Contributions in aid of construction shall not be required of individual residential customers for production, storage, treatment or transmission facilities, except that developers of property to be ultimately subdivided into five (5) or more serviceable lots may be required to provide contributions in aid of construction in amounts to furnish the development with facilities compliant with the department of state health services, city ordinances or other regulatory authority minimum design criteria for production, storage, treatment or transmission facilities. The city may require developers to install facilities which exceed the minimum requirements for a specific subdivision. Such additional requirements will be based on the city's capital improvement plan and shall be coordinated with the developer, the city engineer, the public works director and the planning and zoning committee. The city shall reimburse the developer or share in the cost to the extent of the added cost of such added requirements. This policy shall be consistent and applied in a nondiscriminatory manner.
(Ordinance 904-24 adopted 5/14/2024)