[Code of Bylaws, § 2-3; Bylaws Art. 7 § 1, 11-12-1940]
The duties of the commissioners of cemeteries are hereby incorporated by reference, inasmuch as they are completely set forth in the General Laws of this commonwealth, with such adaptations as may be necessary to meet local requirements.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-4; Bylaws Art. 7 § 1, 11-12-1940]
The duties of the town collector are hereby incorporated by reference, inasmuch as they are completely set forth in the General Laws of this commonwealth, with such adaptations as may be necessary to meet local requirements.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-5; Bylaws Art. 15 § 1, 11-12-1940; Bylaws Art. 32, 5-1-2001]
The school committee may dispose of personal property in its custody when it is deemed advisable and in the best interest of the town.
All other town officers, boards or departments may dispose of such personal property in their custody when they deem it advisable and in the interest of the town, after such disposition shall be approved and authorized in writing by the board of selectmen.
If, in the judgment of any officer, board, or department, the value of property to be disposed of by sale exceeds $100.00, the property shall be advertised in a newspaper published in the town and bids shall be requested.
The proceeds from any sale shall be paid to the treasurer forthwith.
Every officer, board or department shall include in its annual report a list of property sold pursuant to this section, the amount received therefrom, and the name of the purchaser.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-6; Bylaws Art. 15 § 2, 3-8-1952; Bylaws Art. 4, 4-5-1980; Bylaws Art. 16, 4-6-1985; Bylaws Art. 17, 5-7-1991; Bylaws Art. 51, 5-5-2009]
No contract for the purchase of equipment, supplies, or materials, the actual or estimated cost of which amounts to $25,000 or more except in cases of special emergency involving the health and safety of the people or their property, shall be awarded unless proposals for same have been invited by advertisements in at least one newspaper, such publication to be at least one week before the time specified for the opening of such proposals. Such advertisement shall state the time and place for opening the proposals in answer to such advertisement, and shall reserve to the town the right to reject any or all proposals on any reasonable basis.
All United States, commonwealth and town of Millbury flags purchased shall be manufactured in the United States.
All such proposals shall be opened in public within a reasonable time. No bill or contract shall be split or divided for the purpose of evading any provisions of this section and the results of the bidding shall be published in the same manner provided for proposals.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-7; Bylaws Art. 28, 6-5-1978; Bylaws Art. 33, 5-1-2001]
If any person appointed to serve as a member of a multiple member body shall fail to attend five or more consecutive regular meetings, or one-half or more of all of the meetings of such body held in one calendar year, the remaining members of the multiple member body may, by a majority vote of the remaining members of such body, declare the office to be vacant; provided, however, that not less than 10 days prior to the date said vote is scheduled to be taken, the body has given in hand, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, notice of such proposed or pending vote to the last known address of such person.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-8; Bylaws Art. 27, 5-5-1992; Bylaws Art. 17, 5-7-1996]
Warrant articles appropriating funds shall be closed at the end of the second fiscal year following an annual town meeting and at the end of 24 months following a special town meeting, except building construction articles which shall be closed 90 days following acceptance of the building.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provision for the closure of appropriations, no such appropriation shall be closed if, at the time specified herein, rights of any party or parties have vested through borrowing, contractual obligation or otherwise, or there are outstanding unresolved claims related to the project or undertaking which is the subject matter of the appropriation.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-9; Bylaws Art. 45, 5-5-1998]
The town will purchase products made of recycled content in lieu of virgin products, whenever they are readily available at the same quality and same or less price.
[Code of Bylaws, § 2-10; Bylaws Art. 29, 5-2-2006]
No property shall be taken by eminent domain, by or in the name of the town of Millbury, by any board or officers authorized under M.G.L. ch. 79 and/or 121B to adopt an order of taking, except where such property is taken for a public purpose. No such taking shall be made if the primary or a significant purpose of such taking is to aid or promote the development of real property for privately owned industrial, commercial, business, or housing purposes. No such taking shall be made until an appropriation by loan or otherwise for the general purpose for which land is needed has been made by a two-thirds vote of town meeting; nor shall a price be paid in excess of such appropriation, unless a larger sum is awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction.