.
Spray painting or paint mixing.
Storage in bulk of, or warehouses for, commodities and materials enumerated in other districts.
Welding shop and custom work, not including structural welding.
Electric power substation.
Manufacture of "high-tech" devices.
Special exception uses after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the city council.
Installations owned and operated by the City of Willow Park, Parker County, the State of Texas or public utility companies, which installations are necessary for the public safety, governmental services or the furnishing of utility services including, without limitation, communications towers and water towers, are permitted in all zoning districts.
Commercial amusement - indoor (special use permit required).
Commercial amusement-outdoor (special use permit required).
Editor's note–Ord. 834-21 amended sec. 14.06.015 by adding subsections (a)(25) and (26). Subsection (a) already contained a subsection (a)(25). The added provisions have been included as subsections (a)(26) and (27).
Zoning standards.
Are set accordingly unless specified otherwise in this chapter (the more stringent applying).
Maximum height:
Not to exceed forty (40) feet.
Minimum lot area:
Not applicable.
Maximum floor space area:
Ten thousand (10,000) square feet not including offices for administrative purposes.
Minimum lot width:
One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth:
One hundred (100) feet.
Front yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard setback:
Twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard setback:
Ten (10) feet, or twenty-five (25) feet if adjacent to any residential district.
Maximum lot coverage by structure:
Fifty percent (50%).
Required parking:
Compliance with article 14.12 of this chapter and the UBC or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Required screening:
Compliance with article 14.09 of this chapter or as determined through the new development site plan review process.
Minimum masonry coverage:
Fifty percent (50%).
Accessory building or use setback:
Ten (10) feet minimums.
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
[Deleted by Ord. 811-20.]
(Ordinance 414-97, ex. E, sec. 12.511, adopted 12/16/1997; Ordinance 811-20, sec. 2(E), (G), adopted 11/10/2020; Ordinance 834-21, sec. 2(3), adopted 7/13/2021; Ordinance 853-22, sec. 2(2), adopted 2/8/2022)
General purpose and description.
The intent of these standards is to exercise greater control over the aesthetic, functional, and safety characteristics of development along Interstate Highway 20 (hereinafter referred to as "IH-20") where higher standards can effectively enhance the city's image as a desirable place to live, work, and shop.
These standards are limited to either side of IH-20 to the distances specified herein and encompassing land that has already been zoned by the City of Willow Park. It supplements the standards of the underlying zoning districts with new or different standards that are more restrictive. In the event of a conflict between the standards of the IH-20 Overlay District and the regulations of the underlying zoning district, the more restrictive of the standards and regulations will prevail. Regulations of the underlying zoning district not augmented or otherwise supplemented by the IH-20 Corridor Overlay District will continue to prevail.
District boundaries.
The IH-20 Overlay District standards apply to the future development, improvement or redevelopment of those properties as indicated on exhibit A, attached hereto [at the end of this section]. The following rules specifically define the district boundaries:
Beginning at a point with an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,222,383, 6,956,532) said point also being in the east right-of-way line of Mikus Road F.M. 5), and in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being 300 feet from the north right-of-way line of Interstate 20 and being designated as Point #1 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a southeasterly direction parallel to the Interstate 20 access roads at a depth of 300 feet from the north right-of-way line of Interstate 20 to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,240,858, 6,950,425) said point also being in the ETJ boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #2 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a southerly direction crossing Interstate 20 access roads to a depth of 300 feet from the south right-of-way line of Interstate 20 to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,240,858, 6,949,401)said point also being in the ETJ boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #3 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a northwesterly direction parallel to the Interstate 20 access roads at a depth of 300 feet from the south right-of-way line of Interstate 20 to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,238,216, 6,949,851) said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #4 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a southerly direction to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,238,212, 6,949,167) said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #5 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a northwesterly direction parallel to the Interstate 20 access roads to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,237,444, 6,949,378) said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #6 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a westerly direction to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,236,625, 6,949,240) and being in the west right-of-way line of Sunrise Drive, said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #7 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a westerly direction to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,235,596, 6,949,240), said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #8 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a southwesterly direction to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,235,300, 6,948,869) and being in the north right-of-way line of East Bankhead Highway, said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #9 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing along the north right-of-way line of East Bankhead Highway in a westerly direction to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,234,000, 6,949,671) and being in the north right-of-way line of East Bankhead Highway, said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being a right-of-way line of Old Bankhead Road and being designated as Point #10 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a northeasterly direction parallel to Old Bankhead Road at a depth of 300 feet from the west right-of-way line of said Old Bankhead Road to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,234,673, 6,950,936) said point also being approximately 300 feet from the south right-of-way line of Interstate 20 and being designated as Point #11 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a northwesterly direction parallel to the Interstate 20 access roads at a depth of 300 feet from the south right-of-way line of Interstate 20 to a point for a corner in the west right-of-way line of Russell Road, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,220,612, 6,956,236) said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #12 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing northeasterly along the west right-of-way line of Russell Road to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,220,741 6,956,491) and being in the north right-of-way line of East Bankhead Highway, said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being approximately 300 feet from the west right-of-way line of Old Bankhead Road and being designated as Point #13 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence continuing in a southeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Interstate 20 to a point for a corner, said point having an approximate NAD 83 coordinate of (2,222,347, 6,955,599) said point also being in the city limit boundary line for the City of Willow Park and being designated as Point #14 on the attached exhibit A.
