The Village Board makes the following legislative findings relating to public hearings:
Public hearings should be conducted in an orderly, timely, and efficient manner.
Public input is important and should be encouraged.
Meetings to be public. All public hearings shall be conducted in the Village Hall or in such other public place as may be selected by the body conducting the hearing.
Notice of meetings. Notice of public hearings shall be given as provided for in Division 2 of this article.
Presiding officer for joint meeting. In the event the public hearing involves both the Plan Commission and the Village Board, the Village President shall be the presiding officer.
The presiding officer conducting the public hearing may follow the following procedure listed in this section as a general guideline. For matters of little complexity or controversy, the presiding officer may adjust the procedures as appropriate.
Announce the purpose and subject of the public hearing.
Determine whether public notice as required by this chapter has been provided. If notice has not been provided, the hearing shall be postponed until such time as proper notice has been provided.
Ask if any member of the body conducting the public hearing has a conflict of interest in regard to the matter being discussed and excuse those who do.
Ask if any member of the body conducting the public hearing believes another member has a conflict of interest in regard to the matter being discussed. If so, and following a discussion of the alleged conflict of interest, the members (except the member with the alleged conflict) shall determine by vote whether a reasonable person may conclude that the member has a conflict of interest and should be removed from the pending decision.
Ask the applicant to describe the proposal.
Ask the staff to present a staff report, if required.
Allow members of the body conducting the public hearing to direct questions to the applicant and staff, if present.
Ask for statements from the public.
Read aloud written comments which were submitted when the individual submitting the comments is not in attendance.
Call for discussion of the members of the body conducting the public hearing during which time they may ask questions of a member of the public, the applicant, and the staff, if present.
Ask the applicant if he or she wishes to:
Respond to any comment made by an individual during the proceeding;
Submit additional information;
Amend the application; or
Request a continuance.
Announce that the body shall not accept any additional comment from the applicant or any member of the public once the public hearing is closed.
Ask for a motion and second to close the public hearing.
Prior to start of public hearing. In the event the applicant or the applicant's agent is not present for the public hearing, the body conducting the public hearing may authorize a continuance.
During a public hearing. Prior to the close of the public hearing, the applicant may request a continuance and the body conducting the public hearing may agree to the continuance upon a showing of good cause. Likewise, the body conducting the public hearing may ask the applicant for a continuance, but the applicant is not required to grant such request. If the applicant does not grant a continuance, the body shall act on the information at its disposal.
Effect. A continuance stops the time clock for making a decision.
Notice requirements. A public hearing may be continued to a later date without again providing public notice, provided that the location, date, time for the continued hearing are announced at the time of the continuance.
Time limitations on public comment. The presiding officer may impose a time limit on members of the public who wish to address the body conducting the public hearing to assure completion of the agenda in a timely manner. Under no circumstance shall such time limit be less than three minutes.
Written comment. Prior to the close of the public hearing, members of the public may submit written comments to the body conducting the public hearing. Such documents shall be retained and made part of the public record for the proceeding.