There is hereby created and established a police department of the city.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 1, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.10)
The police department of the city shall consist of one chief of police and such additional policemen as the city council may from time to time deem necessary and proper.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 2, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.11)
The chief of police and other members of the police department shall be appointed by the mayor by and with the advice and consent of the city council.
The appointment of a chief of police or of any policeman shall be made and entered in the minutes of the city council at any regular or special meeting of the city council, and the commission issued to such chief of police or policeman shall become effective after the same has been signed by the mayor and such appointment has been entered in the minutes.
(Ordinance 101, secs. 3, 6, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.12)
The police chief and all members of the police department shall take and subscribe to the official oath prescribed by the constitution of the state, and shall give surety bond for faithful performance of duties, payable to the city, in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), the premium for which shall be paid by the city.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 4, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.13)
After taking and subscribing to the oath of office and giving bond as provided in section 2.04.034 of this division, a commission shall be issued to the appointee in the following form:
I, __________, Mayor of the City of Elkhart, Texas reposing confidence in the ability, integrity, fidelity and loyalty of __________, do hereby, upon authority of the City Council of said City of Elkhart, appoint the said __________ in and for said City of Elkhart, with all the rights, privileges, authority and duties of a peace officer conferred by the laws of the State of Texas and the ordinances of said City of Elkhart.
Done at Elkhart, Texas, this __________day of __________, 19_____.
Mayor, City of Elkhart, Texas
(Ordinance 101, sec. 5, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.14)
A metallic badge, identifying the police chief and each policeman as a member of the police department, shall be issued to each member of the police department.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 8, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.16)
The chief of police shall be the chief police officer of the city, and as such shall have supervision over the other members of the police department.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 9, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.17)
The members of the police department shall receive such compensation as the city council may from time to time determine.
(Ordinance 101, sec. 10, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.18; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
It is the duty of every member of the police department to preserve the peace within the limits of the city, and to effect this purpose the office may use all lawful means. He may interfere without warrant to suppress or prevent crime.
Every member of the police department shall have authority:
To execute warrants of arrest or other process issued out of the municipal court in the city.
To arrest without warrant in all cases where authorized by the laws of the state.
To arrest without warrant when offenses against the laws or ordinances are committed in his or their presence, or where persons are found in suspicious places, and under circumstances which reasonably show that such persons have been guilty of some felony or breach of the peace, or threaten or are about to commit some offense against the law.
(Ordinance 101, secs. 11, 12, adopted 4/25/83; 1984 Code, sec. 12.19)