Thence in a northwesterly direction crossing Interstate 20 to the point of beginning.
The IH-20 Overlay District standards apply to the following:
Development of any land for which there is not improvement at the time of construction;
An increase in any existing structure that is equal to or greater than thirty (30) percent of the existing square footage; or
Any new construction on a lot that provides for an increase that is equal to or greater than thirty (30) percent of the lot or tract that is covered by permanent structure(s).
Permitted uses.
Those uses listed for the underlying zoning districts are authorized uses as permitted by the City of Willow Park zoning ordinance, as amended, except for the uses as follows, which shall be expressly prohibited within the IH-20 Overlay District:
AG zoning district:
Storage yards; junkyards; or motor vehicle junkyards.
FP zoning district:
Mining of soil, sand, gravel and minerals; irrigation lakes and pumps; industrial compressor water intake and waterworks; sumps; boat rental; or temporary buildings and structures accessory to allowed uses within the FP district.
R-4 zoning district:
Manufactured housing parks, inclusive of mobile homes, prefabricated homes, etc.
C zoning district:
Turkish baths (see C Commercial zoning allowances); light industrial type businesses; self-serve laundry facilities; commercial parking areas; pawnshops.
LI zoning district:
Multiple-axle truck and heavy equipment laundry and steam cleaning; automated vending machines for recycling cans, bottles, etc.; stand-alone paint and body shops not associated with automobile and trailer sales dealers; storage yards and facilities; dog and cat hospitals with outside kennels; firewood sales when displayed and conducted entirely outdoors; machine shops; sheetmetal shops; welding shop.
In addition to those uses prohibited in (A) through (E) above, the following uses shall be prohibited within any zoning district: auction house/lot; manufactured home sales; model home sales and display not located or part of a residential subdivision in which the model home is to apply; farm implement sales; vehicle/boat/RV storage; boarding house; laundry/dry cleaning plant; metal repairs-welding; armature rewinding; utility treatment/generative facilities; cold storage locker; meat locker/freezer; grain elevator/feed/fertilizer; landfill/refuse dump; mineral extraction/barrow pit; kennels; mobile homes; outdoor theater; racetrack; raising/breeding non-farm animals/fowl; riding stables; boarding stables; above-ground bulk storage tanks; sewer treatment plant: forestry preserve; fishing, hunting, trapping; metal mining; anthracite mining; bituminous coals and liquate mining; oil and gas extraction; mining/quarrying nonmetallic minerals; general contractor's yard; rail switching, terminal services (engineer yards); heavy equipment sales; group home; special trade contractor's yard; boarding house; enclosed confined feeding, confined feedlot; roadside produce stand; or sexually oriented businesses as defined by city ordinance.
Lot and setback standards.
Maximum height.
The maximum height for structures subject to these standards shall be fifty (50) feet unless a specific use permit is granted by the governing body.
Primary structures:
Fifty (50) feet unless a specific use permit is granted by the governing body.
Secondary or accessory structures:
25 feet unless a specific use permit is granted by the governing body.
Open storage areas.
All open storage areas, where permitted by the underlying zoning district, shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way for any Freeway, Type AA Thoroughfare, Type A Thoroughfare, Type B Thoroughfare or Type C Thoroughfare as designated on the City of Willow Park thoroughfare plan, as amended.
Visibility triangles.
No building, parking area, or other visual obstruction shall be located in any required visibility triangle.
Cross access required.
Each lot must provide a "cross access and fire lane" easement that provides for access to immediately adjacent tracts. Said easement shall meet the following minimum criteria:
Newly dedicated easements shall align appropriately with previously dedicated or existing "cross access and fire lane" easements. Where no existing easement controls, the newly dedicated easement may be located appropriately to the plans for development of the site.
"Cross access and fire lane" easements shall contain a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet or other such minimum width as required by the city.
"Cross access and fire lane" easements shall contain minimum inside turning radii of twenty-five (25) feet.
Minimum design criteria.
Orientation and scale of primary structure(s).
Buildings shall have their primary orientation toward a front yard. Said primary orientation shall include a main or primary entrance that shall be designed to be attractive and functional, unless otherwise approved by the city council after recommendation by the planning and zoning commission.
Primary entrances:
Primary entrances shall have a clearly defined, highly visible customer entrance with distinguishing features such as a canopy, portico or other prominent element of the architectural design.
Buildings shall incorporate lighting and changes in mass, surface or finish to give emphasis to primary entrances.
Loading docks or loading areas are not permitted to be visible from the street and may not be accessed directly from the street.
Building materials for structures.
These standards do not apply to those uses where the building or structure is fully screened from IH-20 or any other roadway(s) designated on the Willow Park thoroughfare plan, as amended, by another building or structure.
Exterior construction shall consist of one hundred (100) percent exterior cladding to include brick, split face concrete block, glass, stone, cast stone, glass block, tile, cast metal or a combination of those materials for each side of the structure that is visible from a public street or an adjacent residentially zoned property. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the exterior cladding shall consist of stone masonry. Said exterior cladding shall be exclusive of doors, windows, glass, and entryway treatments and atriums of glass and metal construction.
For all structures less than 10,000 square feet, a minimum of forty (40) percent of the wall area facing a public street shall contain windows or doorways.
Masonry materials shall be shades of white, warm gray, beige and/or brown.
Modern, multi-color brick blends are prohibited.
Use of nonreflective glass for displays and to allow visual access to interior space is permitted.
Reflective glass shall be prohibited.
First/ground floor windows.
Windows on walls visible from a public street or an adjacent residentially zoned property shall be provided with trim.
Windows shall not be flush with the exterior wall treatment.
Windows shall be provided with architectural surround at the jamb.
Windows shall be constructed with windowsills extending a minimum of two (2) inches from the exterior facade of the structure.
Upper floor windows.
Windows shall be provided with trim.
Windows shall not be flush with the exterior wall treatment.
Windows shall be provided with architectural surround at the jamb.
Windows shall be constructed with windowsills extending a minimum of two (2) inches from the exterior facade of the structure.
Windows shall be placed symmetrically on the facade.
Windows shall be of a divided light design with a minimum of two (2) panes over two (2) panes.
Windows shall be rectangular with the proportion of the height being no smaller than two and one-half (2-1/2) times the width and no larger than four (4) times the width.
Building articulation for structures.
Exterior walls visible from a public street or a residentially zoned property shall have offsets, jogs or other distinctive changes in the building facade.
Buildings shall incorporate arcades, roofs, alcoves, porticoes, and awnings as design elements for exterior walls that are visible from a public street or a residentially zoned property.
Architectural design.
All facades of an individual building, multiple buildings in a shopping center, or integrated business development, and all roofing in a shopping center or integrated business development shall have similar architectural design.
Review of the architectural design of a proposed development shall include, but not be limited to:
Consistency of scale and proportion with any immediately adjacent buildings or structures;
Design in relation to surrounding buildings;
Design in relation to topography of the site;
Design in relation to proposed landscaping; and
Aesthetics of the proposed building, including color.
The design of a development shall meet the following standards:
Relationship of the structure(s) to the site:
The site shall be designed to achieve a desirable transition with the streetscape and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and parking areas.
Site planning in which setbacks and yards are in excess of zoning restrictions is encouraged to provide an interesting relationship between buildings.
Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing (or anticipated) adjoining buildings.
Relationship of buildings and site to adjoining area:
Adjacent buildings of different architectural styles shall be made compatible by such means as screens, sight breaks, and materials.
Attractive landscape transition to adjoining properties shall be provided.
Harmony in texture, lines, and masses is required.
Monotony shall be avoided. Variation of detail, form, and siting shall be used to provide visual interest. In multiple building projects, variable siting of individual buildings shall be used to prevent monotonous appearance.
Building design:
Architectural style is not restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and relationship to surrounding buildings.
Buildings shall be harmonious and consistent with permanent, neighboring development.
Design features: A minimum of one (1) of the following design features per story must be incorporated into the building elevation located immediately adjacent to a public street or roadway right-of-way:
Decorative masonry course integrated into the top edge of the masonry facade of a parapet wall;
Secondary cornice separating the ground floor from the second floor;
Quoins located at the building corners;
Transoms located above upper story windows;
Canopies meeting the following standards:
Canopies shall be constructed of a permanent metal material; and
Canopies shall extend along seventy-five (75) percent of the total building frontage for each portion of a wall facing a public street or roadway right-of-way.
Flat roofs shall be screened on all sides by parapet or mansard walls.
Pitched or gabled roofs shall contain a minimum 4:12 pitch (four (4) feet of rise for every twelve (12) feet of run).
Installed roofing shingles must consist of dimensional shingles with a minimum manufacturer's rating of twenty (20) years. Roofing systems or materials exceeding the standards established herein may be used pursuant to approval by the building official or his designee.
Refuse, mechanical equipment, and loading area screening.
Refuse containers or disposal areas shall not be located between the building and the street and shall be screened on three sides by construction of a masonry wall of sufficient height to fully screen said containers or disposal areas. Masonry walls shall be constructed of like and similar materials to those of the primary structure and shall be enclosed on the fourth side by an opaque gate.
Mechanical equipment is not permitted to be visible from the street and shall not be permitted between the building and the street. Mechanical equipment shall be fully screened in an opaque manner with a masonry wall (parapet or masonry walls are acceptable for mechanical equipment located on a roof) constructed of like and similar materials to those of the primary structure or by a vegetative screening wall as approved by the city and shown on the approved site plan.
Loading areas shall not be visible from a street and, when adjacent to residential uses, loading docks shall be fully screened by a full masonry wall constructed of like and similar materials to those of the primary structure, other buildings, or a vegetative screen as approved by the city and shown on the approved site plan.
Lighting may be used to accent architectural details, emphasize primary entrances, accent signs, illuminate sidewalks, and illuminate parking areas and service entrances for public safety concerns. Lighting shall meet the following criteria:
Light fixtures and light standards visible from a public street or public right-of-way shall be of an architectural design that is compatible with the architectural design of the primary structure.
Installed light sources may not use the equivalent of more than 1,200 lumens per bulb and shall be installed in such a manner so as to be shielded from public view and mitigate glare and light spill.
There shall be no direct illumination of any residential use or residential zoning district.
Lights shall be fully shielded to minimize light trespass onto any residential zoning district. "Fully shielded" shall mean a technique or method of construction or manufacture that does not allow any light dispersion to shine above the horizontal plane from the lowest light-emitting point of the light fixture. Any structural part of the light fixture providing this shielding shall be permanently affixed to the light fixture.
Minimum landscaping criteria.
At least five (5) percent of the lot, apart from the building footprint, shall be landscaped open areas with permeable surface coefficient of runoff equal to or less than 0.35, equally distributed in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Trees are required along any Freeway, Type AA Thoroughfare, Type A Thoroughfare, Type B Thoroughfare or Type C Thoroughfare as designated on the City of Willow Park thoroughfare plan, as amended, as follows:
Large shade trees with a minimum three (3) inch trunk diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground shall be installed with the total caliper inches equal to one (1) inch per ten (10) feet of frontage.
Ornamental trees with a minimum two (2) inch trunk diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground shall be provided with the total caliper inches equal to one (1) inch per each fifteen (15) feet of frontage.
At least sixty (60) percent of the required street trees shall be evergreen with year-round foliage.
