This article is intended to ensure the provision of adequate public drainage facilities to serve new development in the city by requiring each such development to pay its pro rata share of the costs of stormwater drainage capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development.
(Ordinance 838-21 adopted 9/14/21)
This article is adopted pursuant to chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to limit the power of the city to utilize other methods authorized under state law or pursuant to other city powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution for or in conjunction with this article.
(Ordinance 838-21 adopted 9/14/21)
As used in this article, the following terms and phrases shall have the following meanings:
means the determination of the amount of the stormwater service unit rate that may be imposed on new development pursuant to this article as determined at the time specified in section 13.14.010 of this code.
Building permit
means with respect to buildings or premises within the corporate limits of the city, the general permit required by the construction codes adopted pursuant to section 3.03.001 of the Code of Ordinances.
means the City of Willow Park, Texas.
City council
means the city council of the City of Willow Park, Texas.
City manager
means the city manager for the City of Willow Park, Texas or designee.
means a credit equal to fifty (50) percent of the total projected cost of implementing the drainage capital improvements plan as is provided in the study.
means the department of public works for the City of Willow Park.
means the director of the department of public works for the City of Willow Park or designee.
means stormwater transported by or detained in features and improvements, whether natural or man-made, such as streets, curbs, bridges, catch basins, channels, conduits, creeks, culverts, detention ponds, ditches, draws, flumes, pipes, pumps, sloughs, treatment works, and any appurtenances, that use force or gravity to draw off surface water from land, carry the water away, collect, store, or treat the water, or divert the water into natural or man-made watercourses.
Drainage benefit area
means an area within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction that may reasonably connect to the city’s drainage system.
Drainage capital improvement or drainage impact fee improvement
means a drainage facility with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned or operated by or on behalf of the city.
Drainage capital improvement plan or drainage impact fee improvement plan
means the plan adopted by city council at least every ten years, as may be amended from time to time, identifying the drainage facilities and their associated costs, necessitated by and attributable to new development, to be financed in whole or in part through drainage impact fees imposed and collected pursuant to this article.
Drainage facility
means an improvement to land designed or utilized, in whole or part, for the purpose of collecting, storing, pumping or conveying stormwater drainage, including an existing facility, the capacity of which has been expanded to service new development. Drainage facility includes land, roads, easements or structures and all appurtenances associated with such facilities.
Drainage impact fee
means a fee imposed by the city council on new development to fund or reimburse the costs of stormwater drainage capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Drainage impact fees do not include requirements for the dedication or construction of rights-of-way or easements for such facilities, nor payment by persons receiving service from a drainage facility of connection charges imposed to reimburse a property owner for the costs of extending such drainage facility.
Drainage service area
means the area within the city’s corporate boundaries.
Drainage system
means the drainage and drainage facilities owned or controlled in whole or in part by the city, including provisions for additions to the system. Drainage system components, including but not limited to streets, sidewalks, other dedicated improvements, and supporting rights-of-way shall not be considered residential or nonresidential property as defined herein.
Effective date
means September 14, 2021.
Final plat approval or approval of final plat
means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval and the plat has been released for filing with the county clerk of Parker County.
Impervious surface or area
means any area that has been compacted or covered such that it does not readily absorb water or does not allow water to percolate through to undisturbed underlying soil strata. Surface materials considered impervious shall include, but not be limited to, bricks, pavers, concrete, asphalt, compacted oil-dirt, compacted or decomposed shale, oyster shell, gravel, or granite, and other similar materials. Surface features utilizing such materials and considered impervious shall include, but not be limited to, decks, foundations (whether pier and beam or slab), building roofs, parking and driveway areas, sidewalks, compacted or rolled areas, paved recreation areas, swimming pools, and other features or surfaces that are built or laid on the surface of the land and have the effect of increasing, concentrating, or otherwise altering water runoff so that flows are not readily absorbed.
New development
means the subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of stormwater service units.
means the amount of the reduction of a drainage impact fee, determined under this article, that is equal to the value of a drainage facility or portion thereof included in the drainage impact fee improvement plan and is constructed or financed by a property owner without reimbursement from other city funds.
means the plan or map of a subdivision to be filed for record with the county clerk in the county in which the property is located. Plat includes a replat but excludes a development plat.
Property owner
means the owner in fee of a tract or parcel of land upon which new development is to be located, or his authorized representative.
Stormwater service unit
means 1,000 square feet of impervious surface or area rounded to the nearest ten square feet for purposes of impact fee calculation.
Stormwater service unit rate
means the drainage impact fee that the city charges per stormwater service unit within the drainage service area.
means the 2020 Stormwater Impact Fee Study performed by the city engineer, Jacob & Martin LLC and presented to the Willow Park city council on December 8, 2020, which sets forth the capital improvement plan, the land use assumptions and the basis for calculation of the stormwater service unit rate, which is incorporated herein as though set out in full and is on file in the city secretary’s office.
(Ordinance 838-21 adopted 9/14/21)
The impact fees for stormwater drainage have been reviewed, evaluated, and, after providing a credit as is required by chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, are hereby adopted and approved and shall be imposed against new development in order to generate revenues for funding or recouping the costs of drainage facilities or drainage capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development in the following rate: $34.74 per stormwater service unit.
Except as otherwise provided herein, each new development within the city’s drainage service area shall pay a drainage impact fee for drainage facilities necessitated by and attributable to that development as provided in division 2 of this article. Drainage impact fees shall be assessed against and collected from new development on the basis of the number of stormwater service units in the drainage service area in which the property is located.
The maximum drainage impact fee per stormwater service unit assessed against a new development is provided in the drainage impact fee improvement plan provided in the study. The stormwater service unit rates shall never exceed the maximum drainage impact fee per stormwater service unit.
The city council may amend drainage impact fees to be collected from new developments without amending the stormwater service unit rates or drainage impact fee improvement plan adopted herein, so long as the impact fees to be collected do not exceed the maximum drainage impact fees per stormwater service unit that may be assessed for such facilities.
The study is hereby approved by the city council and is incorporated herein as though set out in full.
(Ordinance 838-21 adopted 9/14/21)
The department shall keep, update, and make available to the public maps of the drainage service area. The drainage service area may be amended from time to time as part of a new or amended drainage impact fee improvement plan. When the city’s corporate limits are altered by annexation, the land so annexed shall become part of the drainage service area.
At the time of assessment, the director shall determine the appropriate drainage service area for the new development based on the developer’s application and the map(s) attached to the most recent land use assumptions adopted by city council.
(Ordinance 838-21 adopted 9/14/21)