It shall be unlawful for anyone in the city limits to build or construct a driveway located within ten (10) feet of a fire plug.
(1984 Code, sec. 6.150)
Any land owner or any other person shall not be allowed an access driveway onto any state highway or city street located within the corporate limits of the city, unless and until he has obtained a permit to construct an access driveway to a state highway, issued by the city secretary and approved by the authorized representative of the state department of transportation, stating that the proposed access driveway shall comply in all respects to the state regulations for access driveways to state highways.
(1984 Code, sec. 14.30; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
This section is and shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the city under the authority of the laws of the state, for the purpose of public safety and comfort and to protect the health, life and general welfare of the citizens of the city and the general public using the streets and highways within the city limits; all of the provisions hereof shall be construed for the accomplishment of that purpose.
Authority to place barricades, reroute traffic, etc.
The maintenance department of the city and the state department of transportation and/or the contractors of the city or department of transportation, when performing surveys, maintenance, repairs, construction, and/or reconstruction in, under, over, across, or upon the highways and streets or adjacent thereto, situated within the city, are hereby authorized and empowered as follows:
To place, to erect, or cause to be placed or erected barricades and/or warning signs on all approaches on such streets or highways, including side streets, to areas or sections where maintenance, repair, construction and/or reconstruction is being carried on, at a distance from such areas sufficient to warn the operators of motor vehicles of such areas and danger.
To place, erect, or cause to be placed or erected such warning signs and devices, as well as signs or instructions, in and along such construction route and area calculated to warn traveling motorists and operators of motor vehicles of any danger.
To place, erect, or cause to be placed or erected signs designating speed zones to the approach and through the area where the construction or work is being carried on. Such speed zones to be determined under engineering studies calculated to expedite traffic at a safe speed. In no case shall such speed zones exceed the prima facie maximum speed limit normally in effect.
To place, erect, or cause to be erected “no parking” signs in and along the route where maintenance, repairs, construction and/or reconstruction is being conducted and/or on detour routes when it is determined by the city or the state department of transportation, whichever such work is being conducted under, that parking will interfere with the work and/or the safety flow of the traffic. The “no parking” signs may contain a specified time period during which the restrictions are in effect.
To use flagmen on the approaches in and about the construction area for the purpose of controlling traffic. When flagmen are utilized they are hereby authorized to direct, control, stop and instruct operators of motor vehicles to proceed, with full authority as though said flagman was a law enforcement officer of the city.
To take any and all steps deemed necessary to protect the lives, health and property of both the workmen and the operators of motor vehicles utilizing said street or highways including rerouting such traffic across and upon other adjacent streets within the city limits.
Where the work is being carried on by a contractor or subcontractor of either the city or the state department of transportation, such contractor and/or subcontractor shall exercise the authorization herein granted subject to the approval and regulation of the city or the department of transportation, whichever one the work is being conducted under.
The determination by the city or the state department of transportation, whichever the work is being conducted by or under their supervision, as to the size, location, and/or arrangement of the signs, barricades, and/or flagmen authorized herein shall be discretionary.
Obedience by drivers.
It shall be unlawful for any driver or operator of any motor vehicle, across and upon the streets or highways of the city, within the city limits, to disobey any warning signs and barricades in and along and about any area where maintenance, repair, construction and/or reconstruction is being conducted in, under, over, across and upon the streets or highways within the city limits.
The operator or driver shall operate his vehicle at a speed not to exceed the temporary posted prima facie maximum speed limit;
Such operator of motor vehicles shall obey the directions of all flagmen on duty in such area, stop when signaled to do so and proceed in a safe and prudent manner with signal to proceed;
When “no parking” signs are posted or displayed no person or persons shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicles whether attended or unattended along or upon any street or highway where maintenance, repairs, construction and/or reconstruction is being carried on, or along any street or highway that is being used as a detour route, whether men are working or not (unless the “no parking” sign states a specific time period that such restriction is in effect).
When any city police officer, the city secretary, the mayor or a councilman finds or is informed that a vehicle is parked or stopped in a posted “no parking” area as stated above, such official shall cause such illegally parked vehicle to be removed by wrecker and such wrecker charges or any storage charges shall be paid to the wrecker service by the owner before vehicle is released.
This parking restriction shall not apply to any vehicle being used in the repair, construction and/or reconstruction operations or any vehicle being used or operated by persons in a supervisory capacity or operating in any official capacity in connection with the work being carried on.
(1984 Code, secs. 14.40–14.42; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)