At time of planting, a minimum of eight (8) feet shall be provided between a tree trunk and back of curb and between a tree trunk and any planned or existing underground public utility lines.
At time of planting, trees shall not be placed nearer than six (6) feet on center.
Required interior site landscaping.
Space for vehicle overhangs shall be provided in order to avoid damaging planted trees and shrubs.
Planter islands shall have a minimum width of eight (8) feet as measured from back-of-curb to back-of-curb or nine (9) feet as measured from edge-of-pavement to edge-of-pavement if no curb is provided. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the planter islands within the parking lot must contain at least one large shade tree with a minimum three (3) inch trunk diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground.
On structures without canopies, a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required minimum landscaping shall be symmetrically distributed around the structure. Said landscaping shall be installed within an planting bed extending a minimum of five (5) feet from the exterior wall and plant materials shall contain a minimum of the following plant materials:
One ornamental tree shall be installed for every fifty (50) linear feet of landscaped area or planting bed or fraction thereof with a minimum two (2) inch trunk diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground.
One (1) shrub shall be installed for each five (5) linear feet of landscaped area of planting bed or fraction thereof. Said shrubs shall be a minimum of five (5) gallons at the time of planting.
Screening of parking and traffic circulation areas required.
A landscaped screen with a maximum height of three (3) feet shall be provided to separate a surface parking area or driveway from the right-of-way. Landscaped screens shall consist of a combination of earthen berms and shrubbery hedges. Retaining walls may be used to facilitate berming if they are not visible from the street. Earthen berms and shrubbery hedges shall be designed with a curvilinear alignment.
The landscaped screen specified in subsection (g)(4)(A) above shall be located within a landscaped edge measuring a minimum of thirty (30) feet in width adjacent to the IH-20 right-of-way and a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width adjacent to any public street right-of-way other than that for IH-20.
Sidewalks, as required by the City of Willow Park subdivision ordinance, as may be amended from time to time, shall be designed with a curvilinear alignment that is in keeping and compatible with the landscaped edge required herein.
A mechanical irrigation system is required to serve all landscaped areas.
Landscaping plan.
A landscape plan shall be submitted to the city in conjunction with the required site plan. Said landscape plan shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect licensed by the State of Texas, professional landscape installer, or any other such person equally knowledgeable or qualified.
The following information must be included on the landscape plan:
The entire site to be landscaped, including the boundaries of the site with dimensions.
The type, size, owner, and recording information for all easements located within and immediately adjacent to the site.
The type and size of all utilities located within and immediately adjacent to the site (all appurtenances must also be shown - i.e. valves, cleanouts, hydrants).
The size in square footage and the percentage of the lot covered by the following:
All paving and buildings; and
All landscaped areas.
A schedule of the planting materials to be used - said schedule shall include the species (common and scientific names) to be used, the quantities of each plant materials, and the grade or quality of each plant material.
A calculation as to the runoff coefficient for the site.
All planting areas must be shown.
The location and type of each plant material proposed for the site.
The name, address, and seal (if applicable) of the person(s) responsible for preparing the landscape plan.
The date of original preparation and the date of the latest revisions.
The written and graphic scale of the drawing - a minimum scale of 1" = 100' shall be utilized (a smaller scale may be used if authorized by the city manager).
A location map showing the general location of the site at a scale of 1" = 2,000'.
An irrigation detail shall be prepared by a professional designer licensed by the State of Texas on a separate sheet showing the following:
A schedule of the irrigation heads proposed. Said schedule must show the type, brand, and size of each head.
The location and size of each line.
The proposed connection to the water system, including the proposed meter location and size.
The proposed location, size, and method of backflow prevention.
The name, seal, and signature of the person preparing the plan.
A calculation of the volume and pressure for each line.
Maintenance and installation.
It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agencies to ensure proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards established by this chapter, and as indicated on the landscape plan, which has been approved by the city. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris.
All landscaping required by the approved landscaping plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy permit if said permit is issued during a planting season, or within six (6) months of the date an occupancy permit is issued if issued during a non-planting season.
(Ordinance 507-04 adopted 1/26/2004; Ordinance 542-05 adopted 9/20/2005; Ordinance 575-08 adopted 6/16/2008; Ordinance 639-11 adopted 9/19/2011)