This division provides a mechanism and policy for the city council to authorize the mayor to execute cost sharing agreements with owners of property who request that the city extend water and/or wastewater service to property within the city limits or the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Subject to availability of funds appropriated during the current fiscal year budget for such purpose, the city council may authorize the mayor to enter into cost sharing agreements with owners of property regarding the extension of water and/or wastewater service, with the cost of such extension shared by the city and the owner according to a cost sharing formula agreed upon by the city and the owner.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. I, adopted 2/4/19)
Pursuant to this division, when the city elects to construct the water and wastewater improvements, the owner must provide the city, at the time of execution of the cost sharing agreement, with cash, a certified or cashier’s check, or a letter of credit in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the owner’s share of the estimated cost of the project, as determined by the city’s director of public works.
At its discretion, the city may agree, pursuant to a cost sharing agreement with the owner of property within the city limits or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, that the owner shall construct the water and/or wastewater improvements by the owner hiring its own contractor. In such an event, the contractor shall be approved by the city and shall design and construct any such improvements concerning the extension of service pursuant to all applicable city codes, laws, policies and regulations.
Should the owner and city agree that the extension of water and/or wastewater improvements constructed pursuant to this division shall be done by a contractor hired by owner, no such construction of the improvements shall commence until such time as design and construction specifications are submitted to the city and approved by the city’s director of public works and engineer.
When the city council authorizes the execution of a cost sharing agreement, and it is agreed that the city will construct such improvements, the city will perform all design work, bidding and construction work using city staff or contracted services, except when the city elects, under subsection (b) of this section, to have the owner construct the improvements.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. II, adopted 2/4/19)
An owner applying for a cost sharing agreement shall provide the city with all on-site easements necessary for the project for which cost sharing is sought. The owner shall make a reasonable effort to secure all necessary off-site easements required by the project. If the owner cannot reasonably require all necessary off-site easements, the city will use its best efforts to acquire the necessary off-site easements for the proposed project using its eminent domain authority, where necessary. For purposes of this policy, acquisition costs of off-site easements obtained by the city shall be deemed to be “shared costs” between the city and the owner. The city reserves the right to withdraw any cost sharing agreement under this policy if the city determines, in its discretion, that the cost of acquiring any necessary off-site easements is prohibitively expensive.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. III, adopted 2/4/19)
The city council reserves the right to refuse to extend water and/or wastewater service pursuant to this division when it determines, in its sole discretion, the following:
The extension of the proposed water and/or wastewater service is not cost effective due to location, topography or other conditions, or the capacity of the city’s existing water and/or wastewater facilities is not adequate to provide such service;
The condition of the city’s water and/or wastewater fund does not warrant additional expenditures for water and/or wastewater service at such time;
The proposed extension is contrary to a policy previously approved by the city council regarding its water and/or wastewater service, any comprehensive master zoning plan, or other development policies adopted by the city council, as those policies may currently exist or be amended in the future;
It is determined by the city council that the owner lacks the financial resources or responsibility to complete the proposed extension of water and/or wastewater services.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. IV, adopted 2/4/19)
An owner seeking to enter into a cost sharing agreement for the extension of water and/or wastewater service shall make application to the city. The application shall be in a form approved by the city, and shall include, at a minimum, the following:
A drawing or description, as best known to the owner, regarding the location of existing water and wastewater facilities capable of servicing the property and the location of the proposed extension of water and/or wastewater service;
Whether the proposed extension of water and/or wastewater service requires additional on-site easements dedicated to the city, [and] a statement by the owner that he/she will secure such easements at the applicant’s costs and submit the same to the city at the time a cost sharing agreement is entered into between the city and the owner;
A calculation of the estimated number of feet of water and/or wastewater lines required to bring service to the proposed property;
A statement that the owner will comply with this division by depositing with the city, at the time a cost sharing agreement is executed, a sum equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the applicant’s share of costs as determined by the city; and
The applicant’s name, and the name of all current owners of the property to be served. If the owner of the property is a corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity, the application must disclose the names of all owners or partners making up such business. Identification of any and all such owners is necessary to assist the city council in performing a conflict of interest analysis.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. V, adopted 2/4/19)
The mayor is authorized to execute and may approve cost sharing agreements with an owner under the terms of this division upon city council approval. City council approval of cost sharing agreements is required in all cases.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. VI, adopted 2/4/19)
This policy applies to property within the city limits and the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. VII, adopted 2/4/19)
Any and all improvements concerning water and/or wastewater service that may be constructed by an owner pursuant to a cost sharing agreement with the city shall be dedicated to the city once the improvements are completed and such service is provided to the property. Such dedication shall allow for the city to perform any and all necessary work concerning the water and/or wastewater regarding the improvements in question, which may include, but are not limited to, operating, repairing, maintaining, rebuilding and/or replacing any such improvements concerning the property in question.
Any and all easements obtained in providing water and/or wastewater service to a property the subject of any cost sharing agreement as provided herein shall be dedicated to the city and shall be perpetual and exist as long as the city has the authority and necessary to perform any such act as relative to the service and infrastructure in question.
(Ordinance 02042019-4, sec. VIII, adopted 2/4/19)