[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Buchanan 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-02. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The procedures set forth under § 66.080(3), Wis. Stats., may be used for the collection of arrearages for electric service provided to Town of Buchanan residents by Kaukauna Utilities.
Kaukauna Utilities staff is responsible for creating an accurate billing file compatible with Outagamie County's requirements for special charges and special assessments.
If the billing file is rejected by Outagamie County for any reason, it is the responsibility of Kaukauna Utilities to correct the file and resend it to Town of Buchanan.
Any billing errors are the responsibility of Kaukauna Utilities to resolve.
The Town of Buchanan will not advance any funds for the delinquent account balances; amounts will be paid to Kaukauna Utilities only when fully collected by the Town of Buchanan through the tax collection.