A department is hereby created within the framework of the governmental organization of the city, which shall be known as the library department, and it shall function according to the laws of the state and the provisions of this enactment.
(1984 Code, sec. 11.1; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
The city hereby accepts all gifts and donations of books and equipment heretofore made for the city’s public library, with grateful thanks to the donors both of books and time, and it is ordained that such books and equipment, together with such additions as may be made from time to time, shall constitute and form the books and equipment of the public library.
(1984 Code, sec. 11.2)
There is hereby created the Board of Trustees, Elkhart Public Library, and such board shall administer and supervise the operation of the public library and any branches thereof as may be hereafter established by the council. Such board may formulate such rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary for the orderly use of the library facilities and in governing the performance of duties of the library employees and personnel.
Membership; terms.
The board of trustees of the public library shall consist of seven members, to be appointed by the city council for the term of two years; provided, however, that of the first seven (7) appointments made under this section, four (4) shall be appointed for two (2) years and three (3) shall be appointed for one (1) year; and thereafter four (4) shall be appointed during even-numbered years and three (3) shall be appointed during odd-numbered years for said two (2) year terms. The initial terms under this enactment shall commence to run from the date of enactment of this section.
The board of trustees shall have no power to obligate the city in any manner whatsoever. Its finances shall be handled in the same manner as any division of the city government.
(1984 Code, secs. 11.3–11.5)